

Study on the Poesy of Zheng Zhen

【作者】 陈蕾

【导师】 胡晓明;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 文艺学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 郑珍(1806—1864),字子尹,晚号柴翁,贵州遵义人。道光举人,曾任荔波等县训导。一生穷处独学,终老僻壤,然才学深厚,于经学、训诂、诗文、书画无一不精,位列《清史稿·儒林传》,被后世誉为“西南巨儒”。郑珍本人虽视作诗为余诣,但其诗集《巢经巢诗钞》自清末刊刻传世以来,却备受赞誉。陈衍认为他是道光后宋诗派诗人中成就最高者,其诗乃“合学人诗人之诗二而一之”(《石遗室诗话》)。钱仲联《梦苕庵诗话》的评价亦甚高,以至于断言“有清三百年,王气在夜郎”。郑珍的诗,对后来的“同光体”作家如沈曾植、陈三立、范当世等都产生了重要的影响,胡先骗《读郑子尹(巢经巢诗>》更将其推为“有清一代冠冕”。但这样一位重要的诗学人物,却在上世纪后半叶因被贴上“宋诗派”的标签而备受冷遇,其《巢经巢诗钞》九百余首诗歌也鲜为人知。本文将力图运用文史哲综合研究的思路,文献考索与理论批评相结合的方法,从其诗歌本身入手,勾勒诗人荼檗备尝的艰难一生,解读其尘封已久的内心世界,探讨丰赡复杂的诗学实践,并尝试在清诗史和整个中国古典诗歌史上给他作一个定位,以期展现一个真实质朴、高华不俗的诗性生命,并藉此促进清诗、尤其是近代诗的研究。本文共分绪论和正文三章,主要内容如下:绪论为郑珍诗学研究小史,概述了自清末至今百余年来郑诗研究的过去和现状,并在此基础上指出前人研究的留白之处,从而明确本文的主攻方向。第一章题为“生平简笔”,主要运用文献考索的方法,对郑珍的生平行状作一次全面的梳理。文章认为,郑珍的一生可分为四期,即奋发图强的少年求学期、蹭蹬失意的青年求仕期、穷困奔忙的中年出仕期、和颠沛流离的晚年逃难期。与此同时,在论述事迹的同时,特注意从诗歌中挖掘诗人各个时期的特殊心态,以助了解其性格发展的脉络和后来诗学表现的原因。第二章题为“思想发微”,拟从诗歌解读入手,发现诗人丰富隐秘的精神生活和高华不俗的人格世界。文章认为,郑珍虽然在学术上采取“汉宋兼采”的治学路径,但在实践上却终以程朱故训为依归,体现出恪守儒行的大儒风范。同时,其个性中又有许多鲜为人知的侧面,如孝子、情种、酒徒等等。此外,本章还论述了除诗学外郑珍在多个领域中的不俗造诣。这些看似诗学外围的分析都将有助于增进对其诗学本身的了解。第三章题为“诗学刍议”,拟从诗论主张、诗歌主题、风格渊源和诗学成就四个方面展开对郑珍诗艺本身的全面考察。文章认为,郑珍“不俗、自立、独创”的诗学理想中充满了难能可贵的文学创造者的主体意识和创新锐气。而其丰赡多姿的诗歌主题则涵盖了国计民生、亲情友情、山水奇观、金石考据等多个方面,笔力不凡,各有千秋。在风格渊源方面,能融奇奥渊懿与平易自然为一体,又能转益多师,唐宋兼采,却不规规于古人,以真情锻造“自家面目”,终成晚清诗坛大家。故其对晚清诗坛上同光体、诗界革命以及五四新文化运动都产生过较深远的影响,说他是清诗史上一流的诗人并不为过。

【Abstract】 Cheng chen (1806-1864,Tzu-yin;TZU-WENG),a native of Tsun-yi, Kweichow province,was a former second degree candidate in the provincial examination in Dao Guang and had been nominated as a minor education offial in several counties in Kweichow.During his life,he lived in poor, and spent almost all his time on his study in his hometown,which is a very remote place in southwestern china.However, his extraordinary talent made him very successful in many acedemic fields, such as the study of Confucian classics, the explanations of words in ancient books, poems and proses, paintings and caligraphies.So, he was recorded in the Draft of Qing Dynasty Scholars Biography, and was known as "the Southwest Confusianist".Although he himself did not think much of poems writing, his peotry anthology, Ch’ao-ching-ch’ao shih,was highly praised and even regarded as the poet laureate of Qing Dynasty.But, during the second half of the 20th century, he was labeled to the "Sung poem school" and underestimated for a long time.In the meantime, his 900 poems were rarely known by the people.Here I would try my best to outline his rough life, to unscramble his inward world, to investigate his poetic practice, and finally give him a position in both the Parnassus of Qing Dynasty and the whole history of chinese classic Poetry.The mainbody of this thesis is composed of such chapters below:The Introduction outlines the history of the study of Cheng chen’s poetry, and points out the insufficiency in these study,through which I can lay my emphases in my research.In Chapter One, through documentary investigation, I describle the whole life of Cheng Chen, and dipartite it into four periods, that is, the hardworking boyhood, the unappraciated youth, the rushing and poor middle age, and the destitute and homeless late years.At the same time,I especially pay attention to the particular mentality of those periods above so as to understand Cheng chen’s personality and poetry. In Chapter Two, through the interpretation of Cheng Chen’s poetry, I try to find out his secrete cultural life and noble personality charm.As I point out, Cheng chen has spent his whole life in practising the confucius ethics and finally made himself a scholar who combines profoundity with virtue; in the mean time, he also has many personalities rarely know by the people.Besides, this chapter deals with Cheng Chen’s uncommon achievements in many art areas.In Chapter Three, I focus on the poetic art of Cheng Chen by analyze the poetic theroy and theme, the style and origine, and the achievements and position of his poetry.As I point out, Cheng Chen’s poetic thoery is full of subject consciousness and initiative spirit.And his poetic themes are so rich and varied that they can almost cover all the respect of the social life at that time. Last but not the least, the style of his poetry can be described as the combination of fantastical and easy, and he learned from different previous great poets while adding his own feeling to establish his own style.So, finally he made himself the prince of poets in the late Qing Dynasty.

  • 【分类号】I207.22
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