

Study on Professionalization of College Student Affairs Administrators in China

【作者】 龚春蕾

【导师】 石伟平;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 职业技术教育学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 高校辅导员制度源于我国大学生思想政治工作领域的一项创新,从诞生至今己走过了半个多世纪的历程。而今的大学辅导员所从事的工作,集教育、管理和服务于一身,早已突破了日常思想政治工作这一狭窄范畴,承担着大学生全面健康成长“指导者和引路人”的责任。进入21世纪第2个十年,10余万人规模的高校辅导员队伍已形成了一个独立的职业群体,它的职业稳定性和可持续发展问题正得到越来越多政策制订者、高校管理层、研究学者、辅导员自身和高校服务对象(大学生和家长)的高度关注。随着高等教育大众化的日益普及,以及我国高等教育领域对世界现代大学制度借鉴的日益深入,辅导员的职业化专业化问题,应该放到一个更广阔的视域内,集中更多层面研究者的智慧来加以考量。本文系统梳理了我国高校辅导员制度的发展历史,从中抽取出与辅导员职业化专业化有关的关节点加以总结归纳,得出辅导员职业化专业化的内涵实质,随后通过不同层面的调研分析,得出我国高校辅导员职业化专业化的现状和存在的主要问题,再从西方发达国家和地区学生事务的工作理念、管理模式、人员的职业化专业化培养中广泛汲取有用经验,就辅导员职业化专业化的推进提出解决对策。本文的主要价值和意义在于:第一,从我国高校辅导员制度的历史渊源与现代大学制度的碰撞中把握辅导员职业化专业化的本质;第二,从政府措施、高校探索和国际比较中广泛汲取辅导员职业化专业化的灵感和成功经验;第三,在他人和自身现有研究的基础上大胆提出切实可操作的职业化专业化推进方案。全文共分五章,具体安排如下:第一章,导论。提出问题,对相关研究进行综述,在此基础上找准研究定位,提出研究内容和思路。第二章,历史研究与概念界定。从对中国高等教育历史文献和重要事件的研究入手,沿着我国高校辅导员制度的发展历程,厘清不同历史阶段对辅导员来源、任职资格、工作内容的要求,探究辅导员这一高校特殊群体在不同历史阶段被赋予的不同角色地位和历史使命,进而聚焦“高校辅导员职业化专业化”这一问题提出的历史渊源,揭示辅导员职业化专业化的内涵实质。第三章,现状研究和问题分析。首先对采自13所高校的辅导员与学生层面问卷调查的结果进行分析,得到高校辅导员自身和他的教育、服务对象对这一职业的现状反馈;再从对政府教育主管部门和高校管理层的调查访谈,分析职业化专业化推进过程中的举措、成效和瓶颈。在此基础上,整理归纳出当前辅导员职业化专业化要重点关注的7个问题,即辅导员的入职、辅导员的素质、辅导员的培养、辅导员的定性、辅导员的定位、辅导员的定职,以及辅导员的稳定。第四章,比较研究。选择北美、西欧、东亚6个国家和地区,对其高校学生事务管理的发展过程、工作理念、体制构成,特别是学生事务工作者的能力素质要求和职业化专业化培养进行比较研究,得出对我国高校辅导员职业化专业化建设的借鉴和分析。第五章,对策和策略。从辅导员职业化专业化的准备、实践和提高三个阶段入手,从政府、高校和辅导员的三方责任出发,从建立培养渠道、制定能力标准、强化校本培训、创新管理模式和职级体系,以及优化激励制度等方面设计出职业化专业化的推进策略。

【Abstract】 Originated from an innovation on the initial purpose of ideological education of college students, student affairs administrators have been undergoing a developing course for over half a century in China’s universities and colleges. At present, they undertake responsibilities for the all-round development of college students. Going far beyond fulfilling ideological education tasks, their daily concerns involve various fields of student affairs in terms of education, management and service. Entering the second decade of the 21st century, college student affairs administrators have emerged as an independent professional community with a population of more than 100,000 all together. The problems of the emerging profession’s stability and sustainable development have gained great attention from policy-makers, college executives, researchers as well as students and their parents. With the rapid spreading of mass higher education in China and further introduction of modern college mechanism into China mainland from western countries, the issue of professionalization of college student affairs administrators should be examined from a broader perspective, and different points of view drawn from different research fields should be put together.Firstly, by picking up key points from historical review of the development of college student affairs administration, this dissertation tries to figure out the connotation and essence of professionalization of college student affairs administrators. Secondly, the current situation and problems existed in professionalization of college student affairs administrators has been revealed according to investigation and analysis from various dimensions. Thirdly, by drawing lessons from developed countries and regions in terms of working concepts on student affairs administration, its management mode and personnel training, solutions to promote further professionalization of college student affairs administrators have been proposed.The very contributions in both theory and practice of this dissertation are:First, it grasps the essence of professionalization of college student affairs administrator on the big background of both the historical origin of the system itself and modern college mechanism system. Second, it draws insights and successful experiences from government policies, college exploration and international comparison; The last but not the least, it proposes practical measures to promote further professionalization based on research foundations and a thorough analysis on the issue itself.ChapterⅠ. Introduction. The positioning of research has been found based on proposing questions and literature review of related research.ChapterⅡ. Historical Research and Definition of Concepts. Starting from tracing back important events and research on historical literature of China’s higher education, this section aims:firstly, at clarifiing some important research points such as the origin of student affairs administrators, qualification and working tasks required; secondly, at inquiring different roles and responsibilities endowed by "college student affairs administrator" such unique working group during different periods of historical development; finally, at revealing the connotation and essence of professionalization of such working group by focusing on the historical origin of this issue.ChapterⅢ. Research on Current Situation and Problem Analysis. First, analysis on current situation of the profession itself was carried out based on feedbacks from questionnaires getting from student affairs administrators and student in 13 multi-level colleges and universities. Second, measures taken, effectiveness achieved and difficulties met in the process of professionalization of this professional community have been carefully analyzed according to investigations and interviews done among policy-making level and higher education institutions. Then,7 core issues including job qualification, competencies, cultivation, positioning, stability, appointment and role-analysis, which need to be emphasized on professionalization of college student affairs administrator have been generalized.ChapterⅣ. Comparative Research. This chapter carries out a comparative research, focusing on student affairs administration and its professionals from 6 most typical countries and regions in North America (especially the US), Europe and East Asia. Their different history, working concepts, management mechanism, especially the competencies of student affairs professionals and their efforts to achieve professionalization are carefully studied and references are drawn based on the analysis.ChapterⅤ. Solution and Strategy. The dissertation proposed practical solutions and strategies on how to further promote professionalization of college student affairs administrators for formative, application and additive stages. The focus lies on establishing cultivation channel, strengthening school-based in service training, creating innovative management mechanism and ranking system, as well as optimizing incentive measures.

  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】195
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