

Critical Review on Xu Xuan and His Works

【作者】 李振中

【导师】 朱玉麒;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 相对于其它时段而言,五代至宋初的文学研究,显得较为薄弱,而对这一时期单个作家研究的深入和广泛程度的不足,是其重要原因。徐铉(917-992)作为这一时期重要的作家,其研究的欠缺就是例证。徐铉是南唐至宋初重要的文臣,其历经数朝的生涯和突出的政治地位,使其作品所反映的社会、政治和文化面貌的深度、广度,均高于同侪;就文学而言,无论是以存世的作品,还是以易代之际的文学地位及其对宋代文学的影响来衡量,徐铉文学成就也是那个时代其他作家所无法比拟的,堪称一代文宗。研究徐铉及其作品,对于了解那一时期的政治、文化、文学等方方面面,都有着不可替代的作用和十分重要的意义。基于学界对徐铉生平及其作品研究的不足,本文从两个方面进行研究:第一部分,从文本研究的角度,对徐铉的生平、人格、思想、文学创作等作尽可能详细的观照。第二部分,从文献整理的角度,对徐铉的作品进行考订、编年。本文第一部分主要由以下章节组成:第一、二章,主要对徐铉的家世与生平作详细考论。探讨家世背景及成长环境对其文学创作的影响;以时间为顺序,着重对徐铉的仕宦生涯进行细致考述;重点纠正对于徐铉行年细节及其文学活动认识上的错误。第三章,通过对文献资料的勾稽、排比与辨析,指出徐铉人格上的居中守正、爱憎分明,廉洁节俭、奖掖后进等优点,纠正后世所妄加于他的厚诬潘佑、祸及李煜、顺非文过等错误观点。第四章,结合五代社会背景及徐铉诗文,考察他的儒、道思想和文学观念。指出其儒家思想中的君臣观念、济世与兼善思想、文教思想,道家思想中的追求升仙及鬼神信仰观念,文学思想上的诗主教化与吟咏情性并重、文主实用等理念。其思想对于宋初儒学精神的回归及文道传统的修复有着较为重要的意义。第五章,重点纠正对于徐铉诗歌评价上的偏差。主要包括对其诗歌主要成就的时代归属、诗歌内容、诗歌风格、“晚年诗愈工”说等问题予以辨正。第六章,主要讨论他所作制文与墓志铭的特点及意义。指出徐铉制文创作上的辞达典雅、切于情事等特点,纠正学界认为制文中只用“於戲”而不用“呜呼”的错误观点;指出所作墓志铭中的实录精神及史料价值。第七章,徐铉对后世的影响。主要分四个方面,探讨在南唐优势文学背景下徐铉的文学地位与成就、徐铉的文学交游及其对于创作群体的影响、徐铉师生传承对于宋初文学演进的意义、徐铉诗文在当时及后世的接受。本文第二部分,基于徐铉诗文编年研究现状的不足,主要从以下几个方面进行编年:一、对以前未有编年的予以具体系年,不能具体系年的尽量系至相对短的时间段内。二、对已有编年或文中有明确具年的作品,尽量补充新材料以资考证;在已有研究基础上,尽量系至月甚至是日:对以往系年错误的予以纠正,并考辨其致误之因。三、编年同时,对诗文中所涉及的人、事、地进行考证或辨析。通过上述两个方面的研究,使徐铉研究在文献基础和理论观念上,具有更多的积累,以期为该时期的政治、文化研究提供明确的史料,并为由唐入宋的五代宋初文学研究提供重要的个案,促进对这一时段在中国文学史上的认识。

【Abstract】 Compared with other historical periods, researches on the literature between the Five Dynasties and Early Sung China are relatively weak, which is mainly caused by the less intensive and extensive exploration on individual writers. Xu Xuan(917-992), a major writer in this period but scarcely investigated serves as a good case in point. As a leading literature figure between Southern Tang and early Sung era, his political career spanning several dynasties and outstanding political status ensure the unrivaled depth and width of his works in reflecting society, politics and culture. As far as literature is concerned, whether considered from the aspect of existing works, literature status or his impact on the literature of Sung dynasty, his literary achievements are peerless and he merits the title of "literary fathers" of his generation. Researches on Xu Xuan and his works play an irreplaceable role and are of great importance for the understanding of politics, culture, literature and other aspects in that historical period.Owing to the scarcity of researches on Xu Xuan and his works in the literary circle, this dissertation will mainly focus on two facets:the first part examines his bibliography, personality, philosophy and literature creation in great detail from the perspective of text research; and the second section highlights the chronological compilation of his works from the perspective of literature documentation.The first part is composed of the following chapters.Chapter one mainly reviews Xu Xuan’s family background and his bibliography. This information is timely ordered for witnessing the influence of family and environment on his writing. His official careers are detailed and some misconception about his life and literary activities is corrected.Chapter two points out such merits of Xu Xuan as moderation and integrity, precise preference and abhorrence, fairness and thriftiness, rewarding and promoting juniors and so on. It further corrects the recklessly imposed faults such as incriminating Pan You (an official devoted to political reform), involving Li Yu (the last emperor in Southern Tang dynasty) in calamity, whitewashing his own mistakes, etc.Chapter three investigates Xuan Xuan’s Confucian and Taoist doctrines and literature concept by relating the social background and his essays and poems. The following features in his writings are indicated:the subordination of officials to sovereignty, charity and assistance to the society and education ideas in Confucianism, the pursuit of heavenly immortals and worship of supernatural beings in Taoism, poems for edification, chant for emotion and disposition, but essay for practicality in his literature conception. These ideas are of important value for the renaissance of Confucian spirit and restoration of Taoist tradition.Chapter four mainly revises the distorted critical review and evaluation of Xu Xuan’s poems, which covers these aspects:time categorization, content and style of his poems, the view of "the older one gets, the better his poem becomes".Chapter five discusses the epitaphs and imperial decrees he wrote and their characteristics and value. It is declared that these epitaphs have the spirit of faithful record and are important historical data. The imperial decrees featured verbal elegance and respecting truth. The wrong view in academic circle that only "yuxi" rather than "wuhu" is used for exclamation in imperial decrees is corrected.Chapter six discusses Xu Xuan’s influence on later ages from four aspects:Xu Xuan’s status and accomplishment in literature, his circle of acquaintance and effect in literature world, the significance of imparting students knowledge and skills to literature development in early Sung period, the recognition and acceptance of his poems in his age and later.The second part of this dissertation is a chronological compilation of his works due to insufficient research in this field.Firstly, the poems and imperial decrees which are not chronologize before are either precisely or approximately chronologically compiled to the extent of accurate year or relatively short period.Secondly, for the works already chronologized before or marked with year, this research supplement new materials for confirmation. Based on previous researches, the present study endeavors to chronologize these works to the specific month or even date. This research also corrects the previous chronological errors and discusses and identifies the causes.Thirdly, this research further discriminates and analyses the characters, incidents and places referred to in his works while chronologizing.The above-mentioned two parts of this dissertation aims to accumulating more data both documentarily and theoretically for research on Xu Xuan, supplying specific historical materials for research on politics and culture of his times, providing important case for literature study in the transition between Five Dynasties and Early Sung period, and promoting the identification of the importance of this age in the history of Chinese literature.

【关键词】 徐铉生平思想诗文编年
【Key words】 Xu Xuanbibliographythoughtworkschronologize
  • 【分类号】I206.2
  • 【下载频次】159