

Benefit Evaluation of Small Watershed Comprehensive Treatment Based on RS and GIS

【作者】 曹波

【导师】 孙保平;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 本研究采用遥感(RS)与地理信息系统(GIS)技术、野外调查、社会调查与室内实验相结合的方法,通过主成分分析,筛选出小流域综合治理评价指标,运用层次分析法对小流域综合治理7年来的生态、经济、社会以及综合效益进行了科学、系统地分析与评价。研究工作所取得的主要结果如下:(1)2010年的生态效益指数为0.51,比2004年的0.30增加了70%。林草覆盖率由治理前的11%提高到2010年的50%,比治理前提高了4倍多;土壤侵蚀模数比治理前降低了950t/(hm2.a),消除了可能发生的潜在水土流失量;水土保持总治理度得到了大幅度提升,由治理前的不足60%达到了现有的98%,说明小流域内的水土保持工程措施与植物措施发挥效益显著;牲畜圈养率在2010年达到99%,基本上全部实现圈养,有效地保护了生态环境,减少水土流失;土壤有机质含量随着综合治理措施的实施,不断提高,比治理前提高了6倍,达0.06%;土壤含水量比治理前下降了44%。(2)小流域综合治理后,经济效益指数为0.74,比治理前提高了25.4%。农民人均纯收入达到了2500元,是治理前的一倍;农业总产值增长迅速,2005年为流域经济增长的转折点,增幅达30%,之后,以平均每年3%的速度递增,截止到2010年,小流域农业总产值译达到169万元,比治理前提高了69%;投入产出比由最初的持平状态,降低到了2010年的0.70,降低了26%;流域劳动生产率比治理前提高了30%,由于随着小流域综合治理措施的不断开展,彻底解放了劳动生产力,导致劳动生产率的直线上升;土地生产率比治理前提高了75%;水土保持经济效益主要为水土保持措施所带来的经济效益,净产值折现合计322.09万元。(3)小流域综合治理推动了当地社会效益的发展,治理后,小流域社会效益指数为0.43,比治理前提高了16.2%。小流域内的恩格尔系数治理前后降低了44.1%,由治理前的温饱水平达到了现在的相对富裕水平;教育水平比治理前提高了1倍;农产品商品率比治理前提高了6%,这是由于流域内的劳动生产率与土地生产率共同提高导致的;基础设施增长率提高了2%;小流域治理7年来,不仅改善了生态环境,而且提高了人民的环保意识,治理后比治理前提高了1倍。(4)小流域综合治理后,综合效益指数为0.6,比治理前提高了39.5%,表明小流域综合治理7年来的综合效益显著,由生态效益、经济效益与社会效益的成效共同导致了综合效益的提升。

【Abstract】 In this study, by using remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) technology, combined with the small watershed field survey, social survey data and laboratory experiments, through principal component analysis, filtering out the evaluation indexes of small watershed comprehensive management, and then, taking use of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to systematic analyse and scientific evaluate the ecological benefits, economic benefits, social benefits and comprehensive benefits of small watershed in recent 7 years. The main research results obtained are as follows:(1) In the year of 2010, ecological efficiency index is 0.51 higher than the year of 2003,which is 0.30, increased by 70%. Percentage of the forestry and grass coverage increased from 11% to 50%, the percentage of 2010 is 4 times more than the percentage of without treatment. Soil erosion modulus decrease by 950 t/(hm2·a) than that before treatment, eliminating the possible amount of potential soil erosion. Total management degree of soil and water conservation has been improved significantly, from less than 60% before treatment increase to the 98%, indicating that the engineering measures and plant measures of soil and water conservation play a significant benefit in the small watershed. Rate of animals stable breeding reach to 99% in 2010, substantially achieve all stable breeding, effectively protect the environment, and reduce the soil erosion. With the implementation of comprehensive treatment measures, soil organic matter content continuously increased by 6 times more than before, up to 0.06%. Soil water content decreased by 44% compared with that before treatment.(2) The economic efficiency index reach to 0.74, compared with before that increase by 25.4% after comprehensive management of small watershed. Per capita net income of farmers reached 2,500 yuan, double than before treatment. Total agricultural output value grows rapidly, in the year of 2005, which is a turning point for the valley’s economic growth, increase by 30%, then, keep an average annual increase rate of 3%, total agricultural output value of small watershed has been to 1.69 million in 2010, increased by 69% compared with before. Input-output ratio from the hold the line state, reduced to 0.70 in 2010, reduced by 26%. Labor productivity of watershed raise by 30% than before, with the small watershed management measures went on, complete liberation of the labor productivity, leading to sharp rise in labor productivity. Land productivity was increased by more than 75%. The economic benefits of soil and water conservation which is mainly from soil and water conservation measures reach to 3.2209 million yuan.(3) Comprehensive management of small watershed to promote the local social benefit development, after treatment, the social index of small watershed reach to 0.43 that increased by 16.2% than before. Engel’s coefficient of the small watershed decreased by 44.1% after treatment, from subsistence level before treatment reached a level of relative well-off now. Education level was increased by 1 time than before. Commodity rate of agricultural products was increased by more than 6% which is due to labor productivity and land productivity increased together in the basin. Infrastructure growth ratio raised 2%. After 7 years management of small watershed, it is not only to improve the ecological environment, but also improve people’s environmental awareness, which is increased 1 times than before.(4) The overall efficiency index reached 0.6 after comprehensive management of small watershed, which is increased by 39.5% compared with before treament, it is indicated that comprehensive benefits of small watershed management are significant in recent 7 years. Comprehensive benefits has improved that caused by the effectiveness combination of ecological, economic and social benefits.
