

On Village-Secretary & Their Leadership Originating

【作者】 高顺伟

【导师】 马钦荣;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 领导教育学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 村党支部书记的领导力是党最基层的领导力,也是最根本的领导力。从党力布局来看,我国60.4万村党支部书记统御着60.4万个村庄,近8亿人口。然而,根据作者的调查,不敢说有50%,保守估计,至少有30%的村书记在“混日子”,他们不是在为村集体经济的发展在忙,而是在为个人的“小金库”在忙;有10%-20%的村主任和村书记“比大小”,此情况在东部沿海先富地区及村主任“海选”竞争比较充分的地区尤其突出;村主任中不乏黑恶势力。一言以蔽之,村党支部书记及党员队伍的先锋模范作用严重弱化,村党支部书记的“领导核心”地位受到前所未有的挑战,提升村书记领导力重要而迫切。建设社会主义新农村,巩固党在农村的执政之基,必须着力提升村书记领导力。首先,科学认识“村书记”是前提。本文在理论反思与实践观察的基础上,总结出村书记在日常工作中所扮演的10种角色、9种风格类型;从村书记的职业生命周期、心理发展、社会化、“关注”点、自我更新以及施加于村书记的综合影响六个视角出发,分析并建构了各个视角下的村书记职业发展框架,力图清晰、全面呈现“村书记”的形象。村书记领导力提升的根本在于执政惠民,富民才是王道。但关键在于民何以富?本文首先对西方经济与财富增进的理论、中国经济发展模式、国外农业农村发展路径进行了梳理,试图分析出增进财富、克服贫困恶性循环的规律与发展路径;其次本文重点描述了象山县农民(渔民)、村书记在发展集体经济与特色个私经济方面的经验与教训,以供借鉴;最后,在领导科学视角下,审视村书记在村庄经济发展中的应然自我定位。村书记领导力提升的关键并非仅仅在于个人魅力有多高,更重要的是村书记要有凝心聚力的胸怀,要有打造“团队集体战斗力”的才能。论及村书记如何增强团队凝聚力与战斗力,本文首先对国内外关于团队细分的理论进行了回顾,分析了当前村书记领导的团队类型特点;其次,基于实践的调查研究,梳理并分析了当前村书记在村级团队建设中面临的困境及创新性的应对措施;最后,基于领导学的理论基础,对村书记如何提升村级团队的集体领导力给出了对策建议。最后,本文对村书记的角色与领导力生成进行了总结,提出了“村书记领导力三角”理论,并针对各级党委组织部门如何提升村书记领导力的问题,依据村书记的生命发展框架,给出了针对性的对策。

【Abstract】 [Abstract] Of Chinese Communist Party’s Village-Level Secretaries (village-secretary, in short), the leadership is CPC’s most basic and underlying leadership. From a perspective of party-power distributing, we can find that 604,000 village-secretariat branches have controlled 604,000 villages in our country, where 800 million rural people over there.According to this paper’s investigation and then a conservative estimating, however, more than 30%, even not to say 50%, of them are "spend-time-in-loafing" (混日子hun-ri-zi, in Chinese). They never engage into developing their village’s collective economy but always into developing their private "mini-treasury" (小金库, xiao-jin-ku, in Chinese).10-20% of those village-directors and village-secretaries are busy for a "position-show" (比大小bi-da-xiao, in Chinese) and things like this are particularly highlighted in some affluence-leading areas along with Eastern coast-line and places with sufficient competition of public voting. There is no lack of organized-criminal groups among in village-directors.That is to say, of village-secretaries and CPC-members, their function of pioneer-&-model has severally weakened than it was; so that village-secretary’s position of "core-leadership" has faced a unprecedented challenge. Thus, it is important and exigent to upgrade village-secretary’s leadership.Building up new village with socialism and/or consolidating CPC’s governing fundament; all of these must upgrade village-secretary’s leadership. To achieve this, a first-of-first precondition is to understand village-secretary in a way as correct as science. Establishing from theoretical review and practical observation, this paper sums up 10 kinds of different rulers and 9 types of different work-styles that can be seen in CPC’s daily work. Also, from a general perspective composing of 6 sub-perspectives such as village-secretary’s 1) vocational life-cycle,2) psychological development,3) socialization,4) "attention" point,5) self-reviving and 6) multi-impact on village-secretary, the paper analyzes and constructs, under each sub-perspective mentioned above, village-secretary’s vocational development outline, in order to clearly reflect village-secretary’s image as a whole.The essence of upgrading village-secretary’s leadership including:governing for people’s affluence, while make-people-affluent is rightly a true way of ruling. But, the key question is how to make people affluent. At first stage, the paper streamlines the western theory of economy with wealth prompting, the modal of China’s economical development and the development path of agriculture and rural-area in other countries; by this way, try to find out the essential laws and development path of increasing wealth while overcoming the vicious circle of poverty. Secondly, the paper stresses its description of the experience and lesson, from farmers (also fisher folks) and village-secretaries in Xiangshan County, about developing both collective economy and characteristic individual-&-private business—to be usable for a reference. Finally, the paper, from the perspective of The Academy of Leadership (TAL), surveys an idea-oriented village-secretary’s self-location in the development of village economy.The key of upgrading village-secretary’s leadership is, more importantly, his bosom of cohering thoughts together and holding forces together, rather than how remarkable his personal attraction is. He should have the talent of casting "a team’s collective struggle-force" (TCSF). When expounding how to strengthen a TCSF, the paper reviews local and overseas theories of team segmentation as well as analyzing current type and/or characteristic of the team leaded by a village-secretary. And then, with its finding from practice-investigation, the paper streamlines and studies the current puzzle facing village-secretary and their innovative settlement methods when developing a village-level team. Finally, based on TAL’s theory, the paper puts forward its solution advice, for village-secretaries, about upgrading their collective leadership in a village-level team.In its conclusion, the paper sums up village-secretary’s ruler and their leadership originating, then, states its own theory of "Triangle of Village-Secretary’s Leadership" (TVSL). Targeting at the issue of how to the different level CPC-Committee Organization Departments do some things for upgrading village-secretary’s leadership, the paper, basing on village-secretary’s life-development guideline, puts forward its pertinent solution.

  • 【分类号】D262.3
  • 【下载频次】562