

A Research on Cities’ Synchronization in the Yangtze River Delta in the View of New Institutional Economics

【作者】 曾群华

【导师】 徐长乐;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 近年来,随着经济全球化与区域一体化的纵深发展,各大都市圈、城市群都掀起了“1-3小时交通圈”的规划热潮,加快了区域内人才、物质、信息、资金等要素的流动往来,相邻城市的发展态势与合作模式也越来越成为区域经济发展的关注焦点。继2005年深圳最早提出与香港形成“同城化”的发展态势和理念后,国内众多相邻区域都先后提出了同城化的发展战略与思路,各区域板块正呈现出以“同城化”为导向或龙头的区域经济发展趋势。随着长三角地区地级城市及主要城镇之间便捷、快速、安全、高效的城际轨道交通网络的基本形成,区域内主要城市间和相邻城市间基本实现了“1-2小时交通圈”,大大缩短了都市圈内主要城市之间的时空距离。以加快相邻区域内资金、信息、物资、人才等要素资源的无障碍流动与零交易成本为目的的长三角“同城化效应”研究也日益成为各领域研究的热点。本文引入制度变迁理论与博弈论的分析框架,围绕“同城化租金”与共同利益的核心概念,以寻租、创租、分租为研究主线,试图从新的视角阐释同城化的制度内涵及其要素特征,认为同城化是作为相邻城市之间基于更低交易费用诉求的利益博弈与利益共享的制度变迁过程,是基于区域制度租金与潜在收益的协调博弈——合作博弈——分配博弈的结果。研究着眼于中国最具活力的长三角区域的“金三角”——上海、苏州、嘉兴(以下简称“沪苏嘉”)地区,在分析沪苏嘉同城化的现实基础和约束条件的基础上,探讨其动力机制与机理,提出了沪苏嘉同城化的路径选择与策略,为同城化的研究提供了一个良好的典范。全文结构共七章,分为理论和实证两大部分。前三章为理论部分,通过对相关概念的界定与辨析、国内外相关研究文献与理论的回顾和梳理,构建了同城化的制度分析架构。后四章为实证部分。在详细分析沪苏嘉同城化现实基础与约束条件的基础上,运用新制度经济学理论,探讨了沪苏嘉同城化的动力机制,提出了其实现的路径与策略。具体如下:第一章,绪论。介绍了本文的研究背景、选题目的与意义、研究思路、主要创新。第二章,国内外相关研究综述及其理论基础。在辨析都市圈、城市群与同城化的异同,以及解读同城化与一体化关系的基础上,对同城化的内涵做了新的界定;通过对国内外相关研究成果的回顾和梳理,探讨了地理学、新制度经济学、社会学视角下的同城化理论认知。第三章,同城化的新制度经济学分析。基于新制度经济学的视角,剖析了同城化的制度内涵及其要素特征。并将博弈论引入制度变迁的分析框架中,重点探讨了新制度经济学视角下的同城化博弈分析,围绕“同城化租金”与共同利益的核心概念,以寻租、创租、分租为研究主线,将同城化制度变迁看成是基于区域制度租金与潜在收益的协调博弈——合作博弈——分配博弈的过程。第四章,沪苏嘉同城化的现实基础与约束条件分析。详细分析了沪苏嘉同城化的现实基础,阐述了沪苏嘉实现同城化进程中存在的主要问题及其约束条件。第五章,沪苏嘉同城化的动力机制分析。深入剖析了沪苏嘉同城化的动力机制,认为其动力体系主要由源生驱动力、核心驱动力、引导驱动力和外部驱动力等四个维度构成。第六章,沪苏嘉同城化的路径选择与策略研究。着眼于新制度经济学的理论分析框架,从制度变迁、交易费用、区域规划与公共服务等方面提出了实现沪苏嘉同城化的路径选择与策略。第七章,结论与展望。对全文进行总结与归纳,提炼本文的主要结论,指出分析的不足与展望。

