

The Activity Modeling of Personal Learning Environment

【作者】 胡海明

【导师】 祝智庭;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本研究是对知识时代数字化学习新诉求的回应,特别针对以学习者为中心的网络学习环境中存在的问题进行分析与思考,聚焦于个人学习环境的活动建模,主要从以学习者为中心的视角,构建个人学习环境下的学习活动及其实践共同体的工具支持。本文主要从以下几个方面进行了研究:首先,从学习生态观、基于样式的设计以及以网络传通模型为代表的CSCL理论、本体建模方面的基本思想与方法等进行梳理,提出了个人学习环境(PLE)的元模型与隐喻模型。其中PLE元模型包括六种要素与四种关系。六种要素是作为个体层要素的主体、工具、制品,以及与作为社会层要素的共同体、规则、目标。由此论文提出了个人学习环境的隐喻模型即学习生活世界,从学习生活世界隐喻设计的视角,构造个人学习环境的概念框架。在此基础上,讨论了个人学习环境系统的建模方法,给出了基于本体的设计方案,乃至提出了个人学习环境的功能模型、结构模型及其参考模型,设计了学习者本体、学习对象本体、学习工具本体、学习设计本体以及学习活动本体。其次,主要研究个人学习环境的活动建模的方法,包括本体服务的情境设计与服务的框架模型、提出了通用服务框架,界定了相关的原子服务与组合服务,分别界定角色空间、工具空间、资源空间、信息空间以及协调空间的服务模型,给出了交互活动的设计方法与个性化服务的实现方法。最后,论文给出了个人学习环境的应用设计,即电子书包设计的完整框架,给出了个人学习环境的应用设计框架,提出系统服务实现的框架与方法,以及学习中心与客户端的设计方法。

【Abstract】 This research answers the new appeal of web 2.0 of the digital times, especially rethinks the situation of e-learning environment of learner-centered, focusing upon modeling Personal Learning Environment (PLE). From the learner-centered per-spective, the participation in the various communities is discussed. This dissertation includes the following three parts, that is, clarifying the fundamental of the related theory, constructing the theoretical framework of PLE, modeling the system archi-tecture and the learning activities via ontology.First, we have discussed the fundamental of the related theory which focus upon the learning ecology, the essence of technology enhanced learning (TEL), and the modeling methodology of CSCL represented by the model of networking learning system, especially the basics of modeling the various ontologies and services of PLE.From this on, it gives out the meta-model and its metaphorical framework—learning world, which constructs the core of PLE. This meta-model concluds the six elements and four kinds of relationships, of which the three, that is subject, tool, artifact, is oriented to individuals, in the contrast the other, that is community, rule and purpose, is oriented to social mass. Moreover, it puts forward the methodology of PLE system, designing the model of its function, structure and architecture, especially the related ontologies, including of learner, learning object, learning tool, learning design and learning event.Second, it gives out the methodology of modeling learning events in PLE, which is based upon the ontological service, including the perspective of personalization, including senerio design, general service framework and corresponding atomic service and compound service. The service space is fragmented into five arenas, they are role space, media space, resource space, message space and coordinating space, on which the various learning events are represented and hence personalized services are modeled. Last, an application of PLE is put forward, that is to say, e-schoolbag, which design is discussed wholesomely.

  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1519