

Research on the Political Dynamics of School Choice Policy in the United States

【作者】 刘涛

【导师】 范国睿;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育政策学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文以美国择校政策的政治动力为研究对象,聚焦于回答“谁在推动美国择校政策”这个问题。基于美国特殊的政治制度和政治文化,本文提出理论假设:在美国政治体制中受到宪法保护的,对择校政策具有政治诉求的,在政策过程中代表资源、观念、利益、权力的政策参与者是推动择校政策发展的政治动力。根据研究问题、研究对象和研究假设的特性,作者借鉴保尔·萨巴蒂尔和汉克·简金斯·史密斯的倡议联盟理论,吸收贾内尔·斯考特等人分析择校政策的倡议联盟分析框架,综合其它相关研究成果,提出本文的分析框架。本文从两个维度和四个方面来分析择校政策的政治动力。第一个是非政府行为的维度。在这个维度中,作者考察资源、观念和利益这三个层面力量的作用,即基金作为一种慈善事业,如何通过资助择校运动推动择校政策,思想库作为一种学术组织,如何通过影响择校观念推动择校政策,倡议组织作为一种利益联盟,如何通过争取择校权力来推动择校政策。第二个是政府行为的维度。在这个维度中,作者考察政治家和政府如何在顺应民意的基础上,利用政治权力和政治资源在政府中推动择校政策。本文认为,代表财富的基金会、代表学术的思想库、代表草根的倡议组织、代表政府的政治家是推动择校从理念变为现实这个历史过程中最重要的四股政治动力。本文共分四章,每一章探讨其中一种政治动力。本文主要采用定量研究与定性研究相结合的方法。在定量研究方面,本文确定研究问题,提出研究假设,收集数据和信息,分析和解释数据和信息;在定性研究方面,本文主要采用案例研究的方法,选取具有代表性的三个支持择校政策的思想库、三个支持择校的倡议组织、实施择校政策的一个城市和一个州,以及相关政治家作为案例分析的对象。最终,通过分析数据和描述案例,证明支持择校政策的基金会、思想库、倡议组织、政治家确实是推动择校政策发展的重要力量。研究数据和信息主要来源于基金会中心、联邦税务局、联邦统计局、思想库、倡议组织的官方网站,ERIC数据库中的学术论文和研究报告。

【Abstract】 This dissertation focuses on the issue of political dynamics of school choice policy in the United States. The core question of this dissertation is that who advocates the school choice policy in the United States. Based on the American unique political system and culture, this paper presents theoretical hypothesis that the political dynamics of this policy are from those key policy actors who are protected by the Constitution as well as have resources, ideas, interests, and political power to pursue this policy. According to the nature of research question, objects and hypotheses, drawing on the Advocacy Coalition Framework from Paul Sabatier and Hank Jenkins-Smith, absorbing advocacy coalition framework on school choice policy applying by Janelle Scott et al., and learning from other related studies, this paper promotes a new analytical framework on school choice policy.This paper probes political dynamics of school choice policy from two dimensions and four aspects. The first dimension is non-government arena. In this dimension, this paper examines three aspects of political powers including resources, ideas and interests and asks that how foundations, as a kind of philanthropy, advocate school choice policy through granting, how think tanks, as a kind of research institution, advocate school choice policy via influencing the ideas, how advocacy organizations, as a kind of coalition, advocate school choice policy by fighting for their interests and rights. The other dimension is government arena. In this dimension, this paper focuses on last aspect of political dynamics, which is that how politicians and governments use their political resources and power to push forward this policy in political arena by respecting public opinions. The author deems that respectively behalf on wealth, scholarship, grassroots, and governments, foundations, think tanks, advocacy organizations, and politicians are four main political dynamics of school choice policy in the United States. Each chapter of this dissertation aims at each aspects.This paper uses mixed research method of quantitative research and qualitative research. In using quantitative research method, this paper identifies research questions, refers theoretical hypotheses, collects data and information, analysis and interprets them. In qualitative research methods, this paper mainly uses case study method, which selects three think tanks, three advocacy organizations, a city and a state that both implementing school choice policy and other politicians supporting this policy issue as cases. Through analyzing these cases, data and information, this paper testifies foundations, think tanks, advocacy organizations, and politicians are four main political dynamics of school choice policy in the United States. Research data and information are mainly from the Foundation Center, the Internal Revenue Service, the Census Bureau, official websites of think tanks and advocacy organizations, ERIC database, and other research papers and reports.

  • 【分类号】G571.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】534