

Study on the Health Assessment and Management Model of Protective Forest in Typical Basin of Beijing Mountaionus Area

【作者】 马志林

【导师】 陈丽华;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 生态环境工程, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本论文是沿着导师陈丽华教授提出的“将传统中医对人体疾病综合考察、辨证施治、全身心调节的诊断和治疗理念合理迁移到森林健康诊断(健康评价)和治疗(健康经营)中,构建森林健康诊断和治疗一体化经营模式”,这一森林健康经营新理念展开的。本文在系统科学、景观生态学、中医学等学科理论指导下,构建了森林健康诊疗一体化经营模式的理论框架,选取朝关西沟流域防护林、半城子流域防护林、土门西沟流域防护林三个北京山区典型小流域防护林开展模式实践研究。以样地调查、二类调查和流域遥感图像等数据资料为基础,构建小流域防护林健康评价模型,分别从不同尺度和不同子系统对流域防护林健康进行评价研究;依据评价结果提出针对不同尺度、不同评价系统的防护林健康经营策略。通过森林健康理论和实践研究,旨在探索一种新的小流域防护林健康经营理念和方法。本文主要研究结果与结论如下:(1)借鉴中医“对疾病进行综合考察,辨证施治,立方用药,全身心调节。”的理念,提出森林健康诊疗一体化模式,该模式提倡将森林健康诊断和健康治疗充分综合,实现有目的的诊断和有针对的治疗。模式主要涉及内容包括:森林主要疾病分析,评价尺度,评价原则,评价程序,评价标准,评价方法,评价指标体系,治疗原则,治疗措施。(2)构建小流域防护林小班尺度健康评价指标体系,包括结构完整性、系统稳定性和群落活力性3个评价子系统和11个评价指标。构建小流域防护林景观尺度健康评价指标体系,包括防护林体系完整性、景观格局和景观功能3个评价子系统和11个评价指标。(3)参照人体健康评价等级,将流域防护林健康分为五级,优质、健康、亚健康、不健康、疾病。采用定性和定量的方法制定评价指标标准。(4)采用Delphi法+层次分析法得到评价指标权重。小班尺度评价指标权重向量:景观尺度评价指标权重向量:(5)对小流域防护林现状分析研究。分析各流域防护林总体状况和不同地形地貌防护林分布。按优势树种和土地利用类型划分流域景观类型,朝关西沟流域12个半城子流域14个,土门西沟流域9个。分析各流域景观要素结构和景观空间格局,研究结果表明森林景观具有明显控制作用,是各个小流域景观的主体。(6)采用模糊综合评价法对各流域防护林健康状况进行了评价,评价结果如下:小班尺度:朝关西沟流域,亚健康小班数量24个,优质和疾病都为3个,健康6个,不健康4个。半城子流域,亚健康小班数量151个,优质24个,疾病8个健康61个,不健康65个。土门西沟流域,亚健康小班数量11个,优质2个,疾病3个,健康和不健康均为6个。景观尺度:朝关西沟流域防护林隶属健康等级,综合健康指数H为5.9434。其中,防护林体系完整性子系统隶属于亚健康等级、景观格局子系统隶属于优质等级、景观功能子系统隶属于健康等级。半城子流域防护林隶属亚健康等级,综合健康指数H为5.6408。其中,防护林体系完整性子系统隶属于亚健康等级、景观格局子系统隶属于优质等级、景观功能子系统隶属于健康等级。土门西沟防护林隶属亚健康等级,综合健康指数H为5.3995。其中,防护林体系完整性子系统隶属于健康等级、景观格局子系统隶属于优质等级、景观功能子系统隶属于不健康等级。(7)根据流域景观尺度评价结果,针对各流域景观功能子系统健康指数偏低的现状,采用多目标优化模型调整流域景观格局;确定在现有景观类型和面积基础上以景观功能提高为目标的调整策略。(8)综合两个尺度健康评价结果,探讨了小流域健康档案的建立和健康经营措施的选择;并提出了小流域防护林健康经营目标—持续高效发挥水源涵养和水土保持功能,合理配置林种、树种,注重流域景观的多样性。

