

Structural Design and Decoupling Research of a Novel Three-dimensional Force Flexible Tactile Sensor

【作者】 徐菲

【导师】 余永; 葛运建;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学技术大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 柔性多维触觉传感器的研究对于未来智能机器人的发展而言是非常重要的。所谓的“柔性多维”是指触觉传感器从物理特性上具有类似于人类皮肤一样的柔性,可以覆盖在任意的载体表面测量多维力信息,从而感知目标对象的性质特征。触觉传感器是智能机器人实现与外部环境直接作用的必需媒介,因此,研制符合实际应用要求的触觉传感器已经成为机器人发展中的关键技术之一。此外,柔性多维触觉传感器在体育运动、医疗康复和人体生物力学等研究领域中也有重要的应用。本论文在国家自然科学基金项目“一种新型柔性多维阵列触觉传感器的研究(NO.60672024)”和“基于新型压力温度敏感导电橡胶的多功能阵列触觉传感器研究(NO.61072032)”以及国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)项目“用于检测三维力的人工皮肤”(NO.2007AA04Z220)的支持下,针对目前触觉传感器研究和应用中无法兼有柔韧性和三维力检测功能等难题,设计了一种基于新型力敏导电橡胶的柔性三维触觉传感器,综合应用材料科学、弹性力学、传感技术以及人工智能等多学科理论对传感器敏感材料、传感器结构以及传感器解耦等关键问题进行了研究。本文的主要研究内容及取得的创新性成果如下:1.对触觉传感器的多种不同整体性结构进行比较研究,在此基础上提出了一种整体两层非对称网状式的传感器结构,打破了传统触觉传感器的“盔甲”式组合阵列结构,为实现传感器的柔性化奠定了基础;采用可“整体液体成型”的新型柔性力敏导电橡胶作为敏感材料,进一步提高了传感器的柔韧性和可延展性,使得触觉传感器的“类皮肤”成为可能;2.基于力敏导电橡胶的理想力学特性,建立了三维力并行测量的数学模型,并通过对该模型的求解解决了三维力及各受力点之间复杂的耦合问题,实现了对传感器表面任意单点三维力、多点三维力以及三维面力信息的测量,而非单元组合式触觉传感器检测的阈值量,扩展了触觉传感器可检测三维力信息量的规模,能够进一步满足服务机器人及仿生机器人对触觉传感器三维力检测能力的实际需求;3.提出了基于导电橡胶隧道效应的三维力测量模型,并探讨了初步的解耦方法,该模型的研究更多考虑了敏感材料的实际性质,为进一步研究基于力敏导电橡胶的柔性多维触觉传感器提供了理论基础;4.对柔性三维力触觉传感器的标定进行了探讨研究,针对传感器的特殊结构设计了新型标定平台,并讨论了基于BP神经网络的传感器标定方法。本文研究的新型柔性多维触觉传感器既具有类似于人类皮肤的柔顺性,又具有检测三维力信息的功能,并且该传感器的制备工艺简单,成本较低,利于柔性多维触觉传感器的产品化。研究工作及成果为进一步研究柔性多维触觉传感器及其推广应用奠定了良好的基础。

【Abstract】 The design of flexible multi-dimensional tactile sensor is very important to intelligent robots. It has the same flexibility as human skin and can be fixed in any object to perceive some physical properties, especially, multi-dimensional force information can be obtained. Today, the research of tactile sensor which can meet the requirements of the current development of robot is one of the key technologies, and it plays a necessary role to help robot achieve interaction with the external environment. In addition, the flexible multi-dimensional tactile sensor also has important applications in sports, medicine and human biomechanics research.This dissertation is originated from the National Natural Science Foundation (NO. 60672024;NO.61072032) and National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program NO.2007AA042220). In view of the fact that most current tactile sensors can not simultaneously meet the requirement of flexibility and obtaining multi-dimensional force information,this dissertation makes an innovative research on a novel flexible three-dimensional force tactile sensor.The major research and innovative results are as follows:1.A novel tactile sensor based on conductive rubber with an integral two layers asymmetrical reticular structure is designed. This sensor used“overall liquid model”technology, and broke through the traditional armor combination of sensor arrays, which contributed to flexible multi-dimensional tactile sensor’s mass production.2.Based on the force-sensitive conductive rubber’s ideal mechanics characteristics, we established a three-dimensional force parallel detection mathematical model. Based on this model, the sensor can detect the 3-D force information applied on any point, multi-point as well as sensor’s surface. The sensor expanded the scale of 3-D force sensing, and can further satisfy the intelligent robot’s demand.3.The three-dimensional force mathematical model based on the conductive rubber’s tunnel effect is proposed, and the preliminary decoupling method is also discussed. This model is more based on the sensitive material’s actual nature, and provided theory support for further studying on tactile sensor based on conductive rubber.4 . The three-dimensional force sensor’s calibration is discussed, and the calibration platform and calibration method based on the BP neural network are mainly proposed.The tactile sensor we presented is more skin-like, and it also can detect three-dimensional force information. This study will lay a good foundation for further research on robot’s sensitive skin and promote the use of flexible tactile sensor.
