

The Chronicle and Annotation to the Collection of Tu Long’s Poems

【作者】 徐美潔

【导师】 劉永翔;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 屠隆(1543—1603),字長卿,寧波鄞縣人,是晚明重要詩人、戲曲家。有《由拳集》、《白榆集》、《棲真館集》、《鴻苞》等詩文集,及戲曲作品《曇花記》、《彩豪記》、《修文記》等存世。屠隆被王世貞列為“末五子”之一,在晚明復古派詩人中,其詩歌創作及理論都颇有建樹,具有深入研究的必要性。對其三個詩文合集中的詩歌部分,進行編年整理,以求厘清生平、交遊;再對詩中涉及人物、史實、典章、及與詩意關涉較切之典故予以箋釋,以求知人输世,更準確地理解詩中的思想内容。

【Abstract】 Content:Tu Long, one of the famous Late Ming Dynasty poets, creat much poems, and as one of the "Mo-Wu-Zi", which classified by Wang Shi-Zheng, who claimed that creat poems must immitate the classical style, such as the dynasty before the Tang Dynasty. Tu Long has three poems collections, we do the work, chronicle and annotation to the collection of all his poems. This work, can help readers better know the famous poet’s life, such as his large circle of friends, and his complicated ideology. Also, we through the annotation, can better understanding the politcs affairs and the historical background of the Late Ming Dynasty, the human feelings of that time. And the allusion to the classical Chinese literature of his poems we annotate, can deepen readers’comprehenion to his poems.

【关键词】 屠隆诗作编年笺注
【Key words】 Tu LongPoemsChronicleAnnotation
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】365