

Live in the Present and Search Their Ways of the Past: Study on the Systematic Learing about the Spring and Autumn Annals in Song Dynasty

【作者】 孙旭红

【导师】 王东;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 史学理论及史学史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在《春秋》学史上,宋代是一个大放异彩的时代。要进一步寻绎中国经学对宋代社会的浸润和影响,以宋代《春秋》学为切入点无疑可以达到窥一斑而视全豹的效果。另外,宋代由于继五代乱世而建国,学者思有以拨乱反正之策,这思考反映在学术研究上,便是在抵制释迦教理入侵的同时,还逐渐舍弃了汉唐注疏之学,试图从中国传统经典中挖掘出符合时代需要的理想秩序的建设方案。因此,本文在架构与论述过程中,也力图反映宋儒对儒家经典思想资源的嫁接与利用,从中体现其精神折向,也即体现出“其时代的精神和灵魂”,将宋代《春秋》学作为“中国古代价值理想的思想脉动来理解”。整体性的思考需要局部实证加以支撑。本文探讨宋代《春秋》学,拟从历时性与共时性两个向度来分析。具体言之,本文首先展开论述经学变古思潮的发展脉络,进而论证这种思潮的发展对理学、《春秋》学崛起的影响,以及在理学产生后,理学与《春秋》学之间是如何发生相互影响的。实际上,在宋代,许多注经著作中都已经渗透了理学思想,而理学家所阐发的内容也大多离不开经学,理学是经学的合逻辑产物,理学以经学为根柢,同时,理学又指导并服务于经典解释。具体到理学与《春秋》学的关系,则是包括《春秋》学在内的经学变古之风促进了理学的产生;理学在建立后,则又依傍《春秋》阐发义理,进而对宋儒关于《春秋》的解经方式、内容的理解等诸多方面以深刻的影响,宋代《春秋》学在理学的浸润下,也最终完成了理学化的过程。其次,本文对《春秋》的性质进行了历时性的梳理,从经、史相通的学术视野考察宋代学者对《春秋》性质之争的深层原因。为了清晰地梳理宋儒对《春秋》经、史性质的“前理解”,笔者不惜笔墨地概述了先宋时期学者对《春秋》性质的认识,然后重点转向宋儒对《春秋》经、史性质的讨论。从汉代经学初立,《春秋》学与政治联姻,因而被视为经的性质的倾向十分明显。从杜预到刘知几,《春秋》为史的观念被推向了极致,中唐啖助学派始视《春秋》为经、史合一的性质,这一点在宋儒那里得到了充分的发挥。虽然宋儒在承认《春秋》具有双重性质这一点上分歧不大,但在对待经、史具体关系上却又有所差异。孙复、刘敞等人是尊经贬传的代表,苏辙与朱熹则为以史证经合以史通经的代表,这些论证既反映了《春秋》学的发展脉络,亦体现了经、史之学的历史姻缘。本文第三章继而讨论宋代《春秋》学中的王霸之辨。虽然王霸观点向来属于中国古代哲学与思想史研究,但在《春秋》学中却体现了“经”与“史”的双重特征。即宋儒一方面描述了春秋时期的王霸盛衰的事迹,另一方面又以此事迹为突破口,重点以心术动机为契机,进而衍申出义利、理欲、名位等诸多问题的讨论,加之宋代特殊的时代背景下对尊王攘夷的强调,一起构成了宋代《春秋》学中王霸之辨的主要特征。因此,本文于《春秋》学中寻觅宋儒对“王霸之辨”的思考轨迹,这个问题若放在经、史相通的《春秋》学视野中考察,既能加深对宋代“王霸之辨”内涵的认识。也可以以一个具体个案来分析宋儒“以史通经”的经解思想。另外,本文第四章主要讨论宋代《春秋》学的解经方法。虽有研究者概括宋儒解经乃“依经废传”、“舍传求经”、“会通三传”等特征,但是,宋代《春秋》学的解经方法绝非仅限于此。如果后来的研究者仅仅局限于成说,则会产生一个误导:即至少汉、唐时期众多的解经传统至宋代全都断裂了,而宋儒则完全走上了不同于前人的解经“新路”,这种理解显然是十分片面的。例如《春秋》求情责实、原心定罪的解经依据,正名定分、别嫌明微的用心,反经行权的思量等等,都是《春秋》学独特的解经方法,这些都是当今的研究者所无法回避的宋代《春秋》经解问题。第五章讨论宋代学者对《春秋》起止与断限的研究。传统经学家强调所谓“一字褒贬”的《春秋》笔法,甚至连《春秋》的起始与断限都有其特殊意义。《春秋》于鲁隐公元年开端,却于哀公十四年终结,这一年既非鲁国某公的始年,亦非末年。这样,关于《春秋》的起止之争,在整个《春秋》学史上就没有停息过。另外,自孟子伊始,已经瞩意孔子作《春秋》的意图,宋儒对此问题的关注更是十分普遍,因此,孔子为何作《春秋》、《春秋》为何止于“西狩获麟”,这些已经是《春秋》学史上的一个重大问题,这种争论自汉代发端,一直延续到宋代亦未能获得一致见解,因此,对其进行梳理和论证进而作出相应的评价,也是宋代《春秋》学研究的题中之义。以上为本文欲完成的目标和拟解决的相关问题的概述,建立在此基础上的结论,也必然是对宋代《春秋》学的整体评价,因此,本文结论认为,宋儒将理学思潮融入《春秋》经解、辨明《春秋》的经、史性质、探讨《春秋》学中的王霸之辨以及追问《春秋》的起止与断限,其根本目的仍然是要通过对原典资源的重新审视和诠释,使儒家的价值理念获得进入历史的鲜活生命力,并转化为自身时代“所拥有的传统”。宋代学者开创的《春秋》学研究的新阶段是值得肯定的,但其恣意驰骋的思想空间仍然是为统治者的专制统治提供理论依据,且当其自身所处的时代已经远离先秦时期的宋朝,依然喋喋于陈陈相因的大义微言,这显然是时代精英们思想资源枯竭、难以创新的理论与现实境界之表现。

