

Auditory Temporal Processing Ability and the Correction with Study Ability of Primary School Student

【作者】 卢海丹

【导师】 黄昭鸣;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 特殊教育学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 听觉作为重要的学习通道之一,其处理能力不仅包括接收声音,更包括对声音时长、频率、强度等信息的加工,若中枢听处理系统对时长、频率、强度等信息加工出错,就会导致中枢听处理障碍,从而影响个体的学习与生活。本研究在回顾了听处理障碍的背景、定义、国内外研究现状的基础上,针对国内尚无听处理行为筛查手段、缺乏听觉时长处理能力基础研究两个问题,提出①编制听处理行为筛查问卷②探讨三到五年级小学生听觉时长处理机制两项研究内容,并将听觉时长处理能力与学业成绩进行相关性分析,探讨听觉处理行为与学业不良之间的相关性,以期后续为听处理障碍的评估与康复提供可依据的参考标准。主要内容:听处理障碍的定义及其国内外研究现状:三到五年级小学生听处理行为筛查问卷的编制及信效度分析;三到五年级小学生听觉时长处理能力的研究;三到五年级小学生与成人组之间时长处理能力的比较研究;三到五年级小学生听觉时长处理能力与学业成绩之间的相关性研究;以及三到五年级小学生听写与听选取能力之间的差异性研究。初步结果:1、根据听处理行为的特征,编制了小学生听觉处理行为调查问卷,最终确定了与听处理行为最为相关的5个因子,并通过信效度检验,其中信度系数为0.718;问卷初步建立了上海市三到五年级小学生听觉处理行为问卷得分的参考标准。2、获得了三到五年级小学生对纯音、调幅音及调频音在500Hz、1000Hz、2000Hz和4000Hz频率上的听觉时长处理能力的参考阈值,实验得知频率类型主效应显著(p=0.046),小学生在1000Hz和4000Hz两个频率上具有显著性差异(p=0.012)。为后续制定评估标准和康复目标提供了参考依据。3、获得了三到五年级小学生对送气塞音VOT感知的阈值以及感知趋势,实验获得材料类型主效应显著(p=0.000**),说明不同类型声韵组合的嗓音起始时间会影响小学生对声音本身的感知能力。4、比较了三到五年级小学生时长处理能力与成人组之问的差异。研究发现,三到五年级小学生的听觉时长处理能力与成人组之间存在显著性差异(p=0.000**,p=0.002**,p=0.000**),说明三到五年级小学生的听觉时长处理能力还有发展空间。同时三到五年级各组别与成人的差异性比较研究发现,三年级与其他各组的差异性最为显著,提示这个年龄段的儿童是处于听觉时长处理能力的关键发展期。同时与成人的时长差异也提示如果儿童存在听觉时长缺陷,可以通过康复训练的手段得以提高。5、三到五年级小学生听觉时长处理能力与学业成绩之间的相关性研究发现,三到五年级小学生听觉时长处理能力与学业成绩之间存在负相关(r=-0.425**,p=0.000**),即听觉时长处理能力越好,所得阈值越低,其学业成绩偏向越高。说明听觉处理能力与学业成绩之间是息息相关的。通过对每个年级与学业成绩之间的相关性研究发现,三年级学生的时长处理能力与学科成绩之间的相关性最强,提示三年级学生可能处于听觉处理功能发育的关键时期,需要密切注意。6、小学生的听写能力与学科成绩有相关,并与语文、英语的关系更为密切,说明听说联动过程中听的重要性。

【Abstract】 Auditory as one of the important channel for learning, its processing not only receive sound, but also including sound duration, frequency, intensity and other information processing. The thesis reviewed the background,definitions, research status of auditory processing disorder.On the base, it researched①the screening scal of audiotry processing behavior and—the auditory temporal processing mechanism with three to five grades of primary school students. At last we analysis the correlation between learning ability to auditory temporal processing.Topics:1、review background of Auditory processing disorder and the status of this study;2、Auditory processing disorder screening test for primary school.3、Temporal resolution ability for children in third grade to five grade of primary school4、Comparative study on temporal resolution ability of children and adults5、Correlation between temporal resolution ability and study ability.6、Comparative study on the dictation and listen choise ability of the third grade to five grade of primary school.Results:1、According to the characterisitcs of auditory processing behavior, the research act the preparation of the questionnaire.And found out five relevant factors for auditory processing including the reliability coefficient of 0.718. The questionnaire initially established the reference standard questionnaire scores of three to five year primary school students in Shanghai.2、Received three to five graders reference threshold of auditory temporal processing on the pure tone, amplitude modulated tones and frequency modulated tones at 500Hz,1000Hz,2000Hz and 4000Hz. Experiment show that the frequency type of a significant main effect(p=0.046), and 1000Hz and 4000Hz play an significant difference (p=0.012). These data will provide a reference for rehabilitation to people who have an auditory processing disorder.3、Received three to five graders VOT of aspirated stops and the perception threshold of perception trend, in which the type of material a significant main effect (p=0.000**), that combination of different types of phonological voice onset time will affect the sound of their own primary school students Awareness.4、Comparative study on three to five year students to adult group, and found out that:(1)Three to five year students have a significant difference to adult group (p=0.000**, p=0.002**, p=0.000**).(2) At the same time each group of three to five year difference with the comparative study of adults found that third grade with the other groups the most significant difference, suggesting that this age when children are in auditory processing disorder key long development period.5、The correlation study between temporal processing ability and study ability, find out that a negative correlation between academic performance (r=-0.425**, p=0.000**),that is,lower the income threshold, the better temproal processing ability and the better study abilities. And academic performance for each grade by the correlation between the study found that the temporal processing study of third year students and the strongest correlation. Suggesting that third-grade students may be the critical period should be take more care.6、Listening is an important channel for learning. Primary school students’ dictation ability relevant to learning ability. And it’s also more closely related to language and English study.

  • 【分类号】G622.4
  • 【被引频次】1
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