

A Study of the Relationship between the Writing of Women’s Biographies and the Imagining of State-Nation in the Late Qing Dynasty

【作者】 金正秀

【导师】 戴锦华;

【作者基本信息】 北京大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本论文以晚清女性英雄传记为主要考察对象,探讨“晚清”这一特定历史时期的现代民族话语与女性话语之间的双重或多重耦合关系。在晚清现代性话语试图建构现代民族国家身份的努力中,女性启蒙是其中的重要推动因素。可是,在现代性主流话语中可视化的女性,却借主流话语合法地要求女性群体的权利,故而,20世纪初中国“民族”与“女性”话语彼此借重、纠缠在一起。这种晚清民族与女性之间的多重耦合关系,很难以“民族压倒女性”的单一框架来阐释。基于此,笔者通过将晚清女性传记叙事放置于晚清英雄传记叙事的演变脉络中,旨在探讨晚清中国女性传记叙事与国民/民族想象之间的复杂关系。晚清西方女性传记以单行本和女报的史传栏目为主要传播媒介。笔者先讨论中国对西方女性的认识,从带有贬义的“番妇”转变到中国女性的“典范”,这呈现出中国对西方想象方式的变化。然后考察晚清对西方女性传记的筛选、翻译的方式,揭示晚清西方女性传记书写,与其原著日本的女性传记书写不同,它不仅倾向于社会伟人,而且非常强调女杰的“爱国”与“女权”的特征。20世纪初出现的西方女性传记,主要以在教育、医疗、宗教、慈善等社会领域中做出显着贡献的社会伟人为中心,以完成在晚清现代英雄书写演变脉络中从政治英雄到社会伟人的转向。笔者试图把晚清西方女性传记书写所建构的“爱国”与“女权”的特征,在晚清脉络上具体化和历史化。晚清西方女性传记非常注重于塑造西方女性作为现代个人的特质,比如,“爱读书”、“个人旅行”等,并将它们与现代国民的美德,即“同胞之爱”紧密联系起来。西方女杰的同胞之爱与晚清语境相结合,为建构中的现代民族国家“中国”划定了同胞的边界,从而从另一个角度补充了国民想象。最后,主要讨论中国女军人传与民族想象的关系。20世纪初以诸多女报为中心,以“女军人”的名义发掘了中国传统女将,比如花木兰、梁红玉、秦良玉等,把她们塑造成“民族英雄”。这种作为“民族英雄”的中国女将,根源于作为晚清革命思想的排满民族主义,藉此来建构以汉族为中心的民族英雄和民族历史。但在这种女军人传记书写中,从秦良玉作为异族的种族身份被抹掉,或者清朝的汉族女将的种族意识被格外强调,这种叙事策略要缝合以特定种族汉族为中心建构现代民族英雄所包含的矛盾和困扰。另外,晚清女军人传记书写,将怠慢的男性作为陪衬,女军人的英雄面貌更加强化,表现出试图动摇晚清性别等级的二元对立。

【Abstract】 Taking as its focus the writing of the heroines’ biographies in the late Qing Dynasty, this dissertation is designed to explore the two- or multi-folded articulations between the modern nationality discourse and the feminine discourse. On the one hand, the modern nationality discourse in the late Qing Dynasty, mainly driven by the enlightenment of th e female, took as its goal to construct a modern state-nation. On the other hand, the fe male visualized by the dominant modern nationality discourse considered it justified for them to be identified as a gender-based community. As a result, the nationality discours e and the female discourse were interlocked into a relationship of two- or multi-folded articulation. Given that the standard analysis framework cannot forge a platform for a sa tisfactory analysis of the above-mentioned relationship, this dissertation is to, from the p erspective of the evolution of the narration modes employed for the heroines’biographie s, discuss the role of the woman-oriented biographic narration in the making of the nati onals and the imagining of the nation in the late Qing Dynasty.What is first discussed is the close relationship between the nationality and the femal e in the late Qing Dynasty, with focus being Liang Qichao and his masterpieces in this field, including his work Women’s Education and his translation work Madame Roland: Biography. In Women’s Education, Liang offered his definition of women’s work, which not only covered the pattern change of the traditional extended family from the patriarch y system to the western nuclear family system, but also implied an incubation of labour division by gender. And when translating Madame Roland: Biography, Liang summed up Madame Roland’s political contribution as the Mother of Modern Heroes. Therefore, it’s safe to say the enlightenment of the female advocated by reformers such as Liang got s ome obvious space to be filled in although it was inherited and developed by the femin ists.The following to note is that the women’s biographies were chiefly disseminated by o ffprint or special column. What comes first in this part is a historical review of how th e Chinese got to understand the western female, especially the female elite; the second i s the examination of the ways for the western women’s biographies to be screened and translated in the late Qing Dynasty. The point in so doing is to demonstrate that the ch aracters in the western women’s biographies were mainly elites devoted themselves to e ducation, medical treatment, religion, charity, etc, to show the conversion from political heroes to social celebrities when writing of the heroes in the late Qing Dynasty, and to prove the role of these imported social celebrities in stimulating the imagining of the na tional.The early 20th century witnessed the construction of woman soldiers such as Hua Mula n, Liang Hongyu and Qin Liangyu into national heroes. Based on the features such as t he exclusion of the Man nationality, the highlighting of the Han Nationality, and the att empt to sway away the dualistic antagonism of genders in narration as well, what will be argued here is the employed narrative strategy serves to sew up the contradictions an d puzzles.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 北京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】I207.5
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】963