

Beijing Urban Green Space System Function Evaluation and Development Strategy

【作者】 郑西平

【导师】 张启翔;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 城市绿地作为城市生态系统的基本载体,其生态效益及综合功能在城市生态系统中具有不可替代性。随着城市化的急剧发展,城市用地日显紧张,如何在城市有限的土地资源上通过优化城市绿地的空间布局和结构,充分发挥绿地的综合功能,协调城市发展与环境建设的关系,实现城市可持续发展,成为亟待解决的问题。目前,北京城市绿地系统存在着结构不完整、系统不完善、分布不均衡、热岛效应突出等问题,亟待需要科学研究和系统分析对其进行完善和优化,以推动其生态、美化、休憩、文化、防灾等综合功能的发挥。本研究以北京城市绿地为研究对象,将景观生态学的理论、方法与城市园林绿地的特点相结合,借助于遥感、GIS等研究手段,分别对北京城市绿地景观格局、城市绿地系统及其综合功能、城市热岛效应与植被覆盖度关系以及北京城市园林植物应用等问题进行深入、系统地分析和研究,力求为北京市城市绿地景观生态规划和建设提供科学依据。主要研究结果如下:1.北京城市绿地景观格局分析以北京市规划市区绿地为研究对象,以2000年和2008年两期遥感影像为主要数据源,对北京规划市区绿地景观格局和公共绿地景观格局变化进行了分析,找出了绿地景观格局中存在的问题:(1)绿地基本框架已形成,但结构不完整,系统不完善,分布不均衡;(2)城市化进程加快,规划绿地增减不平衡。2.北京城市植被覆盖度与城市热岛关系研究以北京市1987年、2000年和2007年3个特定年份Landsat卫星遥感数据为数据源,揭示了北京市城市热岛的空间演变格局。结果表明:(1)DN与植被覆盖具有强烈的负相关关系;(2)城市建成区范围的扩展是城市热岛范围扩大的最直接原因之一;(3)北京市区温度普遍比郊区高,出现明显的“城市热岛”现象;(4)北京市城市热岛范围不断扩大,强度不断增加,分布格局逐渐由集中分布呈现片状破碎化分布。3.北京旧城区绿地系统结构与功能综合定量评价选择北京旧城区作为研究对象,通过筛选和建立综合的评价指标体系,对旧城区的城市绿地系统建设水平作出了数量化的评价得到如下初步结果:(1)建立了城市绿地系统结构与功能定量评价的指标体系;(2)采用层次分析(AHP)方法获得的各层评价指标的综合重要性结果表明:在衡量城市绿地系统结构与功能的8项指标因子中,绿地的生态效益重要性最大,达到了22.7%;其次是破碎度指标和服务盲区比例,达到了16.2%和10.6%;(3)根据本研究所建立的城市绿地系统结构与功能定量评价指标体系的评价结果表明:北京旧城区崇文区绿地系统结构与功能现状较好,宣武区绿地空间格局现状有待改善。4.北京城市园林植物应用现状评价以北京市园林绿化局2010年绿化普查数据为数据源,对北京城市园林植物应用现状进行统计分析和研究,包括植物物种组成、植物来源、应用频度、数量、不同园林绿地植物应用现状以及古树现状,指出目前北京城市园林植物应用存在以下问题:(1)园林植物相对丰富,成规模可应用的种类偏少;(2)乡土植物种类应用比例偏低,仍然有很大的提升空间;(3)乔、灌、草比例失调,植物配植手法缺乏多样性;(4)园林绿化树种的选择缺乏科学的参考标准和依据;(5)园林苗木储备不够合理;(6)北京古树保护及古树复壮工作亟待进一步加强。5.北京城市绿地系统发展策略在前文研究的基础上,分析了北京城市绿地现存的问题,研究探讨城市绿地景观生态规划相关内容,提出未来北京城市绿地发展策略:(1)全面挖掘城市可绿化空间,采用多种绿化方式和技术手段,增加绿化面积提高绿量;(2)构筑合理的绿地系统结构,逐步减缓城市热岛;(3)更新标准,细化指标,完善城市绿地评价体系、管理制度及法律法规;(4)进行合理的城市绿地植物选择与应用,加强园林绿地养护管理工作;(5)完善城市绿地的多功能系统。

