

Conservation Value Evaluation and Reasonable Distribution of National Nature Reserve for Forest

【作者】 李霄宇

【导师】 崔国发;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 自然保护区学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 森林类型自然保护区是我国自然保护区建设中的主体,随着我国自然保护区建设由大规模的抢救性建设阶段进入到科学集约型建设阶段,生产和管理部门碰到了一系列需要思考的问题,如已建立的国家级森林类型自然保护区布局是否合理?是否还存在保护空缺?如何定量评价保护价值,科学晋级?已建设的大量国家级自然保护区中,哪些需要重点投资、优先建设等问题。本文通过对森林类型自然保护区保护价值评价及空缺分析评价的研究,旨在对森林类型自然保护区的保护价值、科学晋级、优先建设、空缺分析等方面进行定量评价方法上的探讨与分析:为生产、管理部门今后对国家级森林类型自然保护开展合理布局、科学规划、重点管理提供理论依据和技术支撑。研究取得主要成果如下:(1)利用层次分析与专家咨询法相结合的方法,构建了一套由4个层次29个指标所组成的森林类型自然保护区保护价值定量评价指标体系,并确定了指标体系各层次权重和各指标综合权重。(2)选取公认度较高的自然地理区划方案作为本底资料,充分考虑我国地貌、地面组成物质等非地带性因素的相对完整性特征及我国森林类型自然保护区建设特点,同时参考其他各类专项区划方案,借助GIS技术,运用图像迭代法进行了我国自然保护综合地理区划,将我国共划分为3个自然保护地理大区,7个自然保护地理地区,33个自然保护地理区,311个自然保护地理单元。(3)利用“快速聚类”和“黄金分割选优”理论与方法,以自然保护地理区为分区评价单位,制定了森林类型自然保护区保护价值评价指标的档位区间和赋分标准,定量评价了各区内的森林类型自然保护区保护价值,得到了2个自然地理地区和15个自然保护地理区的评价指档位区间和赋分区间,得到了374处森林类型自然保护区的保护价值指数序列,并计算确定了各自然地理地区、自然保护地理区内的森林类型自然保护区保护价值国家级标准指数。(4)通过对国家级森林类型自然保护区内森林植被群系、国家重点保护野生动、植物的保护空缺和在自然地理分布上的保护空缺分析发现:有185个自然保护区地理单元内无国家级森林类型自然保护区分布,存在保护保护空缺,其中146个处于森林主要分布区内的自然保护地理单元没有建有国家级森林类型自然保护区,急需建设国家级森林类型自然保护区;有橿子栎林,细叶青冈、大穗鹅耳枥林,青冈、铜钱树林等37种森林植被群系在现有国家级森林类型自然保护区体系中存在保护空缺;有二回原始观音座莲、贡山三尖杉、巨柏、元宝山冷杉、萼翅藤、报春苣苔、油楠、长喙厚朴、宝华玉兰、小钩叶藤、海南梧桐、海南椴等56种国家级重点保护植物物种在现有国家级森林类型自然保护区体系中存在保护空缺;有白头叶猴、岩雷鸟、白喉犀鸟、花冠皱盔犀鸟等16种国家级重点保护森林动物物种在现有国家级森林类型自然保护区体系中存在保护空缺。(5)针对国家级森林类型自然保护区建设现状和保护空缺分析结果,结合森林类型自然保护区保护价值指数评价结果,建议对107处省级森林类型自然保护区进行升级、合并升级、扩建升级的调整,建议新建12处国家级自然保护小区,以达到构建国家级森林类型自然保护更为合理布局的目标。(6)结合自然保护小区和国家级自然保护区的概念首次提出确定了国家级自然保护小区的概念,并对其建设和管理等方面的工作提出了一些建设性的意见。(7)根据国家级森林类型自然保护区优先重点建设选择原则,结合保护价值评价和空缺分析结果,建议目前阶段对166处森林类型保护区进行优先重点建设。

【Abstract】 Natuer reserves for forest is the main body of nature reserves construction in China. Company with the conversion from large-scale rescuing construction to scientific intensive model of the nature reserves, serials of problems have been considered by the production and management administration, for example, the rationality of the distributions of existing national forestry nature reserves, the protection gaps, how to quantify the evaluation of the reserves values and how to promote the reserves scientificly, the finished nature reserves need to be invested and built preferentially and so on. Based on the evaluation of conservation value and the gaps analysis of the forest nature reserves, the objective of this paper is to approach and analysis the quantitative evaluation method for the conservation value, scientific promotion, and gaps analysis of the forest nature reserves. It will provide important theoretical and technical supports for the management administration’s rational distribution, scientific planning, and key management of national forest nature reserves.The main conclusions of this research were as follows:(1) Constructed a quantitative assessment indexes system for forestry nature reserves consisted of 4 levels including 29 indexes using hierarchical analysis and expert consultation methods, determined the weights of all levels and the comprehensive weights of each index.(2) Divided our country into 3 natural conservation geographical regions,7 natural protecting geographical areas,33 natural protecting geographical areas,311 natural reserve geographical units by selecting highly trusted natural geographical regionalization programs, considering the integrity of non-zonal features such as topography and surface composition of the material and the special features of chinese forestry nature reserves construction, processing the integrated geographical division of nature reserves by GIS technology consulted other types of special zoning schemes.(3) By applying "fast clustering" and "Gold segmentation optimum choice" methodology, setting the natural conservation geographic zone as the zonal evaluation unit, the grade interval and grade standards of the evaluation indexes of conservation value of forestry nature reserves was established, the protection value of forestry nature reserves in all geographic areas quantitatively was assessed,2 gear grade interval and 15 grade standards of natural conservation geographic zone evaluation indexes,374 conservation value index series of forestry nature reserve were obtained. The national standard indexes of the conservation value of forestry nature reserves in every natural conservation geographic zone were also calculated.(4) The analysis of the protection gaps of national key protected forestry wild animals, wild plants, natural geographical distributions showed that, there existed deficiency of national forestry nature reserves in 189 nature reserves geographical units,146 natural conservation geographical units in the main forestry distribution area. There were 37 forest vegetation formation(for example Quercus baronii forest, Cyclobalanopsis myrsinaefolia, Carpinus fargesii. forest, Cyclobalanopsis glauca, Paliurus hemsleyanus Rehd. forest etc), 56 national key protection forest species(for example Archangiopteris bipinnata, Cephalotaxus lanceolata, Cupressus gigantea, Abies yuanbaoshanensis, Calycopteris floribunda, Primulina tabacum etc) and 16 national key protection forest animal species(for example Presbytis poliocephalus, Lagopus mutus, Anorrhinus tickelli, Aceros undulatus, etc) haven’t been protected in the existing national forest types nature reserve system.(5) According to the results of the current construction and gap analysis of national forestry nature reserves, combined with the results of evaluation protection value,107 provincial forestry nature reserves should be upgraded, combined, expanded,12 new national nature reserves quarter should be built, in order to achieve the goal of rational distribution of national forest type nature reserves.(6) Introduced the conception of the "national nature conservation spot" according to the "conservation spot" and "national nature reserve", proposed some constructive opinions for its building and administration.(7) According to the principle of national forestry nature reserves construction priorities, combined with the results of protection value evaluation and gap analysis,166 forest nature reserves should be constructed preferentially.