【Abstract】 The study is based on a new concept of forests health management created by Professor Chen who insists on constructing an integration model of diagnoses and treatment for forest health by borrowing the following ideas from the traditional Chinese herbal treatment, such as comprehensive observation, treatment of complications, using traditional Chinese medicine in comprehensive ways, psychological adjustment of the whole body.The author sets up a conceptual framework for constructing the model by integrating diagnose and treatment of forests health under the guidance of following scientific theories:Chinese medicals, systematic science and landscape ecology. The practical study was carried on in the following three typical protective forest system in gulled-hilly region in Beijing:Chaoguan west valley, Ban Chenzi and Tumen west valley. The evaluation indices system and the comprehensive evaluation model are established based on the data from the investigation of plot, the investigation of two types, remote-sensing images, etc. to protective forest system in gulled-hilly region. Based on the theatrical and practical studies above, the target of the study is to create concepts and methods for health management towards protective forest system in gulled-hilly region.(1) By borrowing from Chinese medicals ideas such as:"treating the deceases through comprehensive observation, treatment of complications with Chinese medicine, using traditional Chinese medicine in comprehensive ways, psychological adjustment of the whole body", the essay puts forward the forests health model by integrating diagnose and treatment, which includes the analysis for major deceases of forests, the standard, the degree, the procedure, the standard, the methods and the ratio system of evaluation for major deceases of forests, together with the principle and measures for treatment towards the deceases of forests.(2) The health evaluation ratio system for protective forest system in gulled-hilly region scale, which composes three evaluation sub-system, such as the completion of the structure, the stability of the system, dynamic among the groups, couple with 11 ratio for evaluation. Establishing health evaluation ratio system for protective forest system in gulled-hilly with landscape scale includes such 3 sub-systems as the completion for shelter forests, patterns and functions of Landscape, as well as 11 ratio for evaluation.(3) The author grades the health situation of protective forests in watershed as the following 5 levels:excellent, healthy, sub-healthy, unhealthy and sick. The standards for evaluation ratio system were established by using the quantities and qualities methods. (4) The evaluation ratio coefficient is obtained by adopting level analysis methods. difference vectors of evaluation in small class scale: difference vectors of evaluation in landscape scale:(5) The author conducts the analysis and study to the present situation of protective forest system in gulled-hilly regions. He also carries on an analysis to the general state and different geographic features of protective forests in different watershed. The watershed landscape were classified depending the dominant tree species and the types of land use. In the way, the Chaoguan west valley has 12 types of landscape, Ban Chenzi has 14 and Tumen west valley has 9. By analyzing the structure of landscape elements and landscape pattern, it is suggested that forests landscape composes the main part of the landscape of Gulled-Hilly Region, performing the main functions of the landscape in this type of landscape.(6) The results of assessing forest health by applying the methods of Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation are as follows:For the small class scale:25 small classes of sub-health in the Chaoguan west valley,3 for excellent and 3 for sick,6 for health and 4 for unhealthy. For Ban Chenzi valley:151 for sub-health,24 for excellent,8 for sick,61 for healthy and 65 for unhealthy. For Tumen west valley:11 for sub-health, 2 for excellent,3 for sick and 6 for healthy and 6 for unhealthy.For the landscape scale:The protective forests of Chaoguan west valley was at the level of health with the comprehensive healthy index value of 5.9434. The evaluation of subsystem:Hc1 was at the level of sub-health, Hc2 was at the level of excellent, Hc3 was at the level of health.The protective forests of Ban Chenzi valley was at the level of sub-health with the comprehensive healthy index value of 5.6408.The evaluation of subsystem:Hb1 was at the level of sub-health, Hb2 was at the level of excellent, Hb3 was at the level of health.The protective forests of Tumen west valley was at the level of sub-health with the comprehensive healthy index value of 5.3995.The evaluation of subsystem:Ht1 was at the level of health, Ht2 was at the level of excellent, Ht3 was at the level of unhealth.(7) In order to improve the landscape functions of protective forests, multi-objective optimization model was applied to adjust the landscape pattern in watershed area, with the consideration of the present situation of the landscape types and the areas of landscape.(8) According to the obtained results, we try to set up the document about the health conditions of the protective forest system in gulled-hilly region and the measures for the forest health management. The goal of the forest health management for the protective forest system in gulled-hilly region has been put forward as follows:keeping the functions of the protective forest system as water and soil conservation, water resources conservation, confirming the suitable ways of the trees species allocations and the diversities of landscape if different drainage areas.
