

A Study of Regional Developmental Pattern Based on Low-carbon Economy

【作者】 倪外

【导师】 曾刚;

【作者基本信息】 华东师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 发展低碳经济是在世界资源约束、环境保护、知识经济、可持续化发展不断深入人心的宏观背景下,我国在经济发展方式转型,产业结构调整过程中必须完成的紧迫任务之一,因而引起了学术界的关注。本文拟从经济地理学的视角透视低碳经济发展的核心问题。论文以导师主持的国家社科基金重大项目“加快推进生态文明建设研究”(10ZD&016)、国家自然科学基金项目“基于生态文明的区域发展模式研究”(41071093)以及上海市科技攻关重大项目“上海临港新城低碳城市实践区建设指标体系与建设导则研究”(09DZ1200800)等课题为支撑,通过对上海临港新城的实地调研分析和对国内外现有研究成果的分析,对区域低碳经济发展的理论和实践进行了深入研究。笔者认为,从经济地理学角度诠释低碳经济,低碳经济核心内涵包括技术创新、区域发展模式转变以及国际低碳经济政治博弈三个方面;区域低碳经济发展的总体目标是实现区域可持续化发展,应对能源供应安全及全球气候变暖问题,实现在开放条件下区域经济、社会、环境、生态、民生等多目标综合发展;从因子属性看,影响区域低碳经济发展的核心因子为生态环境因子、区域创新因子、区域经济结构因子以及区域人口因子。区域低碳经济发展是一个复杂的过程,区域外部发展环境的变化,必然引起其内部机制的变化。从经济地理学角度看,低碳经济是以生态文明为指导,以低碳知识的“区域学习——区域创新——区域合作”为核心发展框架机制,以创新为驱动力。此外,不同类型地区特点不同,低碳经济发展途径不同:对于欠发达地区,低碳经济发展核心是区域学习,即引入其他地区先进的低碳发展技术、机制、治理方式等。区域学习分为核心企业、区域系统、跨区域三个层次的交互式学习,不同层次主体学习的方式、重点等不同。对于发达地区,低碳经济发展的核心是区域创新,构建区域低碳经济发展创新体系,发展低碳经济知识系统、低碳经济制度文化系统、低碳经济中介服务系统、低碳经济产业系统,在低碳技术、低碳制度、低碳治理、低碳产业、低碳空间规划等方面进行系统创新,以实现区内经济发展方式转型,区外合作内容、合作方式创新,从资本、一般技术到低碳技术、低碳治理的区际合作创新。在区域学习与区域创新过程中,突出强调隐性低碳知识的重要作用。不同类型区域低碳经济发展具有较大的差异性和互补性,低碳经济区际合作成为当今全球经济的重要特点。从经济地理学角度看,区域低碳经济发展的基本途径有四种方式:第一,全球低碳经济发展合作,全球合作涉及政府间治理框架、市场经济新规范、低碳创新技术应用与知识产权保护等;第二,经济发展方式转变,包括产业发展方式调整,经济发展驱动要素调整等;第三,地域系统功能优化,包括城市低碳规划、土地低碳开发、低碳交通体系、低碳建筑以及居民低碳生活方式等;第四,区域治理模式创新,包括构建低碳城市建设的评价指标体系、构建生态环境类商品和服务市场体系、区域低碳发展公共服务机制、区域低碳发展的经济利益协调机制等。笔者认为上海发展低碳经济的核心是创新驱动经济发展方式转型,产业升级增强价值获取能力,开发城市生态服务功能,进行低碳城市空间规划与功能布局优化。在建设上海临港低碳城市过程中,根据其以大型装备制造业为主的特点,突出产业高端化及产业控制力,重点在产业链两端、价值链高端环节发展。同时,发挥临港临近海港、空港、铁路、公路、内河的综合区位交通优势,发展现代物流产业,重点开展企业治理模式创新及区域创新体系建设。优化地域系统,构建多中心城市空间体系,建设“楔形”绿环,以低碳交通、低碳园区、低碳社区等低碳体系为主构建城市点、轴、面系统。笔者发现低碳经济导致区域发展核心区位因子发生变化。随着低碳经济时代的来临,区域发展目标由传统的以经济增长为主向着新型的以经济、环境、生态、民生等多目标综合协调发展的方向转变。区域经济增长重要性下降,环境、生态、社会等多目标协调发展的重要性上升。如此相适应,传统的集中于商品、服务的生产环节的资源、资金、劳动力等生产要素的影响下降,而影响产品公平分配、排放物控制权与交易话语权的区域生态、环境、治理机制、技术创新等要素的作用上升。低碳经济确立新的区域关系。随着低碳经济时代的来临,影响区际经济社会关系的要素发生改变,由传统的区域资源、能源、劳动力、资金等经济要素向碳排放权、交易权等生态环境要素、区域公平与发展共享等民生、民权要素转变。区际关系由传统的基于产业链分工合作的垂直式关系转向基于创新合作的水平式关系。因此,对区域资源掠夺式的开发,对区域共同生态环境破坏的传统发展道路将走到尽头,合理的区际生态补偿将逐渐成为主流意识。低碳经济重定区域发展外部环境评判标准。低碳经济发展促进新的技术体系建立,以新能源技术为核心的新技术体系将造就新的国际贸易机制、技术扩散机制、金融机制、企业治理机制等,带来区域发展环境条件评判标准的变化。由于技术体系的更新和新标准的确立,依托于原有技术体系和评判标准的区域优势、劣势失去了意义。从一定程度上看,先进、落后地区的竞争又有了新起点。低碳经济为欠发达区域由成本驱动向创新驱动转变提供了契机,为其跨越式发展提供了可能。笔者提出的上海临港新城低碳发展战略、技术路线、实施路径等为快速城市化、工业化的我国中西部地区低碳城市规划和产业发展规划方案的制定提供了重要的借鉴和参考。

