

The Comparation between China and Vietnam in Junior High School Language Textbooks

【作者】 皇友衍

【导师】 倪文锦;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 学科教育, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 当今世界,随着国际交流的增进,各国之间在经济、文化、教育等方面的往来日益发展。通过交流,各国可以相互借鉴其宝贵的经验,促进携手合作,共同发展。越南与中国之间有着悠久的传统友好关系,并且在文化方面上还有很多相似之处。众所周知,作为母语教育,语文是中小学最基础、最重要的课程之一。中越两国都十分重视语文教育,并把语文作为基础教育的核心课程。本人是越南太原大学的一位语文教师,迫切希望了解中国的语文教育。为增进两国语文教育的彼此了解,相互学习,取长补短,共同提高,我以“中越两国初中语文教科书比较”为题,在导师指导下开展研究。本文共分章。第一章是绪论,着重围绕研究对象、目标和意义,国内外研究现状和研究方法等进行综述。第二章是中越两国初中语文教科书历史沿革,从教科书发展史的角度,初步揭示了两国语文教科书在内容、结构、体例、呈现方式等方面的特征。第三章从课程层面,对两国教科书编写的依据——语文课程标准进行了比较分析,确立了当代语文教科书编制的核心理念和基本思路。第四、五章是比较研究的核心部分,着重对当前两国语文教科书中的阅读教学、写作教学、口语交际教学,以及中国的语文综合性学习等进行全方位的研究。一方面通过差异性分析,突出两国教科书的个性特点;另一方面也探讨了两国教科书中的薄弱环节,并尝试作出学理的阐述。最后,论文在比较研究的基础上,立足时代的高度,对语文教科书编制作了展望。本文希望通过对中越两国初中语文教科书的比较研究,能为正在使用教材的两国教师反思语文教学提供参考,也希望能为两国语文新教材的建设作出自己的一点贡献。

【Abstract】 Today’s world, with the promotion of international exchanges, countries can learn from each of their valuable experience and promote cooperation and common development in economic, cultural and education. Vietnam and China share a long tradition of friendly relations, and there are many similarities in cultural. As we all know, as a mother tongue education, language is the most basic and important part of the curriculum in primary and secondary schools. China and Vietnam have attached great importance to language education and put language as a core curriculum of basic education. I am a language teacher in Thainguyen University of Vietnam, eager to learn the Chinese language education. To promote mutual understanding between the two countries and learn from each other, I will do a research under the guidance of instructors with the tittle of "The comparation between China and Vietnam in junior high school language textbooks".This paper is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is an introduction, focusing on the object of study, the goal and significance, research status and research methods at home and abroad are reviewed. The second chapter is the history of the two nations language textbooks. from the perspective of history, initially attempts to reveal the two language textbooks in the content, structure, style, presentation and other aspects of features. The third chapter, from the curriculum level, compares the two countrys language curriculum standards which are the basis of two countries language textbooks written, and establishes the core of the contemporary concept of the language of textbooks and basic ideas. The fourth and fifth chapter are the core of this paper, focusing on the reading teaching, writing teaching, the teaching of oral communication and the comprehensive language learning of the two countries in the language textbooks. On the one hand through the difference analysis, highlights the characteristics of the two countries textbooks; On the other hand also discusses the textbook of the weak link between the two countries, and tries to make a theoretical elaboration. Finally, the paper, based on the height of the times, makes the prospect of the language of textbooks for the future.This paper aims to provide reference for the two countries teachers who are using language textbooks, through the comparative study, and also hopes to make a meaningful contribution for the construction of the two countries new mandarin textbooks.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1009