

Study on University Students’ Exercise Promotion

【作者】 张戈

【导师】 李元伟;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 当前学生体能素质持续下降和体育锻炼缺乏,应采取有效措施促进青少年学生的体育锻炼行为。行为学理论模式已经开始在体育锻炼行为促进的实践当中应用,由于个体行为必然受到其生活环境中社会文化和物质环境等多维因素的交互影响,因此解释环境与人的行为之间的相互作用与关系,以环境改变、组织政策干预来促进体育锻炼行为,成为加强青少年体育行为,增强青少年体质的重要途径。本研究旨在了解社会环境因素对大学生体育锻炼行为的影响,探索政策、组织层面的干预措施对大学生体育锻炼行为促进的效果,为有效促进大学生的体育锻炼行为提供理论依据和实践途径的参考。本文在健康行为生态学模型框架下,在北京大学开展研究。通过文献资料、深度学生访谈和专家咨询,了解影响大学生体育锻炼行为的因素,制订问卷进行实际测量和数据检验,建构并验证大学生体育锻炼影响因素的测量工具,用于解释学生的体育锻炼行为,并作为其干预促进的理论指导:对大学生实际体育锻炼情况进行问卷调查,全面理解有关因素对大学生体育锻炼行为的实际影响作用;考察分析学校体育管理政策改变和体育类社团这两项重要的社会环境因素,比较其对学生体育锻炼典型行为的影响。结果显示,大学生体育锻炼影响因素问卷包含倾向、促进及强化因素三个维度,具有良好的信度与效度;北京大学学生课外体育锻炼时间在1.5小时以下的占67.4%,每周运动次数小于3次的占75.5%;不参加体育锻炼的原因前三位分别是没有时间、有惰性和缺少伙伴;按照学校的体育教学管理规定,体育课成绩实行百分制计分年级的学生,其体育课出勤率和12分钟跑测试成绩两项指标,显著高于实行两级制计分者;作为体育类社团成员的学生,在控制基础水平的影响后,协方差分析显示其体质健康测试分数和每周体育锻炼时间均显著高于没有参加体育类社团的普通大学生,且不同类型的社团其成员在这两项指标上也存在显著差异。研究结论:大学生体育锻炼影响因素问卷具有可接受的信效度,符合心理测量学标准,验证健康行为的生态学模型可以在体育锻炼领域应用:北京大学学生体育锻炼参与程度偏低,需要进行有效促进;以学校的政策规定形式实施的学生体育锻炼促进措施,能够显著影响大学生的体育锻炼行为,是切实有效的促进手段;体育类社团对大学生体育锻炼行为和体质健康水平具有确切的促进作用,是在大学生群体中推进体育锻炼健康促进的有效途径。

【Abstract】 Students’physical conditions have been weakening today while physical exercises are seriously insufficient, measures must be taken to promote their sport and exercise behaviors. Behavior science theory models have been applied to the practice of sport and exercise promotion. In reality, individual behaviors are definitely affected mutually by such interweaving factors as social culture and actual circumstances. Therefore, based on sensible interpretation of relationship and effectiveness between people and environment, improving environment as well as conducting some policy intervention should be an important way to promote sport and exercise and improve students’ health. This research designed to find out the influences of social environment factors on the college students’sport and exercise behaviors and the effects of policy and organized system, and to put forward some theory guide and practical way for the further promotion of the college students’ sport and exercise behaviors.Under the framework of health behavior ecology model, this research is conducted within Beijing University. The methods of literature, comprehensive students interviews and experts consulting are used to find out the dominant factors. And questionnaire is used to survey and examine the data. Then the measurement tool is designed and tested for the effective factors of college students’sport and exercise behaviors. Consequently, students’sport and exercise behaviors can be explained, and the resulting theory can be a guide for intervention promotion. Through the questionnaire investigation on the actual college students’ sport and exercise behavior, the effective factors of college students’ behavior can be fully comprehended. Comparisons are made between the effects of school management policy change and those of sport community, both of which make up important social environment factors.The findings show that the questionnaire on the effects of colleges students’sport and exercise behaviors consists of inclination factor, promotion factor and intensification factor, and is provided with credibility and validity. Beijing University students spending less than 1.5 hours each week on sport and exercise, account for 67.4%. And those less than 3 times reach to 75.5%. For the reasons not to engage in sport and exercise activities, the first three are as below:short of time, 32%, inertia,25%, lack of companion,19%. Students in those classes, which using two-level and 100-point to calculate the scores of PE according to the regulation of school management, show significant difference in attendance rates and 12-min running performance, while those using 100-point method are rather higher than two-level system. As members of sport community, students controlled as assistant variables, show higher score in physical condition test and much more time spend on sport and exercise than those of average students, who are not members of sport community. Considerable differences are also found in these aspects between different types of sport communities.The conclusion is that the questionnaire on the effects of colleges students’ sport and exercise behaviors is provided with acceptable credibility and validity, in accordance with psychology test standards. The questionnaire also illustrates that the health behavior ecology model can be applied in the field of sport and exercise. Beijing University students’ sport and exercise involvement is insufficient and students’ sport and exercise behavior need effective promotion in general. School management policy and regulation can consequently affect college students’ sport and exercise behavior, which is an effective way. Sport community shows positive effects to promote sport and exercise behavior and improve health, it is an effective way especially among the college student groups.
