

The Studies of the Marking New Novel in the Late-Qing Dynasty

【作者】 王鑫

【导师】 陈大康;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 晚清小说中有这样一类现象:喜欢在作品题名中标一“新”字以示不同,如《新石头记》、《新飞艇》、《新上海》、《二十世纪新国民》等,数量不少,笔者名之为小说标“新”现象,其作品称之为标“新”小说。本文以此为研究对象,主要任务是在尽可能全面地搜集资料的基础上,对这一现象进行描述,对其成因进行探讨,并对其作品进行分类与分析。研究目的为试图填补晚清小说研究中的一块空白,并从这一角度对晚清小说进行观照,以期得到若干有价值的启示。根据这一任务,本文从总体上分为外部现象研究、内部作品研究和附录三大部分,具体分布如下:绪论部分主要解决正式研究前需要面对的有关问题,包括对小说标“新”现象的界定,易混概念的辨析,已有研究成果的综述等,并说明这一论题的研究价值,阐述本文的研究方法与构想。第一章为关于这一现象的概述部分。首先在大量相关资料的基础上进行数据统计,从而将这一现象在晚清阶段的发生与发展划分为四个阶段,并结合有代表性的作品和现象对这四个阶段逐一描述,对其中涉及到的重要问题放在章末集中探讨;然后再从小说传播的角度入手,评述这些小说的出版与刊载机构;最后对标“新”小说中有代表性的作家进行比较分析。第二章为对这一现象成因的探析,认为其成因来自当时诸种条件的合力,并将这种合力分解为一个总前提,即官方政策的松弛与默许,和五个基本点,包括社会前提——晚清社会现实与时代思潮、社会心理与社会舆论的相互作用;文学现实——“新小说”的诞生与盛行;文学传统——小说续书与仿作传统;主体因素——新式作家和读者群的互动;最大推动力——市场与传媒作用,以及两个促动因素,分别为新的小说理论批评与翻译文学的影响。然后再对这一现象繁荣与衰落的成因进行专门探讨,对不宜纳入正文的材料附于相关文末(下同)。以上两章为现象研究章,第三章则属于从现象研究到作品研究的过渡章,首先从总体上将标“新”小说分为整体和个体两大部分,然后对整体的标“新”小说即标“新”的小说报刊逐一分析,再对个体即狭义的标“新”小说进行探讨,先后从三种角度对这类小说加以划分,借此对其进行多方位观察,并最终探讨出一种较合理的分类方法,为接下来深入文本做好准备。附论中对分类时剥离出来的翻译小说的标“新”问题进行了探讨。第四章主要针对这类小说的特点,围绕标“新”小说“新”在何处这一问题,以其中最主要的两类作品为对象,侧重分析其认识价值,为研究当时的社会生活、社会思潮、知识分子心态及生存状态等提供参考,兼及一些作品的艺术特色。第五章针对标“新”小说中的翻新作品进行专章讨论,由于第四章已集中解决了这些作品在思想与认识价值方面的问题,故本章将重点放在翻新小说的艺术与文化价值上,从创作动机与方法、艺术沿革、题材与人物、文化内涵等方面尽可能对这类作品进行全面、客观地解读。余论为总结部分,归纳了标“新”小说的几种定位和属性,简述了标“新”及翻新作品对后世的影响,兼及对今日文学与文化的启示意义。附录部分为以编年形式呈现的标“新”小说目录,在通行资料的基础上有较大程度的增补和完善,另附有民初标“新”小说与近代续书、仿作的编年目录以作参考。

【Abstract】 Among the novels of Late-Qing dynasty, there were a special kind of works whose title would be marked with the word of "new", like NEW DREAMS OF RED CHAMBER, NEW AIRSHIP, NEW SHANGHAI, NEW CITIZENS OF TWENTITH CENTURY, etc. These are called marking "new" novels and are the study objects of this thesis. The main task is to describe this phenomenon based upon the researching materials, discuss its cause, classify and analyze the works. The purpose is to remedy the blank in the researching field of late Qing novels and get some valuable revelations from them.Based on this task, the thesis is divided into three parts, study on the outer phenomenon, study on the inner works and appendix. More detailed contents are as follows:The Introduction is mainly to solve some problems which would be encountered in the following research, including the definition of marking "new" phenomenon, the discrimination of some confusing conceptions, the summary of the achievements already made, and to show the value and describe the method and idea of this thesis.Chapter One is an overview about this phenomenon. According to the statistics, four stages are divided in the period of late Qing, and descriptions to them are made combining with the typical works and facts. Some important problems are put into the last chapter to discuss. From the angle of novel circulation, the publishing and printing organizations are commented. And the representative writers of marking "new" novels are introduced and compared.Chapter Two discusses the cause of this phenomenon. The cause is from the joint forces of a great deal of conditions, which are analyzed as follows. The prerequisite: slack and connivance of official policies; Social conditions:interactions of reality, Zeitgeist, social psychology and public opinions; Literature conditions:new style novels were born and prevailed; Literature traditions:sequels and replicas; Main factors:interactions of new style writers and readers group; Greatest impetus:market and media; Two promoting factors:new novel theories and criticisms and literary translations. The reason of this phenomenon seeing ebb and flow is then discussed. Some datum which are not suitable to appear in this part are put to the appendix (the same blow).Chapter Three is a transition from phenomenon research to novel research. First, the marking "new" novels are classified as broad sense, which means newspapers and magazines printing these novels, and narrow sense, which means the marking "new" novels. These kind of novels are investigated from different angles and given a reasonable way of classification for the further study. The Proviso discusses the marking problems of foreign novels.Chapter Four focuses on the topic of what is new about the marking "new" novels. Two most important categories of works are analyzed about their cognition values because they reflected the social life, thoughts, the mentality and living conditions of the intellectuals at that time, and the artistic characteristics of some works are commented.Chapter Five focuses on the translation works among the marking "new" novels. As their cognition values have been discussed in Chapter Four, this chapter centers on the artistic and cultural values of these works, giving an overall and objective interpretation on the writing motives and methods, artistic history, subjects and characters, cultural connotations and so on.The epilogue sums up several kinds of properties of marking "new" novels, describes their influences on the later works and the revelations to today’s culture and literature.The Appendix shows the marking "new" works in the form of chronological lists, which make some supplements on the basis of the original lists. And the chronological lists of the marking "new" novels, sequels and replicas during the early years of Republic of China are attached for reference.

【关键词】 晚清新小说标新小说翻新小说
【Key words】 Late-QingNew NovelMarking New NovelRetread Novel
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】230