【Abstract】 The development of low-carbon economy is a global consensus on sustainable development under the background of resource constraints, environmental protection and the knowledge economy. China is also faced with the urgent task of the transformation of economic development, and industrial restructuring. Scholars have already done much research on low-carbon economy, but there are still some considerable controversies on fundamental issues. This paper tries to make its own point to the core issues of low-carbon economic development from the perspective of economic geography. The research is support by National Social Science Significant Foundation project, "Research on the development of national ecological civilization" (10ZD&016), National Natural Science Foundation project, "Research on the regional development model of ecological civilization" (41071093), and Shanghai Science and Technology Significant Projects, "Research on the indexes system and construction guidelines for the development of Lingang low-carbon city" (09DZ1200800). Basis on the field research and the analysis of domestic and international existing research, the paper analyzes the theory and practice of regional low-carbon economic development.Based on the review of the low-carbon economy related research at home and abroad, this paper, from the perspective of economic geography, claims that the core part of low-carbon economy includes the innovation of technology, the reform of regional development mode, and the international political debate on low carbon issue. The overall objective of the low-carbon economy development is for achieving a regional sustainable development, facing the safety of energy sources and global climate issues, realizing the comprehensive development of regional economy, society, environment, ecology and the people’livelihood under the opening up policy. The key factors of influencing the regional low-carbon economy development are the ecological environment, regional innovation, regional economy construction and the number of regional population.Regional low-carbon economy development is a comprehensive and huge system, so the changing conditions of regional development inside and outside needs a new mechanism. Low-carbon economy is under the philosophical guidance of ecological environment, based on the key development framework mechanism of regional learning——regional innovation——regional cooperation, with innovation as the core development driving force.The development bases of regional low-carbon economy are different between developed region and less developed region. The core of less developed regional low-carbon economy development is regional study, introducing external advanced low-carbon technologies, mechanisms, governances. For the regional study, it can be divided into three levels on interactive learning:core enterprises, regional system and cross-region, in which the learning ways and focus are different. While the core of developed regional low-carbon economy development is regional innovation, including establishing regional low-carbon economy innovative system, developing low-carbon economy innovative knowledge system, cultural system, intermediary services system and industrial system. These comprehensive innovations are closely related to low-carbon technology, low-carbon system, low-carbon management, low-carbon industry and low-carbon spatial planning, for achieving the transformation of regional economy development pattern, exporting low-carbon technologies and low-carbon management.The importance of implicit low-carbon knowledge will be underlined during the process of regional learning and regional innovation. The types of regional low-carbon economy have great differences and complementarities, which present the necessity of regional cooperation. For the choice of regional low-carbon economy development ways, we emphasize on four aspects:firstly, the cooperation on global low-carbon economy development, which is related to the management framework between governments, the new rules of market economical system, and the application of new low-carbon innovation technologies based on intellectual property rights; secondly, the transformation of economical development mode, which is related to the regulation of industry development mode and the factors of economical development driving force; thirdly, the optimization of regional system, which is related to the low-carbon planning in city, the land low-carbon exploitation, low-carbon communication system in city, low-carbon construction and the resident low-carbon lifestyles;fourthly, the innovation of regional management mode, building evaluation index system for low-carbon city construction, establishing five specific fields on low-carbon industry, low-carbon communication, low-carbon construction, low-carbon energy and low-carbon management. Based on the above index system, the low-carbon city construction will