

Brand Management of Chinese Basketball League

【作者】 刘岗

【导师】 李颖川;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 当今社会,市场竞争日趋激烈,产品高度同质化。为了在竞争中取得优势,赢得消费者,越来越多的企业开始创建自己的品牌并对品牌进行有效管理,这已成为现代企业营销的重要内容。从2005年开始职业化改革的中国男子篮球职业联赛(以下简称CBA联赛),正越来越受到球迷的关注和喜爱,但CBA联赛的品牌优势还不明显,为了完善CBA联赛品牌建设,建立消费者(球迷)——产品(CBA联赛)良好的关系,有必要对CBA联赛的品牌管理进行探讨。本文采用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法对上述问题进行探讨并得到如下结论:CBA联赛的品牌核心价值,建议从“进取”、“进步”、“成长”、“提升”等词中确定;品牌核心识别体现在如下四个方面:比赛激烈程度增加、球星魅力提升、运动员技术发挥不断进步、市场化商业化健康发展;品牌延伸识别则体现为鲜明的本土特色,专属的北极星计划和不断延展的国际化趋势。CBA联赛的品牌定位为“高性价比的现场体育赛事体验”,即“为喜爱篮球运动且收入为中低层的群体带来中国最好的现场比赛气氛和长期良好的精神享受”。CBA联赛的品牌符号包括品牌名称、品牌标识、品牌口号和品牌音乐。CBA联赛的品牌识别、品牌定位和品牌符号共同构成了CBA联赛品牌的静态内涵:CBA联赛是一种典型的即时体验类产品,每一场比赛对消费者而言均是感官体验为主、情感体验和成就体验为辅的综合体验过程。CBA联赛整合品牌传播包含内部传播和外部传播。内部传播对象为中国篮协和各俱乐部内部人员,外部传播对象为消费者(观众),又可分现场传播和非现场传播。CBA联赛的品牌提升从品牌强化、品牌商业开发和品牌国际化等方面展开。品牌强化可从产品、消费者和品牌传播三个切入点入手;品牌授权和商业赞助不仅为CBA联赛发展提供了经济支持,也使得CBA联赛的品牌形象不断完善;从长远发展来看,CBA联赛品牌国际化不仅顺应经济全球化趋势,也是品牌提升的有效策略。CBA联赛的品牌保护涵盖两方面,一是针对联赛自身出现的各种危机做出的保护,二是针对品牌侵权做出的保护。从发展现状来看,CBA联赛自身爆发的危机对品牌影响最大,职业化制度不健全是引发这些危机的主要原因。以上CBA联赛的品牌传播、提升、保护即是CBA联赛品牌管理动态流程不可或缺的三方面。

【Abstract】 With the fierce marketing competitions of this era, increasing numbers of companies have realized the imperativeness of establishing and managing their own brand, which have constituted the fundamental parts of modern companies’marketing strategies. As for Chinese Basketball Professional League (abbreviated as CBA) to which the professionally-oriented reform has been applied since 2005, it has been increasingly enjoying public attention and the fans’ enthusiasm. While, a fact should by no means be ignored that CBA league is still at its brand development’s primary stage and CBA league’s brand advantages are still uncompetitive. Hence, to reinforce CBA league’s brand establishment and enlarge its influence among the consumers, it is high time the CBA league’s brand static contents were accurately explored and a series of brand management dynamic procedures were analyzed, which exactly consist the very contents of CBA league’s brand management.With the help of documentary data, expert interviews, questionnaires, statistics and logical analysis, some conclusions and suggestions have been made as follows.The essence of CBA brand is recommended with the following choices, such as "enterprising", "improvement", "growth", "promotion", the identification of which can be embodied at four aspects:game intensity, star charm, player skills and the healthy development of CBA marketing. While, the extended identity of CBA brand value is apparently recognized by its distinctive Chinese characteristies, exclusive Polaris program and increasingly extending internationalization.Large amount of statistic data has revealed CBA league’s brand is positioned as "high cost effective on site sports experience" and specifically speaking, that is "an outstanding live sports atmosphere and long-term good spirit enjoyment for those with low or middle income hut great passion for basketball games". In addition, CBA league’s brand symbols refer to those practically sensed by consumers, including brand name, brand identity, brand slogan and brand music. In a word, CBA league’s brand identity, brand positioning and brand symbols together constitute the static contents of CBA league’s brand.CBA league, for the audience, is typically immediate-experience featured and each of its game transmits a comprehensive experience, including sensory experience, emotional experience and achievements experience. CBA league’s brand integrated communication mainly consists of internal communication and external communication, the former of which objects for the internal staff within clubs while the latter of which targets the consumers (the audience). Besides, the external communication can also be divided into the on-site transmission and the off-site transmission.CBA league’s brand promotion is suggested to be undertaken from such aspects as brand enhancement, brand business development and brand internationalization. The brand enhancement can be realized by the improvement of product qualification, the perfection of audiences’experience media and enforcement of brand communication. Also, brand licensing and sponsorship system not only provide necessary financial support for the development of CBA league but also help make CBA league’s brand image more completed. In the long run, the internationalization of CBA league’s brand is both an irresistible tendency of today’s globalized economy and an excellent strategy to promote CBA league’s brand.CBA league’s brand protection covers two aspects, one of which is the protection against various crises arising from league itself, the other of which is the protection against brand infringement. Looking back upon CBA league’s development, is it easy to find the influence of the former crisis destructs more and the reason for it is the unsound professional system. In summary, the CBA league’s brand communication, promotion and protection which have been analyzed above consist the very dynamic procedures of CBA league’s brand management.
