

Study on Distant Water Fishery Production Networks from Different Spatial Scales

【作者】 向清华

【导师】 曾刚;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 经济全球化使不同空间尺度的区域联系空前紧密世界范围内的专业化分工和生产外包现象越来越普遍,以研究跨国生产联系为己任的全球生产网络理论因而受到了国内外学者的关注,全球生产网络已经成为经济地理学创新色彩浓厚、社会影响大的一个学术流派。全球化的外生力量和国家寻求发展的内生性因素,使越来越的国家和地区被纳入全球化生产体系。不少发展中国家利用劳动力成本优势和自然资源优势,通过吸引外资,承接了来自发达国家的技术含量低、附加值不高的合同外包生产。发展中国家和发达国家因此而嵌入全球生产网络,区域比较优势得到了更加充分的发挥,产生了良好的经济效益。全球生产网络的兴起在一定程度上解释了经济全球化的组织生产过程,但由于其该结论来源于大量实证研究和经验主义方法,以及研究者重点关注的加工制造业领域,且大多数研究在全球或区域尺度上展开,很少对同一个产业从全球、区域、国家和地方等不同空间尺度上同时考虑,笔者认为前人的研究可能存在不足之处,本文选取了远洋渔业这一国家战略产业作为研究对象,拟从全球、国家和地方三个不同空间尺度透视,对其生产网络进行了研究,以扩展全球生产网络在研究涵盖范围上的不足,以及不同空间尺度上生产网络核心主体的不同。由于远洋渔业的产业特点,本文以具有全球经济效益以及影响力最大的金枪鱼为例,采用理论文献分析方法、实地调研和深度访谈方法和网络分析方法,以全球生产网络和全球价值链治理理论为基础,对远洋渔业产业进行较为全面的分析和研究。论文首先分析了远洋渔业的基本概念和分类,归纳了远洋渔业的关键影响因子及其产业特征,远洋渔业发展受到自然资源、经济实力、先进技术、人力资源、饮食文化和消费偏好等因子的深刻影响。具有产业集中度高、政府高度干预和多层次治理等特点。在此基础上,根据文献资料以及访谈,描述了远洋渔业全球产业链的不同环节以及在全球的空间布局状态,为从不同尺度分析远洋渔业全球生产网络判定了基础。论文的重点是从全球、国家和地方尺度上展开对远洋渔业生产网络的构成和治理进行分析,对这三个不同的尺度,分别选取一个具有代表性的地方进行定位分析,以中西太平洋、中国、上海来对应上述三个空间尺度,通过大量的实地调研和深度访谈,分别阐述远洋渔业生产网络的构成、治理,以及三个不同空间之间的链接关系。最后,从全球生产网络的角度,提出上海发展远洋渔业的战略选择。经研究发现,远洋渔业生产网络本质上是一个多空间尺度、多行动者参与、多层级的全球生产网络,其形成与发展受时间和空间的深刻影响。由于世界各地源禀赋条件不同,远洋渔业产业发展空间差异显著。处于不同空间尺度的远洋渔业具有不同的特点。国家和政府是影响远洋渔业全球生产网络空间治理和权力关系的主导因素。国家经济、政治实力和对外影响力决定了该地在不同空间尺度生产网络中的地位,这与其它产业生产网络主要由跨国公司进行治理的状况有显著区别。远洋渔业的发展,直接受制于主权国家对全球远洋渔业资源的控制力和影响力,在远洋渔业的发展过程中,跨国公司主要发挥辅助作用。金枪鱼全球生产网络的技术分化严重,远洋捕捞环节发生了国际转移,部分发达国家逐渐退出这一传统领域,发展中国家以劳动力成本和地理临近优势承接了产业环节的转移,越来越多的发展中国家进入捕捞环节,扩张了全球生产网络的边界。加工环节的外包比捕捞环节的生产外包更为明显。为了追求利润最大化,越来越多的发达国家将技术含量低、附加值不高、劳动力需求量大的初加工环节外包给发展中国家,而将技术含量高、附加值高、控制力强的捕捞环节仍然保持在发达国家,金枪鱼生产工业化分工受技术实力的深刻影响。远洋渔业产业发展受资源、市场和生产能力的综合影响,空间分布“核心-边缘”特征显著。远洋渔业生产网络的空间层次治理特征显著。在全球尺度上,国际公约、渔业协议、法律和管理规范对全球远洋渔业生产网络的发展具有重要影响;在区域尺度上,区域渔业管理组织是介于全球和国家之间的通道,对区域、次区域的渔业管理运用国际认可的标准、法律、政策和程序,提供咨询意见并协议实施;在国家尺度上,中央政府直接负责该国的渔业资源管理。不同的治理主体对不同空间尺度的远洋渔业生产网络的影响也不完全相同。同时,不同空间尺度的治理主体之间的相互影响也较大,这也是远洋渔业生产网络与其它产业生产网络的另一个不同之处。

