

Study on Selection of Drought-Resistance Plants and Mulching Technique at Langzhuo Highway in Hebei Province

【作者】 谭雪红

【导师】 周心澄; 郭小平;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 工程绿化, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文以河北省廊涿高速公路为例,盆栽试验与野外实验相结合为该公路中央隔离带和边坡绿化筛选抗旱性植物,并分析了陶粒覆盖抗旱技术对土壤温度、含水量及植物光合作用的影响,为该公路选择适宜绿化植物及地表覆盖技术提供理论参考。主要研究结论如下:(1)中央隔离带绿化5种候选植物在水分胁迫下大叶黄杨、紫叶小檗的表观形态变化最大,侧柏、小叶黄杨变化较小。大叶黄杨的ΨL、Gs、Ci、Pn、Tr、WUE、Fo、Fv、Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo在水分胁迫下的平均变化速率最大,紫叶小檗的Fm平均变化速率最大,侧柏各指标的变化速率均较小。边坡绿化5候选植物在水分胁迫下肥皂草、太行菊的表观形态变化最大,八宝景天、马蔺变化较小,太行菊的ΨL、Ci、WUE、Fo、Fv/Fm在水分胁迫下的平均变化速率最大,肥皂草的Pn、Tr、Gs、Fv、Fv/Fo平均变化速率最大,八宝景天各指标的平均变化速率均较小。对每种植物建立了所测指标与土壤含水量之间的回归方程。(2)根据水分胁迫下Gs和Ci变化方向的差异判断W1为大叶黄杨光合作用的降低由气孔限制转为非气孔因素的分界线,其光合器官已受损,W2为紫叶小檗、小叶黄杨的分界线,W3为月季、侧柏分界线。八宝景天、马蔺以W3作为分界线,五叶地锦、肥皂草和太行菊以W2为分界线。CK时,大叶黄杨的WUE最高,月季、小叶黄杨、侧柏在W2时最高,紫叶小檗在W1时最高。八宝景天、马蔺在W2时WUE最高,五叶地锦、肥皂草和太行菊在W1时最高。植物WUE最高时的土壤含水量越低,抗旱性越强。根据植物的光合器官受损分界线和WUE最高时的控水程度,可初步判断中央隔离带5种植物大叶黄杨的抗旱性较差,侧柏、月季的抗旱性较强。边坡5种植物八宝景天、马蔺抗旱性较强,而五叶地锦、肥皂草和太行菊抗旱性较弱。(3)以各种植物在水分胁迫下变化速率为原始数据,利用主成分分析法综合评价了供试植物的抗旱性。中央隔离带5种候选植物抗旱性大小排序为:侧柏>小叶黄杨>月季>紫叶小檗>大叶黄杨,聚类分析结果为:侧柏、小叶黄杨、月季为抗旱性较强的植物,紫叶小檗为抗旱性中等的植物,大叶黄杨为抗旱性较差的植物。边坡绿化5种候选植物抗旱性大小排序为:八宝景天>马蔺>五叶地锦>太行菊>肥皂草。聚类分析结果为:八宝景天、马蔺为抗旱性较强的植物,五叶地锦为抗旱性中等的植物,太行菊、肥皂草为抗旱性较差的植物。(4)分析了廊涿高速公路试验路段的气象因子及裸地土壤含水量,表明水分是本区植物存活和生长的主要限制因子。中央隔离带5种候选植物野外种植在水分亏缺状态下WUE日均值排序为:侧柏>小叶黄杨>月季>紫叶小檗>大叶黄杨。存活率排序为:侧柏>小叶黄杨>月季>紫叶小檗>大叶黄杨。边坡绿化5种候选植物野外种植水分亏缺状态下WUE日均值排序为:八宝景天>马蔺>五叶地锦>太行菊>肥皂草,存活率排序为:八宝景天>马蔺>五叶地锦>太行菊>肥皂草。10种植物的野外试验结果和盆栽抗旱性综合评价保持了一致性。(5)从0cm到15cm土层,陶粒覆盖对土壤温度的影响随着土层的加深而减弱,夏季陶粒覆盖减弱日变化幅度效果明显,但对日均值影响较小,对5cm以上的浅土层表现为降温作用,15cm处表现为升温作用,M2的保温效果好于M1。陶粒覆盖增大了土壤含水量,减弱了不同土层、不同月份之间的差距,M2效果好于M1;从10cm土层到60cm土层,土壤含水量的排序均为M2>M1>MD,随着土层的加深,陶粒覆盖对土壤含水量的影响逐渐降低,越干旱的月份,陶粒覆盖保水效果越明显。(6)陶粒覆盖对月季、大叶黄杨的Pn、Tr、WUE均产生了影响,提高了月季、大叶黄杨的Pn、Tr日均值,使其日变化峰值出现时间发生变化,但对WUE影响要远远小于对Pn、Tr的影响,M2对植物光合的影响大于M1。陶粒覆盖通过对植物光合作用的影响,从而影响植物生长,大大提高了紫叶小檗、侧柏、小叶黄杨、大叶黄杨、月季五种植物的成活率,增加了植物的地径、株高增长量,M2的效果均好于Ml(7)通过本文研究结果,本人认为中央隔离带的绿化植物材料应选侧柏,小叶黄杨和月季。边坡绿化植物应选八宝景天、马蔺和五叶地锦。考虑经济成本,一层陶粒覆盖(M1)即可达到预期效果。

【Abstract】 Selection of drought-resistance plants was studied by means of pot and field test in order to solve greening plants of slope and central green belt in Langzhuo highway in this paper, and clay aggregate mulch how to affect soil temperature, soil water content and plant photosynthesis was analyzed. So this paper would provide a theoretical reference for appropriate plants and mulching technique in Langzhou highway. The main conclusions were as follows:(1)For five candidate plants of central green belt, Euonymus japonicus L and Berberis thumbergii cv.atropurpurea had apparent morphological changes under water stress, Platycladus orientalis Franco and Buxus sinica had small morphological changes under water stress. Euonymus japonicus L had the maximum average changing rate inΨL,Gs, Ci, Pn, Tr, WUE,Fo, Fv,Fv/Fm, Fv/Fo under water stress. Berberis thumbergii cv.atropurpurea had the maximum average changing rate in Fm. Platycladus orientalis Franco had smaller average changing rate in each index. For five candidate plants of slope, Opisthopappus taihangensis had the maximum average changing rate inΨL,Ci, WUE, Fo, Fv/Fm under water stress.Saponaria officinalis Linn had the maximum average changing rate in Pn, Tr,Gs, Fv, Fv/Fo, Sedum spectabile Boreau had smaller average changing rate in each index. The regression equation was established between indices measured and soil water content.