be built, which also will regulate the construction behavior and process, building a market system of ecological environment goods and services, the pubic service mechanism of regional low-carbon development, and the coordinating mechanism of regional low-carbon development economic benefits.Through careful field research and analysis, this paper addresses that the core elements for developing low-carbon economy in Shanghai are exploiting the function of city ecology services, inspiring the innovation parts during the economic development, upgrading the industrial structure, extending the industrial chain and optimizing the city spatial planning and distribution of city function. It is advisable to build the low-carbon city in Lingang. According to the structure characteristics of large equipment manufacturing industry, the development of low-carbon industry should emphasize on the high-end industry and industrial control, which ask for the development of the two sides on industrial chain and the high-end on value chain. Meanwhile, based on the comprehensive communication advantage of seaports, airports, railways, roads and inland, the modernized high-end logistic industry should be highly developed, and the innovation of enterprise management mode and regional innovative system also should be followed. As for the spatial planning and exploitation, it should be optimized on regional system, forming multiple city centers on spatial distribution, with the characteristics on the combinations of green circle structure control and main center layout development, the overlap of regional function and land mixed development, the function gathering and connection of public transport axis, and the low-carbon city characteristic of small regional roadway system building for sidewalk and bicycle paths.This research finds that the core factors for supporting regional development under low-carbon economy have been changed. With the restriction condition of low-carbon economy development, the traditional regional development, which aimed to boost the economic development, has been transformed to a comprehensive development of economy, environment, ecology and the people’s livelihood. Under these circumstances, the value of regional economic increase is declined, but the multi-objective oriented comprehensive value, like environment and ecology, and the equality of value distribution are prominent. The traditional region economy activities, which focused on the production process, has reduced the impact on resources, capital, labors and other production elements; in contrast, the impact on transaction and control factors of fair distribution and production associated emissions has been increased. These factors include regional ecology, environment, management mechanism and technology innovation.This research also finds that low-carbon economy development can settle a new regional relationship. Under the condition of low-carbon economy, the factors for connecting different regional economy social relationship has been changed, shifting from traditional region resources, energy, labors and capital to carbon emission, trading rights and other ecological, environmental factors, to the regional fairness and development represented for livelihood and civil rights. So, new regional shifting factors decide the changes of different quality and types regional relationships.The changes of external environment and standard of regional development, under the condition of low-carbon economy, have been found after thorough research. Low-carbon economy development has promoted the building of new technology system, including the new technology innovation and system of energy technology. The open and cooperation characteristics of low-carbon economy have promoted the formation of new international trade mechanism, technology spreading mechanism, financial mechanism and enterprise management mechanism, endowing new understanding for region, industry and enterprise competition, changing the external environment of regional development. At the same condition, multi-objectives development requires the establishment of new developing measurement standard system. Regional development faces the new external environment and standard.This paper explores the new low-carbon development mode. The new planning and low-carbon development practices of new city low-carbon development strategy, technologies, and implementing paths in Shanghai can give great experience and reference for other regions. The Midwest area in China is under the rapid process of urbanization and industrialization, so there is a great need for new thought and research during the new city construction and industrial development. In order to avoid the former questions during the process of urbanization and industrialization, the low-carbon city development practices in Lingang can provide great experience and reference.

  • 【分类号】F127;F205
  • 【被引频次】32
  • 【下载频次】9304