【Abstract】 Economic globalization causes an ever closer regional links and connections in different spatial scales, and it is very common for specialized division and outsourcing of production. Global production network theory, focusing on cross-border production linkages, has been paid more and more attentions by scholars home and abroad.Exogenous forces of globalization and endogenous factors of seeking development of one nation have caused more and more countries and regions incorporated into global production systems. Using the advantage of labor cost and natural resource, many developing countries accept low-technology and low value added production of developed countries by attracting foreign investment. Thus, developing and developed countries embedded in global production networks, and regional comparative advantage has been more fully exploited, resulting in a good economic returns.Taking distant water fishery as research aim, the thesis analyzes the key elements of distant water fishery and industry characteristics using tuna as an example. The author believes that the development of distant water fishery, effected by natural resources, economic strength, advanced technology, human resources, food culture and consumer preference, etc. has the characteristics of high industrial concentration, strong asset specificity, significant government role and multi-level governance, etc.Using theoretical literature analysis, field research and interviews, network and spatial analysis methods, based on global production network theory, the author discussed the spatial shape, organization structure, network governance and other issues from the global, national and local spatial level, and made the following conclusion.Firstly, the distant water fishery production network is essentially a multi-spatial scale, multi-actor participation and multi-level global production networks, and its formation and development influenced by the profound impact of space and time. Because of the different resource endowments all over the world, the spatial disparity of distant water fishery development is very obvious. Distant water fisheries have different characteristics in different spatial level. In addition, the structure of global production network includes regional fisheries organizations, enterprises, government, industrial associations, universities and research institutions and NGOs, which made different influence to distant water fisheries production network in different spatial scale.Secondly, national government is the main factor effecting spatial governance and power relationship of global production network of distant water fisheries. National economy, political power and foreign have played a vital role in production networks position of different spatial scale.Thirdly, the distant water tuna industry has the characteristics of spatial concentration and professional division of labor. The production and consumption of tuna are mainly in Japan, the United States and European Union countries, the mainly processing sectors centralize in Africa, the Caribbean and Southeast Asian countries. As for the pursuit of the economies of scale, industrial space concentration is increasing mainly, mergers and acquisitions activities are crossing countries and regions, forming production, trade and consumption base which a few big transnational corporations occupy the key position and many small supported manufacturers are surroundings.Fourthly, the technological differentiation of distant water tuna global production network is severe, and the outsourcing in production process is more obvious than that of fishing process. The more and more outsourcing of primary processing sectors are happening from the developed countries to the developing countries, but the developed countries control those high technological content and high added value so that they can still remain in the central position in the GPNs. Fifthly, influenced by resources, market and production capacity, the spatial distribution of distant water fishery has an obvious feature of ’core-periphery’. On the global scale, Japan, the United States and the European Union countries occupy the center position in GPNs as the three biggest core markets, PICs and Indian Ocean countries have been resources center, Japan, Taiwan of PRC, South Korea, and the United States as the center of the production. At the regional scale, Asia-Pacific region has formed the fishing center, Japan is as the core, the Taiwan of PRC and South Korea as sub-centers-China and other developing countries as the third level.At the national scale, Shanghai is as the center, Guangdong, Zhejiang and Shandong as the second core, the spatial structure of "core-periphery" is clear at different scales.At last, there is a significant feature of spatial governance of distant water fishery production. In global level, international conventions, fisheries agreements, legal and management practice are the important factors of the development of global production network of distant water fisheries; in regional level, regional fishery administration organizations, which provides fishery management in regional and sub-regional level with consultant suggestions using the standards, laws, policy and procedures acknowledged by international organization, is the channel between global and national scale; in national level, central government takes the direct responsibility for national fishery resource management.
