

Evaluation Methods and Funding Countermeasures of "Interdisciplinary Research"

【作者】 魏巍

【导师】 刘仲林;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 “跨学科研究”是一种整合了两门或两门以上学科知识或方法的创新性研究。作为学术界的流行趋势,跨学科研究已经凸现了其在解决复杂问题以及创新理论方面的独特优势。资助机构和高等院校机构也希望通过有效的资源配置手段促进跨学科研究的发展,而现行的以同行评议为主的评价方法和以单学科为主的资源分配政策,成为了从事跨学科研究的科研人员获得科研经费以及晋升职称的障碍。如何改进跨学科研究评价方法,建立公平和完善的跨学科研究资助体系,是消除制约跨学科研究发展瓶颈的重要问题。从国内外跨学科研究评价理论与方法的研究现状来看,并没有形成针对我国科研体制的评价方法和资助体系。为此,深入进行关于跨学科研究评价方法与资助政策的研究,对推动我国跨学科研究发展和科技创新进步,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。本文从分析跨学科研究的属性、内涵和特征入手,提出了跨学科研究的定义和成功的跨学科研究所具备的特征。然后,通过总结同行评议和文献计量为主要方法的现行科研评价体系,并与跨学科研究属性进行比对,给出了跨学科研究评价的四方面障碍,并针对这些障碍形成了跨学科研究评价的原则和改进同行评议的进路以及调整文献计量跨学科研究的方法。接下来,以跨学科研究中心、跨学科研究项目以及跨学科研究人员为评价对象,从实证的角度提出了社会网络分析、“交流答辩”的评价方法和“联合聘任”的聘任制度。最后,通过借鉴国外资助机构NSF、NIH及ARC资助跨学科研究的经验,对照我国主要资助机构NSFC和教育部社科司对跨学科研究的资助实践,提出了完善我国跨学科研究资助体系的三点对策,即设置独立的跨学科研究协调委员会处理各学科之间的跨学科资助事宜,建立跨学科研究档案库管理跨学科研究成果以及建立包括学科门类、专业期刊和跨学科研究最高奖在内的更广泛的跨学科科研支撑体系。本文尝试从国内外跨学科学研究理论以及资助跨学科研究实践两个角度出发,回答什么是跨学科研究以及如何评价、资助跨学科研究的问题。跨学科研究的评价问题是国内外科技政策和科技管理领域关注的一个新热点,同时由于跨学科研究的复杂性,该选题也是一个难题。本文只是从理论和实证的角度对该选题进行的初步探索,希望能对相关研究人员和科研管理者提供决策参考。

【Abstract】 “Interdisciplinary research”is an innovative research integrating two or two more disciplinarys of knowledge and methods. As a widespread mantra for research, interdisciplinary research has been highlighted its unique advantages at solution of complicated problems and producing new knowledge. Funding agencies and academic institutions also hope to facilitate the development of interdisciplinary research through the effective means of allocating resources, and the current evaluation method based on peer review and the resource allocation policy relied on single disciplinary has been barriers hindering interdisciplinary research researchers from obtaining research funding and promoting to a higher position. How to improve the evaluation methods of interdisciplinary research and establish a fair and comprehensive interdisciplinary research funding system is an important issues to eliminate the bottleneck restricting the development of interdisciplinary research. The current situation domestic and foreign of theories and methods of interdisciplinary research evaluation did not formulated an evaluating and funding system fitting scientific research institutions of China. Therefore, further work on interdisciplinary research evaluation and funding policy research to promote national interdisciplinary research and innovation of science and technology is provided with a high sense of theoretical and practical.The paper proposes the definition of interdisciplinary research and the characteristics of successful interdisciplinary research by analyzing the properties, connotation and features of interdisciplinary research. Then, this paper compare with properties of interdisciplinary research by summarizing current research assessment system mainly made up of peer review and bibliometric, sum up the four evaluation barriers of interdisciplinary research and form interdisciplinary research evaluation principles and the path to improve the peer review and the way to adjust the bibliometric approach aiming at barriers. Next, given three kinds of objection to evaluate, interdisciplinary research centers, interdisciplinary research projects and interdisciplinary researchers, the raise three evaluation methods of social network analysis,“exchange and reply”method and“joint appointment”employment system from the view of empirical demonstration. Finally, learns from experience of foreign funding organizations NSF, NIH and ARC in terms of funding interdisciplinary research, compares with the practice of which main funding agencies NSFC and the Social Sciences Division of Ministry of Education funded interdisciplinary research, puts forward three countermeasures improving the system of interdisciplinary research funding, namely establish an independent interdisciplinary research coordination committee to handle with interdisciplinary financial assistance between the various disciplines, set up interdisciplinary research archives to manage and track the achievement, build up broader interdisciplinary research support system including interdisciplinary specialty disciplines, professional journals and the highest award of interdisciplinary research.This paper attempts to answer what is the interdisciplinary research and how to evaluate and support interdisciplinary research form the two views of domestic and foreign interdisciplinarity theory and practice of funding interdisciplinary research. The evaluation of interdisciplinary research is a new hot spot which domestic and international science policy and management concern, and because of the complexity of interdisciplinary research, the topic is also a difficult problem. This article is an initial exploration from the perspective of theoretical and empirical demonstration in terms of this topic with a hope to provide consults to decision-making of relevant researchers and research managers.

【关键词】 跨学科研究评价资助政策
【Key words】 Interdisciplinary ResearchEvaluationFunding policy