

To Educationalist

【作者】 殷建华

【导师】 马和民;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 校长是一所学校的灵魂,在全面实施素质教育过程中校长所起的作用就尤为突出、关键。正是在这样的背景下,“教育家办学”成为一个时代命题和社会共识。“教育家办学”不仅是教育改革发展的迫切需要,也是校长自我成长的根本追求。那么,身处教育一线的校长每天都想些什么?做些什么?如何才能成为引领区域素质教育发展、有一定影响力的教育家型校长?这些问题便凸现为一个全新的研究课题。本研究以质的研究为取向,运用扎根理论的研究方法,以A市S小学X校长为研究对象,以校长社会化为分析框架,充分运用了实地观察、多层次访谈、三角互证、实物收集等方法收集资料,在对15类案例概括进行主题深描的基础上进一步运用开放性编码、主轴编码和选择性编码的方式提炼出校长社会化的扎根理论命题。本研究得出如下结论:第一,校长职业化与专业化的争辩源于不同的研究视角,没有必要厚此薄彼。社会化能够统摄职业化与专业化,弥补了校长职业化与专业化争辩中的不足,是研究校长成长问题更具解释力的分析框架,有助于我们在一个更大的时空范围内,尽可能地接近、揭示校长个人与学校及社会相互作用中所发生的各种“真相”。第二,校长社会化的分析框架可以分为相互依赖、相互促进的生活、角色、组织、结果等四个维度。生活维度透析了校长的童年生活、家庭生活、行政生涯和学校生活;角色维度透析了校长的角色扮演和角色认知;组织维度透析了校长的办学愿景、规范管理和创新经营;结果维度透析了校长的办学思想和领导权威。第三,校长社会化是指校长为实现自身成长和促进学校发展,在生活中积累和凝练教育经验,在实践中构建和调适职业角色,在创新中推动和实现学校变革,在反思中提炼和形成个性化办学思想,在领导中塑造专业权威和道德权威,在融合中构建和积淀学校文化的过程。第四,校长社会化的实质是校长在个人与学校及社会相互作用中,充分发挥自身主体性,实现职业与专业的双赢,成为个人化办学者的过程。在这一过程中,校长不仅有效整合了教育者、研究者、管理者、经营者和领导者等角色,而且提升了个人的学习能力、创新能力、领导能力、社会交往能力和文化建构能力。第五,专业性、独特性和实效性是作为个人化办学者的校长的主要特征,这和当前学术界关于教育家型校长特质的研究结论有许多共通之处,作为个人化办学者的校长是最有可能成为教育家的人。教育家型校长是作为个人化办学者的校长的根本追求,是校长社会化的未来走向。有教育理想、有教育思想、有丰富实践、有创新能力、有高尚人格、有办学成效是教育家型校长区别于一般校长的特质。第六,校长由个人化办学者向教育家型校长跨越的过程,是一个抢抓机遇、改革创新、反复实践、追求和谐、自我超越的过程,不仅需要校长加强专业理想、专业能力、专业伦理等内驱力系统的修炼,还需要创新管理制度、培训制度、评价制度等外动力机制的完善。第七,基于X校长个案的校长社会化研究不具有普适性,对于当前校长成长问题研究中盛行的思辨研究,是一种必要的补充,为人们展现了一幅在全面实施素质教育背景下学校教育变迁的真实图景,也为那些行走在教育家办学路上的校长如何实现从一般校长向教育家型校长跨越提供了一个微观图景。行走在教育家办学路上的校长,重要的并不是成为教育家,而是过程的体验与感悟。

【Abstract】 A principal is the soul of a school. The role of a principal is especially prominent and pivotal in the process of fully implementing quality education. It is under such a background, school-running by educationalist becomes an assignment of an era and social consensus. It is not only the urgent need for education reform and development, but also a principal’s fundamental pursuit of professional development.Thus, what does a principal in the educational forefront think every day? What does he do every day? How can he become an influential educationalist principal in leading regional quality education development? These issues will be highlighted as a new research topic.This study is based on qualitative research, applying grounded theory approach. It takes Principal X from S Primary School, A City as the research object, basing on the principal’s socialization as its analysis framework. In order to collect all kinds of data, this study uses fully many methods,including field observation, multi-level interview, triangle validation and physical collection. Based on deep description of the fifteen general cases, and by using the approaches of open coding, axial coding and selective coding, this study also refines the grounded theory propositions of the principal’s socialization.This research draws the following conclusions:First, the argument of principals’professionalization and specialization stems from different perspectives, and there is no need to discriminate. Socialization conbines professionalization with specialization and covers the shortage of professionalization and specialization, and it is considered as a more effective way on analytical framework of principals’development. It helps us get to know the principal as closely as possible, and reveal the various "truth" caused by the interaction within principals, schools and the society at the same time.Second, the principal’s socialization can be divided into four dimensions:life, role, organization, result. The four dimensions are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. The dimension on life analyzes the principal’s administrative career, childhood, family life, and school life. The dimension on role analyzes the principal’s role playing and the role of perception. The dimension on organization analyzes the principal’s vision, standardized administration, and innovative management. The dimension on result analyzes the educational thoughts and leadership authority from the principal.Third, to a principal, in order to speed his own professional growth and to promote the school development, the principal’s socialization refers to the process of accumulating and condensing education experience in life, building and adapting professional roles in practice, promoting school organization reform in innovation, forming the thoughts of personalized school-running in self-reflection, building professional and moral authority in leadership,and Constructing and accumulating school culture in the fusion.Fourth, the essence of principal’s socialization is the process of becoming an individual school-running person while a principal is giving full play to his own subjectivity. The purpose is to achieve the win-win situation of both profession and speciality with the help of the interaction within the principal, the school and the society. During the process, the principal not only effectively integrates the roles of an educator, a researcher, an administrator, an operator, and a leader, but also enhances the personal ability of learning, innovation, leading, social interaction and cultural construction.Fifth, as the main characters to an individual school-running person, the elements of professionalism, uniqueness and effectiveness have a lot in common with current academic research on the standard of educationalist principal. The principal as an individual school-running person, is the most likely one to be a educationalist. Educationalist principal is not only the fundamental pursuit of an individual school-running person, but also the future direction of the principal’s socialization.The distinguishes between an educationalist principal and an ordinary principal are educational ideality, educational thoughts, a wealth of practical experience, the ability of innovation, high morality and the effectiveness on the task.Sixth, the path from an individual school-running person to an educationalist principal is also the process to seize the opportunities, carry out reforms, put theory into practice repeatedly, pursuit harmony and make progress by self-surmounting. It not only requires a principal to strengthen the inner drive system on professional ideal, professional ability, professional ethics, but also stimulate the motivation on management of innovation system, the training system, the evaluation system.Seventh, according to the Principal X case, this study on the principal’s socialization does not possess its generality. Thus, it is a kind of essential complement to current speculative research on principal’s development. It has not only unfolded a microscopic picture of school changes in the context of fully implementation of quality education, and also opened up a prospect to those who are trying to make the leap from an ordinary principal to an educationalist one. For those who are on their way of running a school, the most important thing is not to be an educationalist finally, but to experience the process of being one.

【关键词】 校长社会化教育家扎根理论
【Key words】 principalsocializationeducationalistgrounded theory
  • 【分类号】G637.12
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】1128