【Abstract】 Among the study of Confucian classics. the systematic learling of the spring and autumn annals was the significant one. If we want to research the influence of the study of Confucian classics upon Song dynasty,we can start with the study of the systematic learing about the spring and autumn annals. Actually,from Tang to Song dynasty,The scholars want to look for perfect methods to consolidate and strengthen Song dynasty from traditional Confucian classics.I will reflect it in this thesis.In this dissertation,not only the macroscopic research will be appeared,but also the microcosmic demonstration will be used. Paticularly,many works regarding the explanation of Confucian classics in Song dynasty penetrated the neo-Confucianism,while the contents of philosophy lecture didn’t depart from the neo-Confucianism.Philosophy is the logical product of Confucian classics evolution,whereas philosophy were rooted in Confucian classics,the specific relationship of neo-Confucianism and the systematic learing about the spring and autumn annals was that the reform of Classics studies promote neo-Confucianism to come into being;when neo-Confucianism established,it eluciaated doctrines depending on the systematic learing about the spring and autumn annals,and gived the systematic learing about the spring and autumn annals further influences in various aspects. the systematic learing about the spring and autumn annals in Song dynasty finished the neo-Confucianism at last.This dissertation will take analyze by horizontal way. The spring and autumn annals,though included in the category of Confucian classics,is also a history book. Since offical status was given to Confucianism in Han dynasty, the spring and autumn annals was related to politics and taken as a Confucian classics.Then,from DuYu to LiuZhiji,the book was wildely taken as a history one.DanZhu and his follpwers in the middle of Tang dynasty began to regard it as both a Confucian classics and a history book,which was further developed by scholars in Song dynasty,though they disagreed with each other as to the degree.Some highlighted the content of Confucianism and depreciate the biographical part in the book,while others proposed to understand or even prove Confucianism on the basis of the historical content.These arguments reflect both the development of the spring and autumn annals and the characteristics of the times.SunFu identifys WangDao and BaDao based on the continuum of Confucian Orthodoxy, but there is no profound impact for his later scholars.WangAnshi starts to talk about the distinction in the dimensions of Mind and Nature,The the systematic learing about the spring and autumn annals in Song dynasty succeeds this train of thought,and on this basis,it creates new contact with the arguments with righteousness and benefit、reason and desire and status gradually.When analysed the arguments we can find that the scholars’views may have differences,but they are unanimous in putting excessive emphasis on monarchial power,and carring out policy of benevolence, consolidating the state power,This is still in accordance with the main aim of the systematic learing about the spring and autumn annals of Song dynasty.In chapter four, this essay mainly discusses the ways to analyze Confucianism in the systematic learning about the spring and autumn annals in Song dynasty. Although some researchers generalize that Song Confucian have such features as believing in Confucianism while abolishing zhuan, abandoning zhuan while requesting classics, integrating three zhuan, Song Confucianism still have other ways. If we researchers just use common arguments, then it may give us a misleading:many traditional ways of analyzing Confucianism in Han, Tang dynasty have disappeared, while Song Confucian take a totally different way in analyzing Confucianism. This understanding is incomplete. For example, the basis of requesting facts and situations, the intention of distinguishing blood and birthright, the consideration of opposing classics and using expediency, these are all the distinctive ways of analyzing Confucianism, which can not be omitted when researching Song dynasty’s analyzing Confucianism.In chapter five, this essay talks about Song Confucian’s researches on the beginning and ending of the spring and autumn annals. Traditional Confucian emphasize that the beginning and ending of the spring and autumn annals may have its own special significance. The spring and autumn annals begins from the first year of Lu Yingong, but ends in the 14th year of Lu Aigong, which is not the first year or the last year. Thus the arguments about the beginning and ending of the spring and autumn annals continue permanently. Mencius has started to concern the purpose of Confucius’s writing The spring and autumn annals, so Song Confucian pay more attention to this problem. This gradually becomes a big problem, which starts from Han dynasty and still has no unanimous agreement till Song dynasty. Thus, we should make some comments on these arguments, which is very meaningful to the systematic learning about the spring and autumn annals in Song dynasty.Above are the general elaboration of this essay’s purpose and target, in the base of which I will give an overall evaluation of the systematic learning about the spring and autumn annals in Song dynasty.My conclusion is:Song Confucian integrate neo-Confucianism into the explanation of the spring and autumn annals, distinguish the spring and autumn annals to be Confucianism or history, discuss the distinction between WangBa, and investigate the beginning and ending of the spring and autumn annals;their purpose is to give the Confucian idealism a new vitality through reexamination of Confucian Classics and turn it into their own tradition in their epoch. We should recognize their efforts in opening up a new stage of the systematic learning about the spring and autumn annals. But we also notice that they mainly try to give authoritarian rule a theoretical support. And although Song dynasty is far from Pre-Qin, they still use the old way of trivial explanation of great significance, which proves Song Confucian’s thought depletion and lack of innovation.

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