

Voice and Echoes: an Investigation on Teachers Came from the Rural Area and Graduated from Normal Schools in China(1979-2009)

【作者】 赵金坡

【导师】 黄书光;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本研究以1979-2009年农村中师毕业生的求学、受业、工作、生活及其变迁为考察对象,主要利用人类学的实地研究(field study)和口述史(oral history)的方法,构筑了改革开放以来我国农村小学教师来源、培养、就业及其社会生活等多维的历史影像。具体地,在回顾中等师范教育改革与发展史实的基础上,研究以“加入者”、“受业者”、“坚守者”、“背离者”的观察视角,考察了不同历史阶段农村中师毕业生们及其“后继者”的现实景况;同时研究试将社会心理学(social psychology)等有关理论作为分析工具,对这段教育历史中的某些现象进行了分析与解读。通过历史考察,本研究主要发现:(一)在社会不断发展,尤其是经济大发展的背景下,政府政策、农村家庭与中师生个体三者之间的交叉互动,共同构建了1979-2009年我国农村小学师资状况历史发展的现实,这一交叉互动不仅体现在我国中等师范学校发展变迁过程中,还体现在农村社会群体对“未来小学教师”教育的选取心态上。(二)“未来的农村小学教师”只能依靠农村。对这一群体的预定与确保,需要基于农村实际,需要在对中师教育的历史继承中改革,需要在良好的政策引导下走向可持续。根据地方实情,制订有吸引力的政策措施,吸引更多学子报考师范,吸引更多高素质人才投身农村小学教育,是农村基础教育师资工作的起点与关键。(三)农村小学教师原始学历层次的不断提高,并不意味着对“面向农村,面向小学”为培养方向的农村师资培养传统的改变,中等师范教育的终结,并不意味着中师教育优良传统的消散。中师教育留给现行“未来农村小学教师”教育可借鉴与继承的优良传统包括:职业和执业思想教育方面、课程设置方面、以学生个性发展为主的环境创设方面以及教育实践方面等。(四)改革开放以来任教于农村学校(尤其是农村小学)的中师毕业生们的业务水平、生存状态,流动状况,以及群体心态,值得关注与研究。它们对于中师之后的“未来小学教师”群体—尤其是小教大专毕业的教师群体—构成重要影响;同时对当前国家促进教育公平以及实施农村义务教育教师资源均衡配置,有参考价值。

【Abstract】 Based on the oral history and field study, this research investigates the group of normal school students, who came from the countryside and graduated in 1979-2009, and shows the historical situation of their pursuing for education, their life in normal school and in village school. Following the reform of normal school in China, the group has had to face the realities to make decision in occupation and education in the future under the background of the social change in the period.Specifically, in chapter1, the paper gives the general development situation of normal school from 1979 to 2009. From chapter2 to 5, the research investigates the realities of how the group students entered into the normal school, what kinds of education they have had, and what kind of life they have experienced in normal schools and in village schools. In chapter6, the paper discusses the group’s successor, whose major is teacher education for future primary school in college or in university.By means of historical study and fieldwork, the research has following four findings.First of all, it finds that the group’s existence, maintaining, and dispersal have the intensive relations with the police of recruitment and allocation that issued by the government. From the investigation, the research points out that the relation of interplay and inter-choice between government policy and individual choice makes the present condition of teachers in primary school in rural area.Second, the source of rural village school teacher can only from rural area according to the history. The government should draw lessons from the history and reform teacher education system for village school based on inheriting excellent aspects of cultivating teacher in past. The key point of attracting and keeping excellent students to engage in the cause of teaching in primary school in countryside is to make good policies with the actual state of local development.Third, the raising of teacher’s academic background cannot change the fact that the pre-teacher’s education should consider the realities of rural area and pupil’s needs. And the termination of the normal school’s duty in history doesn’t mean that the excellent experiences of it in student’s education in knowledge, teaching practice, teaching skills training, and vocational thoughts, and so on, should disperse at the same time. Last, it is worthy of our reference to research the status quo of village school teachers those who graduated from normal schools. For the overall situation, including individual professional competence, survival condition, occupational mobility and also the group psychology, is very important to the group’s successors and meanwhile, is of great significance to present project of teacher resources allocation in balance in rural compulsory education.

  • 【分类号】G659.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】609