

The Research on China’s Developing Modes of the Cultural & Creative Industries

【作者】 张望

【导师】 安同良;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 应用经济学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 在经济转型与产业结构升级的大背景下,自然资源约束威胁,就业难,制造业长期处于价值链低端,自主创新能力低等问题将长期困扰我国经济增长,大力发展文化创意产业则是有效解决这些问题的重要手段。因此,对文化创意产业发展的动因及其发展模式的研究具有重要的理论意义和政策指导意义。本文首先回顾了我国文化创意产业的演化过程,并分析创意产业的发展现状,研究发现创意产业和创意人才主要集中于华北、华东、中南地区,我国初步形成了六大创意产业集群。其次,我们分析发现,社会资本、金融市场效率、创意资本、传统产品供需状况、消费者偏好、知识产权保护强度是创意产业发展的重要影响因素。社会资本,金融市场效率与创意产业发展息息相关,丰富的社会资本与高效而发达的金融市场有助于创意产业快速发展。创意资本与创意产业发展的关系是不确定的,只有当创意资本存量大于某一临界值时,创意资本才能促进创意产业发展。传统产业供需状况和知识产权保护对于创意产业发展的作用具有不确定性,依创意产品中文化含量的不同而异。消费者偏好对于创意产业发展的作用是不确定的,它与传统产业供需状况以及创意产品中文化含量的多少息息相关。通过比较英美发展创意产业的经验,我们将创意产业的发展模式分为市场演化型和政府驱动型发展模式两种,并根据实际总结出这两种模式在中国的实现形式,并从形成的主导力量、创意的来源、发展目的、效果范围及速率等四个方面比较两种模式的异同。接着我们通过创意企业和政府的博弈模型分析发现,无论政府是否扶持创意产业发展,只要创意企业合作的收益大于一临界值,创意产业集群就会自然形成;无论创意企业是否倾向于合作创新,只要扶持创意产业带来的经济社会效应大于政策运营的成本,政府就会支持创意园区建设。我们发现创意氛围是影响创意产业与区域经济增长关系的关键因素。当一个区域具有良好的创意氛围时,创意产业与区域经济增长之间形成了良性的协调共生关系;当区域内创意氛围缺失时,创意产业与区域经济增长之间的关系是不确定的,应本区域的总产出水平而异。创意氛围、创意人才、城市化水平、公共产品供给是决定创意产业与区域经济增长之间耦合效率大小的重要因素。创意氛围有助于提高创意产业与区域经济增长的耦合效率。创意人才对于创意产业与区域经济增长之间耦合效率的作用是不明确的,依各区域的经济增长方式与经济总量而异。城市化水平、公共产品供给对于创意产业与区域经济增长之间耦合效率的作用是不明确的,依各地区创意氛围状况而异。在市场演化型创意产业发展模式下,地租水平和实际工资水平是创意产业在何处萌芽的重要诱因,但这些因素对创意产业空间分布的影响呈现递减之势。住房问题是关乎创意产业长期发展的重要问题,住房面积越大的地区,创意人员越多,创意产业集聚水平越高。技术外溢效应越大,实际工资水平越高;创意产业集中度越高,技术外溢效应对实际工资的拉升作用越明显。由于创意产业的发展前景具有不确定性,因而在发展初期难以获得政府政策的扶持,企业网络规模较小,政府的信息平台建设,融资支持等措施有助于企业网络规模的扩大。创意产业是否可以通过集群的方式来发展主要取决于创意产品之间的差异度,只有当创意产品之间的差异度保持在一定的范围之内,创意产品才适合通过集群的方式加以发展。运输成本较低,政府的政策措施较为完善,收入(支出)水平相当,两地都生产制成品与创意产品,无制成品与创意产品贸易发生;否则,一地生产制成品与创意产品,制成品与创意产品贸易市场形成。政府基础设施投资与创意产业发展是相互替代的,政府基础设施投资比重越大,创意产业发展越慢。政府用于文化发展的专项资金越多,越有利于创意文化氛围的营造与创意产业发展。当两区域的创意人才分布接近于1/2时,政府鼓励创意产业发展的政策对于培育创意产业集群作用有限;当一区域较另一区域具有明显的创意人才优势时,政府鼓励创意产业发展的政策对于后发地区培育创意产业意义重大。

