

Policy Research on Balanced Distribution of Teachers in Regional Compulsory Education

【作者】 赖秀龙

【导师】 吴遵民;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育政策学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 截止2000年底,我国已基本实现普及九年义务教育的奋斗目标,但仍存在着不少问题,其中一个突出的表现是义务教育发展很不均衡,地区之间、城乡之间、校际之间在办学设施、管理水平、师资力量等方面还存在较大的差距。缩小教育差距,促进义务教育均衡发展,关键在于均衡配置教育资源。在各种教育资源中,师资队伍又是提高教育质量和水平的关键所在。因此,保障教师资源的均衡配置是为广大人民群众提供“有质量的义务教育”、促进义务教育均衡发展的当务之急。正是基于义务教育发展的现实状况和未来趋势,本文以县级行政区域为研究单位,从教育政策的视角出发研究区域内城乡之间、校际之间义务教育师资均衡配置问题,以期通过均衡配置城乡、校际之间的师资力量促进教育均衡发展。本文紧扣问题、原因、对策这三个主要方面,按照理论铺垫、问题分析、原因分析、对策探寻的逻辑结构依次展开。据此,本文展开了以下研究:导言部分指出了师资配置不均衡成为制约义务教育均衡发展的关键因素这一根本问题,并对研究对象与范围进行了界定。通过对国内外师资均衡配置研究现状的分析,明确了本文的研究空间和突破点。本部分还对几个基本概念进行了界定,介绍了研究的思路、方法和意义。第一章,区域性义务教育师资均衡配置政策的理性思考。本章对师资均衡配置政策的价值诉求、现实基础以及区域推进策略的政策意蕴等几个具有内在关联的基本问题进行了深入的理性分析与思考。师资均衡配置政策应当坚持“城乡统一、协调发展”与“扶弱促强、共同发展”这两项基本价值原则。从现实情况来看,区域义务教育师资均衡配置在政策法规、教育与实践等方面都有着比较坚实的基础,这为师资均衡配置政策议程的设立、政策目标的确定以及政策的顺利制定与实施提供了可靠依据。师资均衡配置政策的制定与实施需要正确认识和处理好中央与地方、整体与局部、共性与差异等方面的关系,因地制宜、创造性地制定与实施针对性强的政策。第二章,区域性义务教育师资均衡配置的政策问题。本章对师资均衡配置政策问题的内涵与特征、问题的严峻现实以及不利影响进行了分析。义务教育师资均衡配置政策问题是基于义务教育均衡发展的理念以及城乡、学校之间师资配置的客观情境,为了消除由教育利益、价值观念、教育规范的冲突以及义务教育发展的未来需求所引发的师资配置的不协调状态,由政府及其教育行政部门认定并力图解决的教育问题。它具有主观性、关联性、历史性、教育性等四个方面的特征。从现实来看,区域义务教育师资配置存在数量、质量不均衡以及结构不合理等严峻问题。问题的存在对义务教育事业、学校、教师以及学生的发展都会带来许多不利影响。第三章,区域性义务教育师资均衡配置政策问题的原因分析。本章对政策问题原因分析的框架以及基于教师管理与教师待遇两个方面的原因进行了分析。师资配置不均衡是由一系列客观原因造成的,概括来说,主要包括教师管理与教师待遇两个方面的原因。在教师管理上,教师任用制度、资格制度、培训制度等方面的不足或缺失是造成城乡、校际之间师资配置不均衡的重要原因;在教师待遇上,教师的社会地位、工资、职业权利、福利等方面的待遇不高、差距悬殊成为义务教育师资配置不均衡的重要原因和障碍。第四章,国外义务教育师资均衡配置的政策借鉴。本章对国外义务教育师资均衡配置政策的影响因素、主要措施以及几点启示进行了分析。国外师资均衡配置政策的制定与实施受到时代、政治、经济、文化与教育等众多因素的影响。为解决师资配置不均衡问题,国外主要采取了命令、激励、能力建设、权威重组和劝告等不同的政策。国外的经验启示我们,师资均衡配置政策要取得实效必须使其具有科学性、系统性和匹配性。第五章,区域性义务教育师资均衡配置的若干政策建议。本章从教师管理政策以及教师待遇政策的改革与完善两个方面提出了师资均衡配置的若干政策建议。从教师管理政策角度来说,应完善教师资格制度,在起点上控制师资水平的差距;强化教师编制管理,合理配置教师编制标准;提高在职教师专业水平,逐步缩小师资差距;积极稳妥地推进教师合理流动,优化师资配置;加大督导检查力度,提高师资队伍建设的实效性。从教师待遇政策角度来说,应创造良好环境,树立尊师重教的社会风尚;提高工资待遇,增强教师职业吸引力;创新教师职业发展机制,营造比学赶超的浓厚氛围;实施“积极差别待遇”政策,提高教师福利。结语部分对本论文的研究做了整体性总结和反思,指出师资均衡配置政策目标的实现不是一蹴而就的,但只要实事求是,逐步推进,城乡、校际之间师资水平的差别就能不断缩小。