【Abstract】 As the basic carrier of urban ecosystem, urban green space plays an irreplaceable role in urban ecosystem, especially for its eco-efficiency and integrated functions. With the accelerating urbanization, the decrease of available urban land leads to urges on the solutions for how to play the comprehensive functions of UGS by a more optimized spatial arrangement and constitution and realize urban sustainable development by coordinating the relationship between urban development and environment construction on the limited land resources in the city.The highlighted issues of urban green space system currently such as the structure is incomplete, the system is imperfect, the distribution is uneven and the heat island effect is prominent etc. require to be studied and analyzed to promote its function on ecology, landscaping, leisure, culture, disaster prevention etc.. The current research takes urban green space of Beijing as the object by using the methods of remote sensing, GIS ect. under the theory of landscape ecology and the characteristic of the UGS to analyze the landscape pattern, green space system and the function, study the relationship between heat island effect and vegetation coverage, and evaluate the landscape plant resources in Beijing to provide a scientific basis for the ecological projects and construction of green landscape in Beijing. The key results of study are as follows. 1. Analyse on pattern of Beijing urban green landscapeTaking Beijing urban green space as the study object with two remote sensing images in 2008 and 2009 as the main data sources, we analyze the changes in landscape pattern of urban and public green space. The results show that (1) the basal framework of green space is achieved when the structure is still incomplete, the system is imperfect, the distribution is uneven; (2) urbanization process is accelerating when the schemed green space is unequally developed. 2. The relationship between urban heat island and urban vegetation coverage in BeijingThe data from satellite remote sensing data by Landsat in 1987,2000 and 2007’ showed the spatial evolvement of urban heat island patterns in Beijing. (1) DN and vegetation coverage have a strongly negative correlation; (2) the expand of the city extent is the most direct reason for expansion of urban heat island; (3) the temperature of urban district is higher than suburban district, apparent "urban heat island" phenomenon has appeared in Beijing; (4) the scope of urban heat island is expanding, the distribution is much more fragmented.3. Comprehensive quantitative evaluation of green space system structure and function in ancient districts of BeijingTaking Beijing ancient districts as the research object, the green space system construction progress is evaluated quantitatively. (1) A uniform guideline to evaluate the structures and functions of urban green space system is achieved. (2) Using the methods of The Analgtic Hierarachy Process (AHP), we find that the green space is the most important one among the 8 factors affecting urban green space structure and function with a 22.7% proportion while Landscape Fragmentation and shadow zone play the second role taking the proportion of 16.2% and 10.6% respectively. (3) Results through the current guideline shows that Chongwen district possesses a better green space structure and function while those of Xuanwu district need to be improved.4. Status of plants application in urban landscape in BeijingFrom green census data of Beijing in 2010 we make the statistical analysis and research on urban application of landscape plant, including plant species composition, source, application frequency, quantity and different plants used in gardens and ancient trees status. The points are as follows:(1) the diversity of Garden plants is rich when however few plants is in a large scale; (2) the proportion of native species is rather low and an increasing application is reasonable; (3) tree, shrub and grass are imbalanced and the arrangement diversity is poor; (4) selection of garden plants need more scientific guidance; (5) storage of garden plants is insufficient and irrational; (6) protection and rejuvenation of ancient trees should be strengthened.5. The development strategy of urban green space system in BeijingSeveral points for development strategies of Beijing urban green space are summarized based on the previous researchs and results as the following:(1) Urban green space can be excavated through using various virescence methods and technologies to promote the use of green area more efficiently. (2) a reasonable structure of green space system should be built in order to prevent urban heat island spread. (3) Updating the criteria, defining the index and accomplish of urban green space evaluation system, management rules and regulations laws are indispensable. (4) selection and application of garden plants in urban green space should be more reasonable while management and conservation work of urban green space should be strenghened; (5) the function of urban green system should be improved toward a multifunctional future.
