

A Study of the College Curricular Reform in the Horizons of Social Needs

【作者】 徐高明

【导师】 张红霞;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 高等教育学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 知识经济进一步密切了大学与社会的联系,课程改革回应社会的需求已成为势不可挡的趋势。在以往社会需求与大学课程的关系研究中,从社会对大学课程影响的角度研究较多,而大学内部在课程改革过程中对社会需求的认知、回应的研究较少;从市场或政府对大学课程的单因素研究较多,而从市场、政府、第三部门综合研究较少。本研究以20世纪90年代中期以来的中国高等教育改革与发展为背景,从政府、市场和第三部门三个社会需求的主体入手,选取了江苏省苏南、苏北不同区域,“985工程”、“211工程”和省属普通大学不同层次,以及综合性、以工科为主等不同类型共6所大学作为案例,分析了大学内部成员对社会需求认知、理解和回应的过程与机制。在收集6所案例大学相关文本资料的基础上,按照校—院—系三个层次,分别对案例大学的不同学科专业背景的行政管理人员、行政管理兼学术人员和学术人员等三类共18人进行了深度访谈。通过访谈和文献研究发现,我国强势政府在大学课程改革中居于主导地位,这在一定程度上挤压了市场和第三部门在大学课程改革中应有的作用;招生市场和院校之间市场竞争对大学课程影响不大,各校为了应对就业市场在课程上都进行了有益的改革尝试,尽管存在一些消极应付行为;第三部门对大学课程的影响微乎其微。总体而言,我国大学课程与社会需求之间虽已形成了一定的互动,但在这一过程中还存在来自校内外的困难和阻力。借助吉登斯的结构化理论,本研究构建了大学课程与社会需求互动的概念模型。该模型揭示,在大学课程与社会需求的互动中,大学内部成员对社会需求的认知和回应是大学对其自身所拥有的资源、毕业生就业情况以及观念和制度这三个因素及其相互联系、协调关系的综合考虑的—个能动、能知的决策过程。大学课程对社会需求的回应,是大学内部成员对这三个因素的价值判断和甑别的选择性回应,而不是机械的或复制式回应。根据影响大学内部成员对社会需求的认知和理解因素的分析,论文建议在今后我国大学课程改革中要依法减少政府对大学课程改革的过度干预,加快完善适应社会需求的大学课程新模式,并积极调动教师参与课程改革的主动性,从而达成行政与学术、学科与市场的平衡,实现政府、市场与大学的良性互动和共赢。

【Abstract】 Knowledge economy has made the relationship between colleges and the society much closer, and it has become an overwhelming trend that college curriculum should respond to social needs. The previous researches on the relations between social needs and college curriculum focused more on the influence which the society had had on college curriculum, but less on the perception and response which colleges within themselves made to social needs in the process of curricular reform; more on the effect of markets or governments as a single factor on college curriculum, but less on that of markets, governments and the third sector together as comprehensive factors. Under the background of Chinese higher education reform and development which began from the mid-1990s and taking markets, governments and the third sector as three main bodies of social needs, this research has chosen six colleges as the cases from the north and south of Jiangsu Province, at such levels of colleges as"985 project", "211 project" and general ones, and of different categories such as comprehensive colleges and technology ones, and analyzed the process and mechanism in which the members of colleges perceive, understand and respond to social needs.On the basis of the collected relative text materials of these six colleges, the researcher has interviewed deeply 18 administrative personnel of colleges, administrative and academic personnel of schools, and academic personnel of departments, who have various discipline backgrounds. Through interview and literature research, the research finds that our mighty government plays the leading role in college curricular reforms, which to some degree expels the due influence of markets and the third sector in college curricular reforms; the competition between enrolment markets and colleges has less effect on college curriculum, and although there were some passive reactions, every college has ever tried positive reforms in curriculum in order to cope with employment markets; and the third sector has little effect on college curricular. Generally speaking, though the interaction between college curriculum and social needs has formed in our country, there exist the hardships and obstacles which come from inside and outside of colleges.Depending on Giddens’ structuration theory, the research constructs a concept model on the interaction between college curriculum and social needs. The model reveals that in the interaction between college curriculum and social needs, the perception and response of college personnel to social needs, is an active and informed decision-making process in which colleges consider such three factors as their owned resources, employment situation of their graduates, and notions and systems, the relationship among the three factors and negotiations among them. The response of college curriculum to social needs is a selective response of college personnel to such three factors, instead of a mechanical or duplicative response.Based on the analysis of the factors which influence college personnel’s perceiving and understanding social needs, it is suggested in this paper that we should reduce our governments’ excessive interference with college curriculum in the process of college curricular reform, speed up the construction of a new model of college curriculum which adapt to social needs, and actively motivate teachers into participating in curricular reform, thus keeping the balance between administration and academy and the balance between disciplines and markets, and realizing the positive interaction and win-win of governments, markets and colleges.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 10期
  • 【分类号】G642.3
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1859