【Abstract】 Under the background of economic transformation and industrial upgrading, our country’s economic development is suffering from such problems as the threat of natural resource restraints, low employment enrollment, the manufacturing industry lying in the bottom of the value chain, low self-innovation abilities. Substantial efforts made to develop the Cultural & Creative industries are primary measures to solve such questions. Consequently, the research makes theoretic and realistic sense, which revolves about the motives and developing modes considering the Cultural & Creative industries.We,firstly, look back upon the evolutionary process of our country’s Cultural & Creative industries, and then make an analysis on the developing conditions of the Cultural & Creative industries. As the findings show, the total output of the Cultural & Creative industries as well as the creative talents are centered on the North China, the East China, the Central South, and the six large Cultural & Creative industries are preliminarily taking shape. Secondly, as we show, social capital, the efficiency of the financial market, creative capital, the conditions of supply and demand on the traditional products, consumer preferences, the strength of intellectual property protection are responsible for the Cultural & Creative industries. Social capital and the efficiency of the financial market have much to do with the development of the Cultural & Creative industries, which make a positive effect on the Cultural & Creative industries. Creative capital makes an uncertain influence on the Cultural & Creative industries. Only when the quantity of creative capital is over the critical value, does creative capital contribute to the development of the Cultural & Creative industries. The conditions of supply and demand on the traditional products and the intellectual property protection make an uncertain effect on the development of the Cultural & Creative industries, depending on the quantity of cultural ingredients in the creative products.Consumer preference makes an uncertain effect on the development of the Cultural & Creative industries, depending on the the conditions of supply and demand on the traditional products and the quantity of cultural ingredients in the creative products.Making a comparison on the successful experience developing the Cultural & Creative industries, we sort out the developing modes of the Cultural & Creative industries into market-evolution pattern and government-motivation pattern. We, in accord with the realities, sum up the realizing way of the two developing modes. Meanwhile, we compare the two developing modes in the initiative strength, the origin of creativity, the aim of developing, and the scale of effects & speed. Secondly, by virtue of making an analysis on the game theory model regarding creative firms and the government, we find that no matter whether the government execute some supporting policies on the development of the Cultural & Creative industries, as long as the cooperative revenue between the creative firms is over the critical value, creative industries clusters will come into being; no matter whether the creative firm is likely to cooperate with other firms to innovate, as long as the revenue of developing the creative industries is over the cost of executing the policies, the government will support the construction of the creative landscape.As the findings show, creative milieu is the primary factor to determine the relationship between the economic growth and the creative industries. When the creative milieu is benign, the creative industries have been developing a good relationship with the economic growth; when the creative milieu is not so good, the relationship between the economic growth and the creative industries is ambiguous, depending the output of the area. The creative milieu, creative talents, urbanization, and public goods are key factors to determine the coupling efficiency. The creative milieu is beneficial for the coupling efficiency. The creative talents make an ambiguous effect on the coupling efficiency, depending on the economic growth patterns and the output. The urbanization and public goods also make an uncertain influence on the coupling efficiency, depending on the creative milieu.Under the market-evolution mode, rents and the real wage are key factors to determine the creative industries where to come into being, but the effect is decreasing on the its spatial distribution. The housing problem is concerned with the long-term development. The more spatial the scale of housing is, the more the creative talents are, the higher the extent of agglomeration is. The more spillover effect is, the higher the real wage is; the higher the concentration extent of the creative industries is, the stronger effect the spillover imposes on the rise of the real wage. As the prospect for the creative industries is uncertain, firms have difficulty obtaining spport from the government. As a result, the network of firms is small. The government issuing such policies as information platform construction, financing sponsoring is beneficial to enlarge the network of firms. Whether the creative industries can be able to be cultivated depends on the difference of the creative products. As long as the difference of the creative products is kept in the scale, the creative industries can be able to cultivate by way of clusters.If the transport cost is low, the policies are perfect, two areas will produce manufacturing products and creative products, no exchange of manufacturing products and creative products will happen. Otherwise, the production of manufacturing products and creative products will concentrate on one place, the markets for manufacturing products and creative products come into being.The infrastructure investment has a substitution effect on the development of the creative industries. The ratio of government investing in the infrastructure, the lower developing speed the creative industries are. The more the special funds for cultural industries, the more beneficial the formation of creative milieu and the development of the creative industries. When the creative talents are nearly equally distributed(1/2), the function of the policies forgovernment cultivating clusters is limited. When one area has an advantage in the quantity of creative talents over the other area, the policies forgovernment cultivating clusters for lag-behind areas make sense.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期