【Abstract】 In recent years, as the deeply development of economic globalization and regional integration, all major metropolitan areas and city groups have launched the planning boom of a "1-3 hour traffic circle ", which speeds up the flow of exchanges of talents, material, information, capital and other elements within the region, the development trend and mode of cooperation of adjacent cities has increasingly become the focus of regional economic development. Following the development situation and the concept of "cities’synchronization" proposed firstly in 2005 between Shenzhen and Hong Kong, the development strategy and idea of cities’ synchronization has put forward in many adjacent regions in China, all regional plates are showing a trend of "cities’synchronization"as a guide or leader of the regional economic development.With the basic formation of the convenient, fast, safe and efficient inter-city rail transport network in prefecture-level cities and the main towns in Yangtze River Delta, major cities and neighboring cities within the region has basically realized the "1-2 hour traffic circle", which greatly reduces the temporal distance between major cities within the metropolitan area. The studies of "the effect of cities’synchronization" in the Yangtze River Delta for the purpose of accelerating the accessibility flow and zero transaction costs of funding, information, materials, human resources, and other elements between adjacent areas, have also increasingly become a hot research areas. This thesis introduces the analysis framework of institutional change theory and game theory, surrounding the core concept——the rent of cities’synchronization and common interests, along the cute of rent seeking, rent creating and rent allocating, trying to explain the system content of cities’synchronization and elements of characteristics from a new perspective, deeming that cities’synchronization is not only the process of institutional change of the interests of game and benefit-sharing based on the demand of lower transaction costs between neighboring cities, but only the result of co-ordination game -cooperative game - distribution game based on rent system and potential benefits of adjacent regions. The research is focused on the "Golden Triangle" of the most dynamic region in China’s Yangtze River Delta-Shanghai, Suzhou, Jiaxing (hereinafter referred to as the "HuSuJia"), discussing the mechanism of its power based on the analysis of its reality and constraints, proposing the path selection and strategy, which provides a good model for the study of cities’ synchronization.The structure of this thesis is divided into seven chapters, which consists of two major parts:theoretical analysis and case study. The first three chapters are the theoretical analysis, in which the framework of institutional analysis of cities’ synchronization has been constructed, through reviewing and analyzing the relational literatures and theory at home and abroad. The following four chapters are about case study, which explored the mechanism and approaches of cities’synchronization in Shanghai, Suzhou, Jiaxing. As follows:The first chapter:Introduction. In this part, the author elaborates the research background, purpose and significance of the topics, as well as the ideas and the main innovation;Chapter Two:Related Review and Theoretical Basis at Home and Abroad. In the chapter, on the basis of the analysis of the similarities and differences among metropolitan, urban agglomeration and cities’synchronization, as well as the relationship between cities’synchronization and integration, the author defines the new content of cities’synchronization;Through the review reorganization of relevant researches at home and abroad, the author discusses the cognitive theory of cities’ synchronization under the perspective of geography, new institutional economics, sociology. ChapterⅢ:The Analysis of Cities’Synchronization of New Institutional Economics. In this chapter, in the view of the new institutional economics, the institutional content and the system characteristics of cities’synchronization are analyzed. On this basis, the game theory is leaded into analysis framework of institutional change, the game analysis of cities’synchronization under the new institutional economics perspective is focused. Surrounding the core concept——the rent of cities’synchronization and common interests, along the cute of rent seeking, rent creating and rent allocating, the author considers that the institutional change of cities’synchronization is the process of co-ordination game -cooperative game -distribution game based on rent system and potential benefits of regions.Chapter IV:The Analysis of the Reality and Constraints of Cities’Synchronization in HuSuJia. The realistic basis of cities’synchronization in HuSuJia is analyzed in detail in this thesis, and described its main problems and constraints.Chapter V:The Dynamic Mechanism of Cities’Synchronization in HuSuJia. In the chapter, the author deeply dissects the dynamic mechanism of cities’ synchronization in HuSuJia, and considers that its power system is mainly composed of four dimensions, that is the source driving force, the core driving force, the guiding driving force and the external driving force.Chapter VI:The Choice and Strategy of Cities’Synchronization in HuSuJia. Based on the theoretical framework of institutional economics, this thesis is proposed the path selection and strategy to achieve cities’synchronization in HuSuJia from the respect of institutional change, transaction costs, regional planning, public services, and etc.Chapter VII:Conclusion and Outlook. By summarizing the full text, the main conclusions of the paper are extracted, what’s more, inadequate analysis and prospects are raised.

  • 【分类号】F091.349;F299.2
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】2045
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