(2)According to the direction difference of change of Gs and Ci under water stress, W1 was the boundary of Euonymus japonicus L between stomatal limitation and non-stomatal factors of photosynthesis decreased, and Photosynthetic organs of Euonymus japonicus L was damaged under the condition of W1. W2 were the boundaries of Euonymus japonicus and Berberis thumbergii cv.atropurpurea. W3 were the boundaries of Platycladus orientalis Franco and Rosa chinensis Jacq. W3 were the boundaries of Sedum spectabile Boreau and Iris lactea var. chinensis. W2 were the boundaries of Parthenocissus quinquefolia(L.)Planch, Opisthopappus taihangensis and Saponaria officinalis Linn. WUE of Euonymus japonicus L was the highest in the condition of CK. WUE of Rosa chinensis Jacq, Euonymus japonicus L and Platycladus orientalis Franco were the highest in the condition of W2. WUE of Berberis thumbergii cv.atropurpurea was the highest in the condition of W1. WUE of Sedum spectabile Boreau and Iris lactea var. chinensis were the highest in the condition of W2. WUE of Parthenocissus quinquefolia(L.)Planch, Opisthopappus taihangensis and Saponaria officinalis Linn were the highest in the condition of W1. The lower the soil water content were, the more drough the plants were when WUE of plants were highest. According to the boundaries of Photosynthetic organ damaged and level of soil water content, preliminary judgments could be decided that drought-resistance of Euonymus japonicus L was poor and Platycladus orientalis Franco was good for five candidate plants of central green belt, drought-resistance of Parthenocissus quinquefolia(L.)Planch,Opisthopappus taihangensis and Saponaria officinalis Linn were poor and Sedum spectabile Boreau and Iris lactea var. chinensis were good for five candidate plants of slope.(3) The drought resistance of plants was evaluated by principal component analysis method according to average changing rate of each plant under water stress. The drought resistance order of five candidate plants of central green belt was as follows:Platycladus orientalis Franco>Euonymus japonicus L>Rosa chinensis Jacq>Berberis thumbergii cv.atropurpurea> Euonymus japonicus L. The results of cluster analysis were that Platycladus orientalis Franco, Euonymus japonicus L and Rosa chinensis Jacq were high drought resistance plants, Berberis thumbergii cv.atropurpurea as medium drought resistance plant and Euonymus japonicus L as weak drought resistance plant. The drought resistance order of five candidate plants of slope was as follows:Sedum spectabile Boreau>Iris lactea var. chinensis> Parthenocissus quinquefolia(L.)Planch> Opisthopappus taihangensis> Saponaria officinalis Linn. The results of cluster analysis were that Sedum spectabile Boreau and Iris lactea var. chinensis were high drought resistance plants, Parthenocissus quinquefolia(L.)Planch as medium drought resistance plant, Opisthopappus taihangensis and Saponaria officinalis Linn as weak drought resistance plant.