

Limited Happiness: From Female Movie Stars to the Actresses That Severed People

【作者】 万笑男

【导师】 姜进;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 中国的电影女演员最先出现在1920年代初的上海,是一个在五四妇女解放话语背景下诞生的新型女性演艺群体。女演员中的佼佼者被大众传媒打造成耀眼的明星,并于1920年代末,崛起为影响上海都市文化生产和文化消费的重要力量。1930-1940年代,电影女明星在具有明显女性色彩的上海都市文化空间中所发挥的作用有增无减。1949年5月,中国共产党接管了上海这座中国现代化程度最高、商业文化最发达的大都市,着手用带有鲜明农村印记的社会主义文化改造上海的城市商业文化。电影女明星作为上海城市文化空间中最为活跃的一股力量,成为“解放”这个二十世纪中国最具深远意义的社会剧变的最为敏感的体验者之一。1950年代,共产党以国家权力的力量在政治、经济、文化领域进行了全面改造,并通过一系列的群众运动将国家意识形态大力度地向社会各个领域渗透,力图将整个社会纳入社会主义国家控制的轨道。在此过程中,中国共产党尤其注重电影及其演员在传播国家意识形态,以及教育社会主义新国民过程中所发挥的作用。由此,电影女演员的个人命运与新政权紧密地联系在一起,她们开始了从娱悦大众的电影明星到为人民服务的人民演员的转变。共产党领导的社会主义革命及其新政权,既给她们提供了变迁社会身份的良机,也使她们陷入了主体身份受到严重削弱的困境。女演员为了能在新政权下获得更好的生活,不得不紧随人民共和国早期多变的政治形势,适时地调整自己的应对之策,发展出一套新的生存策略。借助档案、报刊、电影杂志、妇女杂志、回忆录及访谈等史料,在由女性主义史学、文化史这两种视角和方法交叉构成的总体框架下,本研究将上海电影女演员置于人民共和国早期历史的中心位置,重构她们身为女性的生命体验,探寻其在公领域和私领域中所扮演的各种角色,并将她们的经历作为全中国人民经历的一部分,放在二十世纪中国追寻现代化的过程中加以考察。通过对上海电影女演员的个案研究,本研究试图对以下问题进行讨论:共产党领导的社会主义革命是如何深刻地影响了上海电影女演员的职业生涯和感情世界,进而改写了女演员的命运的;女演员在新政权追寻现代化的过程中扮演了怎样的角色;在政治、社会剧变的场景下,女演员的地位、角色和身份认同发生了怎样的变化;她们对此又是如何认知、如何表达的;女演员是如何在对国家权力话语的服从、协商与斡旋中,提升了自身的社会地位和身份,发展出一套有效的生存策略的。通过对这些问题的深入分析,本研究试图对社会主义革命与妇女解放的关系作出新的讨论,丰富人们对人民共和国早期历史的认识。

【Abstract】 Chinese movie actresses first appeared in 1920s Shanghai. Their rise to fame depended on a visual oriented mass media revolution as well as the construction of the public discourse. As some of the most upwardly visible women who had to lead a life under the gaze of the public, they were endowed with several different meanings. Female movie starts played a very important role in Shanghai urban culture, during the republicn period.The CCP took over Shanghai in May,1949. They began to transform Shanghai urban culture. Movie actresses were deeply involved in the process. My research is located in the intersection of Chinese women’s history, PRC history, and cultural history in modern China. Feminist and gender analysis provides the most important framework for my study. I will put women in center of 1950s history and find their lost voice. I’ll closely explore the movie actresses’own experiences as part of and apart from the national experience of all Chinese people in the early PRC period. I decide to complete my dissertation with the hope that my study will help produce different pictures and refresh our understanding of PRC history.Grounded on research in archives, newspaper and magazines, memoirs, and other historical records, my thesis attempts to reconstruct a meaningful world of movie actresses in the early PRC period. I will explore the roles movie actresses played both in the public and private spheres; how did they identity themselves and how did the express the identity, trying to answer some important questions in historical studies:In the early PRC period, how did the new state intervene people’s life? What is the relationship between communist revolution and women’s liberation? Is women’s liberation a revolution postponed? What roles did women in urban public space play in the process of China’s cultural modernity?

【关键词】 1950年代上海电影女演员机遇困境应对策略
【Key words】 1950sShanghaiMovie actressesChancesDilemmasAgency
  • 【分类号】J909.2;K27
  • 【下载频次】585