

Study on Representation and Strategy of the Place Trait in Modern Landscape Architecture

【作者】 姚朋

【导师】 李雄;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 现代风景园林的实践范畴已从狭义的墙内造园拓展到了整个大地,在时代背景下面临的挑战也不同于传统的园林园艺学而呈现出新的属性。在物质基础繁荣和价值取向趋同的今天,一种新的环境认同危机正迅速的蔓延到现代风景园林中,特定环境给予人的特定存在感也变得日渐模糊。文章将同样产生于认同危机、源于建筑现象学的场所理论引入到现代风景园林规划设计的过程中,以人在空间中的感受和体验为基础实现对环境特质的认知,运用多种研究方法为现代风景园林建立起专属的空间定向感和认同感,探索具有明晰特征和品质并符合现代价值体系的风景园林场所设计方法论。在进行社会及哲学背景分析的基础上,论文将国内外场所理论的研究成果与现代风景园林融合在一起,并结合现象学和环境心理学的内容分析了各自的内涵和外延,系统论述了风景园林场所特质的时代需求、形成机制、变化性和稳定性等典型特征,探索在当前认同危机背景下所呈现出的复杂、综合的属性,为整篇论文的研究建立起概念平台。文章以史学研究为基点理清了中西方历史上的园林场所观,即用现代视角探讨古人在没有认同危机感的社会背景下怎样构建园林环境的感知意义,通过对中西方自然观和哲学观的分析,了解环境主体和感知对象的关系,得出中西方历史上园林场所观的共同性和差异性,为当今设计提供借鉴和参考。论文的主体理论研究部分论述了现代风景园林场所特质的表征,从人的感知层面明确了特定环境中的表征概念和内涵,并总结出对其产生影响的四个因素即实体因素、空间因素、事件因素和感知主体因素,针对每种因素展开了深入系统的研究并探讨了各种因素的作用机制。表征因素的分析为策略的探讨奠定了基础,文章基于现代社会背景和价值体系,从宏观上将构建风景园林场所特质的策略分为了三种,即源于场地的强化和补充策略、认知回归的传导和触媒策略以及环境新置的平衡和再生策略。根据场地条件的不同,每种策略又包含了不同的设计手法,在场地分类的基础上,结合国内外大量的优秀设计案例阐述了场所特质的表达与构建。文章对我国当代风景园林的场所缺失现象进行了必要的思考和探索,从场所建设面临的时代挑战、建设过程中的片面场所观等方面系统分析了国内风景园林场所建设的现状,并结合笔者参与的两个实践案例提出了积极的探索。场所特质的建立是人对环境进行感知的过程,在现代风景园林中,我们必须基于场地条件和地域特征,努力构建可以感知的环境从而实现定向和认同。

【Abstract】 The practical paradigm of modern landscape architecture has been extended to the whole earth from the gardens in a narrow sense, and the challenges under the background of times present a new attribute differ from the traditional landscape architecture. In the present age of material prosperity and converging value orientation, while a new identity crisis of circumstance is quickly spreading to modern landscape architecture, people’s specific existence feeling given by a particular environment is becoming blurred.The paper introduces the place theory come from an identity crisis and architecture phenomenology into the process in modern landscape architecture planning and design, and then searches for the methods to achieve the cognition of environmental trait, based on people’s feelings and experiences in space. The author explores the methodology of landscape architecture place design which has clear trait and is in accordance with modern value system, and adopts various study approaches to establish its own orientation and identity for modern landscape architecture.The paper, based on analyzing the background of sociology and philosophy, combines the findings of domestic and international place theory with modern landscape architecture, and analyses the intension and extension of phenomenology and environmental psychology. Then, the paper systematically introduces the typical characteristics of landscape architecture place trait, such as age demands, formation mechanism, variability and stability, and explores the complexity and comprehensiveness which are presented under the background of current identity crisis. All these establish the concept platform for the whole research of the paper.Basing on the directional history research, the paper clarifies the landscape architecture place concept in the history of China and western countries, that is, from a modern angle discussing about that how the ancients build the senses of landscape under the background without an identity crisis. By analyzing the view of nature and philosophy of China and western countries, the author has understood the relationship between environment subject and perceived object, and has found the similarities and differences between the landscape architecture place concept of China and western countries. The research provides reference for modern landscape architecture design.The main theoretical research part of the paper states the representation of place trait of modern landscape architecture, and from the viewpoint of human perception defines the concept and implications of representation in a specific environment. After that, the author sums up four influencing factors:entity, space, events and perception subject, and then gives a profound and systematic study according to each factor and explores the mechanism of all sorts of factors.The analysis of representation factors provides basis for strategy discussion. Basing on the background of modern society and value system, the strategy of building place trait of modern landscape architecture macroscopically is divided into three types:strengthening and supplement from the place, conduction and catalysts of perception’s return as well as balance and regeneration of environmental adding. In the light of different sites, each strategy contains its own design approach. And, based on classification of sites, the paper expounds the expression and building of place trait combining large amount of excellent designing cases in domestic and abroad.The paper makes some necessary researches and thinks on the phenomenon that modern landscape architecture in China lacks place trait. From the respects of epochal challenges in place building, the one-sided view in the process of building process and so on, the author gives a systematic analysis of the current situation of landscape architecture place building in China, and makes active exploration combined with two cases which the author participated in. Building place trait is a process of human perception for the environment, thus, we must hard compose build perceptible environment to achieve the orientation and identity based on the site conditions and regional features.

【关键词】 风景园林场所特质表征认同
【Key words】 Landscape ArchitecturePlace TraitRepresentationIdentity