(4)This paper analyzed meteorological data and bare soil water content of Langzhuo highway and found that water was the main limiting factor of plant survival and growth in this area. For five candidate plants of central green belt in field test, the order of WUE daily average presented as: Platycladus orientalis Franco>Euonymus japonicus L>Rosa chinensis Jacq>Berberis thumbergii cv.atropurpurea> Euonymus japonicus L. The order of survival rate presented as:Platycladus orientalis Franco> Euonymus japonicus L> Rosa chinensis Jacq> Berberis thumbergii cv.atropurpurea>Euonymus japonicus L. For five candidate plants of slope in field test, the order of WUE daily average presented as:Sedum spectabile Boreau> Iris lactea var. chinensis> Parthenocissus quinquefolia(L.)Planch>Opisthopappus taihangensis>Saponaria officinalis Linn. The order of survival rate presented as:Sedum spectabile Boreau>Iris lactea var. chinensis> Parthenocissus quinquefolia(L.)Planch>Opisthopappus taihangensis>Saponaria officinalis Linn. The results of field tests consisted with comprehensive evaluation of drought resistance in pots.(5)The effect of clay aggregate mulching on soil temperature decreased with soil depth from Ocm to 15cm. It was obvious that clay aggregate mulching decreased diurnal range of soil temperature but it had less effect on the daily average in summer. clay aggregate mulching had a cooling effect above 5cm,but had a heating effect at 15cm.. M2 balanced soil temperature better than M1. Clay aggregate mulching increased soil water content, reduced soil water content disparity of different soil depth and different months, M2 had better effect than M1.The order of soil water content from 10cm to 60cm depth was as follow:M2>M1>MD. The effect of clay aggregate mulching on soil water content decreased with soil depth.The more months were drought, the more effects of clay aggregate mulching keeping soil water were obvious.(6)Clay aggregate mulching had an impact on Pn, Tr and WUE of Euonymus japonicus L. and Rosa chinensis Jacq. It improve the daily average of Pn and Tr of Euonymus japonicus L. and Rosa chinensis Jacq and made diurnal peak time to change. But clay aggregate mulching had much less impact on WUE than Pn and Tr. M2 had greater impact on photosynthesis than M1. Clay aggregate mulching affected plants growth through affecting plants growth photosynthesis, so clay aggregate mulching greatly improved the survival rates of Euonymus japonicus L, Platycladus orientalis Franco, Rosa chinensis Jacq, Berberis thumbergii cv.atropurpurea and Euonymus japonicus L and increased the growth of diameter at breast and height of five plants. M2 showed better results than M1.(7) According to this researth, I think Platycladus orientalis Franco, Euonymus japonicus L and Rosa chinensis Jacq should be chosen for the central green belt and Sedum spectabile Boreau, Iris lactea var. chinensis and Parthenocissus quinquefolia(L.)Planch should be chosen for the slope in Langzhuo highway. Considering the economic costs, a layer of Clay aggregate mulching (M1) could achieve the desired purpose.