【Abstract】 By the end of 2000,China has basically achieved the goal of popularizing nine-year compulsory education.But there are still many problems.One of the promient problem is the uneven development of compulsory education.Between districts, betwe-en urban and rural areas,and inter-schools,there are still large gaps in school facil-ities,management,teachers,etc.It is crucial to balance allocation of educational resour-ces for closing the education gap and promoting the balanced development of compu-lsory education.In a variety of educational resources,teachers is the fundamental guar-antee for improving the quality and level of education.Therefore,it is priority to ens-ure the balanced distribution of teachers for providing "well-qualified compulsory education" for the masses and promoting the balanced development of compulsory education.Just basing on the above realities and future trends of compulsory education,this essay takes the county-level administrative region as the research unit and researches the problem of balanced distribution of teachers in compulsory education between urb-an and rural areas and inter-schools from the perspective of education policy. So that it can promote the balanced development of education.This essay closely links to three main aspects such as problem,causes and solutions,and expands the research by the following logical structure:theoretical groundwork,problem analysis,cause analysis, and strategies exploration.Accordingly,this essay includes the following contents:In the introduction,the author indicates that unbalanced distribution of teachers is the key factor of constrainting balanced development of compulsory education and defines the research object and scope.By analyzing the status of balanced distribution of teachers in domestic and international researches,it clarifies the problems to be researched and breakthroughs.This section also defines a few basic concepts and intro-duces the idea,methods and significance of the research.Chapter one makes a rational thinking on the policy of balanced distribution of tea-chers in regional compulsory education.This chapter makes in-depth analysis and rational thinking on several basic problems with intrinsic association such as value appeal,realistic basis and policy implication of regional strategy in the policy of balanced distribution of teachers.The policy of balanced distribution of teachers should adhere to two basic principles of value as "a unified and coordinated develop-ment between between urban and rural areas"and "supporting the weak and promti-ng the strong inter-schools".From a practical point of view,there are relatively solid foundation in policies and laws,education and practice for balanced distribution of teachers in regional compulsory education.we need correctly understand and handle the relationships between the central and local government,the whole and part,the similarities and differences during the making and implementation of policy of balan-ced distribution of teachers,and make and implement targeted policies conditionally and creatively.Chapter two analyzes the policy problem of balanced distribution of teachers in regional compulsory education.This chapter analyzes the content and features,the grim reality and adverse effects of the policy problems of balanced distribution of teachers. It is an educational problem which is based on the concept of balanced development of compulsory education and the objective situation of teachers’distribution between urban and rural areas,and between schools,whose aim is to eliminate the uncoordinat-ed status of teachers’distribution caused from the conflicts in educational interests,va-lues,educational specifications as well as the future demand for development of com-pulsory education,and which is to be identified and solved by the government and its educational administration department.The problem has four features as subjective,co-rrelative, historical and educational.From the practical point of view, there exist serio-us problems as unbalanced distribution of teachers in quantity and quality and unreas-onable teacher structure.The existence of problems brings a lot of adverse effects to the development of compulsory,school,teacher and student.Chapter three analyzes the causes for policy problems of balanced distribution of teachers in regional compulsory education.This chapter builds up an analysis framewo-rk for the policy problem, and then analyzes the causes of unbalanced distribution of teachers from two perspectives as management and treatment of teacher.The unbalanc-ed distribution of teachers is caused by a series of objective reasons.In summary,the main reasons exist in the two aspects:the management of teacher and the treatment of teacher. In terms of the management of teacher,the deficiensies of shortages in teacher employment system,qualification system and training system are the main reasons causing the unbalanced distribution of techers between urban and rural areas and inter-schools. Interms of treatment of teacher,the low treatment and big gap in the aspects as the social status,salary,professional right and welfare of the teacher are the major reasons for the unbalanced distribution of teachers in regional compulsory education.Chapter four summarizes and analyzes policy experiences of balanced distribution of teachers abroad in compulsory education.This chapter analyzes the factors,main me-asures and some inspiration of policy for balanced distribution of teachers in compul-sory education abroad.The making and implementation of policy for balanced distrib-ution of teachers are influenced by times,politics,economy,culture and education.In order to solve the problem of unbalanced distribution of teachers,the foreign countries maily adopt five different kinds of policies:order,incentive,capacity building,reorgani-zation of authority and suasion. Overseas experiences tells us that policy for balance-d distribution of teachers should be scientific,systematic and matching if it is to be ef-fective.Chapter five makes several policy recommendations for balanced distribution of te-achers.This chapter proposes a number of policy recommendations for balanced distr-ibution of teachers by reforming and improving the policy of the management and tre-atment of teacher.From the perspective of management policy of teacher,we can take the following policy measures:improving the teacher qualification system to control the gap between teachers at the beginning;strengthening the management of teacher preparation to configure the teacher preparation standards reasonably;improving the professional level of teachers in-service to narrow the gap between teachers gradually; promoting the rational flow of teachers actively and steadily to perfect the structure of teachers increasing the supervision and inspection to improming the effectiveness of teaching staff building. From the perspective of treatment policy of teacher,we can take following policy measures:creating a good environment to establish respect fro teachers in society;increasing salary to enhance attractiveness of teaching profession; innovating the teacher professional development mechanism to create a thick atmos-phere for competition,learning,pursuit and transcending;implementing "positive dis-crimination" policies to improve the teahers’welfare. The epilogue makes an overall summary and reflection on this research,and point-s out that the goal of policy for balanced distribution can not be achieved overnight. However,as long as we take measures practically and step by step,we could narrow the gap of teachers between urban and rural areas and inter-schools.

  • 【分类号】G635.1
  • 【被引频次】39
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