

Research on Service-oriented Industrialization in the Perspective of Modularity

【作者】 王雅俊

【导师】 龚唯平;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 政治经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 1970年代后,以信息技术为代表的新技术革命催生出了新产业革命,也使人类生产方式发生了巨大改变。信息与知识成为了现代工业生产的关键性生产要素,发达国家制造业的生产模式由传统一体化的产业链形态逐步转变成为以模块为基础的产业链分工。制造业内部的服务功能也逐渐强大,独立并形成了新兴的生产者服务业,并成为现代经济的主要增长点。发达国家的先进制造业基本取代了传统制造业,工业化模式发生了质的变化。面对这个巨大的变革,亟待从新的视角来研究现代工业化的典型特征及其运行机制。本文根据马克思的工业化理论与现代经济学的相关理论,应用历史与逻辑分析相结合、规范与实证分析相结合、定性与定量分析相结合等研究方法,从模块化分工视角来考察当代世界工业化特征与趋势,围绕有关工业化的三大主体——企业、产业及产业链的生产方式及运行方式的变革来进行分析与研究,提出了服务型工业化的新的理论范畴。本文的基本思路是:首先,对相关文献和理论基础进行梳理,探寻理论研究的突破口,并对现代工业化的发展趋势进行理论层面上的概括。其次,分析当今工业化发展过程中的新变化和新特点,揭示新时代生产模式所发生的历史性变革,据此提出服务型工业化命题。再次,对服务型工业化命题进行论证,剖析服务型工业化的微观基础、运行机理和实现机制,运用经验实证和数理方法来验证理论模型。最后,在对现代工业化进行理论探索及实践总结的基础上,为正确判断当今全球工业化新运行模式提出科学依据及相关建议。本文研究的结论主要如下:一、在信息技术革命和知识经济的时代,发达国家主导着世界工业化的发展方向,并进入了服务型工业化的全新时期。二、服务型工业化以知识创新与模块化分工为基础,以模块化产业价值链为组织形式,突出了按客户需求进行定制的服务型生产方式,进而在产业层面上先进制造业成为了现代工业化及经济发展中的主导力量。三、制造业服务化是服务型工业化的突出特征,先进制造业与现代服务业相互融合已经成为不可逆转的历史发展潮流。

【Abstract】 The 1970s, the represent of information technology revolution gave birth to the new industrial revolution and made the human production the great change. The information and knowledge became the key factors of modern industrial production.Developed countries manufacturing and mode of production changed form the traditional integration to a module based the division of industrial chain. The functions of services are powerful, that form the new services and become the modern economic growths. Many developed countries advanced industry has replaced the traditional manufacturing, the industrial model has changed that needs the new perspective to study the characteristics of a modern industrial development and operation mechanism.According to the marx’s industrialization theory and modern economy theory, the paper from the division of modularity to research and analysis the modern world industrialization development trend and use history and logic of integrating methods empirical analyses and quantitative analysis. Rounding to the main part of industrialization----enterprises,industries and industrial chain, the paper put forward the new theory category of Service-oriented industrialization.The basic idea is this:First, through sorting out the theoretical basis of the relevant literature to explore a breakthrough in theoretical research, and generalize development trend of the modern of industrialization in the theoretical level. Secondly, the analysis of the current changes and features in the process of industrialization to propose service-oriented industrialization proposition according to the new era of historic changes of production modes. Again, by the use of empirical model validation and mathematical methods to demonstrate the service-oriented industrialization proposition, the microscopic foundation operation mechanism and the implementation mechanism of service-oriented industrialization, Finally, by summarizing the theory of modern industrialization to recommendate the new mode of operation in today’s global industrialization with the new scientific evidence.The conclusion of the paper are following:first, In the information technology revolution and era of knowledge economy, developed countries led the development direction of the industrialized world, and entered into new period of the service-oriented industrialization. Second, service-oriented industrialization has the basis of knowledge innovation, division of modularity and organization forms of modular industry value chain, highlighting the demand for customized according to customer service-oriented production, and thus advanced manufacturing become the leading force in the modern industrialization and economic development. Third, serviced manufacturing sector is a prominent feature of service-oriented industrialization, advanced manufacturing and modern service has become irreversible historical development trend.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期