

From the National Salvation to National Renaissance-Historical Motivations of China’s Modern Sports Development

【作者】 刘晖

【导师】 熊晓正;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 西方人的入侵给中国人带来了无尽的灾难,但同时也无意中加快了中国融入世界的进程。帝国主义的侵略把中华民族推向了生死存亡的边缘,为了拯救民族于危亡,中国近代知识分子在探求中华民族生存之道的努力中,开始了艰难地“现代化”进程。洋务派、维新派、资产阶级革命派等都为中华民族的救亡起到了一定的作用,也正是在“民族救亡”历史使命的感召下,他们拿起了西方体育这把工具来改造国民的体质,型塑民族的精神,展露民族的形象。新中国成立以后,“民族复兴”的历史使命就落在了国家建设者的肩上,为了实现民族复兴的理想,新中国体育工作者义无反顾地举起了民族复兴的火炬,投身到探求中国特色体育发展道路的工作中。本研究以“民族救亡”到“民族复兴”的中国社会发展为背景,较为深入地探讨了中国近现代体育发展的历史动因。研究主要得出以下几点结论:第一,近代体育的引进源于“民族救亡”,正是在“民族救亡”历史使命的感召下,近代的先知先觉之士选择了现代体育,因此“民族救亡”是引进现代体育的动因。第二,体育发展道路的选择也是在民族救亡的生死关头展开的,殊途同归,万流归宗,歧异的发展道路背后的动因是一致的,就是实现“民族救亡”。它充分地反映出中国近代社会发展体育的主要动力来源于“民族救亡”。第三,新中国在艰难的国内外环境下开始了谋求“民族复兴”之路,严峻的国际形势,窘迫的国内现实决定我国体育起步于一个历史低点,“民族复兴”的历史使命驱使着中国体育选择了一条特色发展道路。第四,“民族救亡”到“民族复兴”成为纵贯中国近现代社会的思想主线,正是在这一思想动因的推动下,我们展开了对西方体育文化的学习和推广,也进行了符合中国国情的体育发展道路的探求。第五,现代体育从西方传来到变成我国现代体育的重要组成,是中华民族不断进步的结果和表现。现代体育在中国的兴起与发展成为了中华民族复兴的标志和符号。中国近现代社会的发展为现代体育的发展提供了空间和机遇,而现代体育的发展又为中国社会的进步贡献着自己的力量。这正是:国运兴,则体育兴;而体育兴则是国运兴的重要标志。

【Abstract】 The invasion of the west brought endless disasters to the Chinese, while at the same time it inadvertently accelerated the process of China’s integration into the world. The imperialist aggression put China on the edge between life and death, and then the modern Chinese intellectuals took great efforts to seek for the way to survive for the Chinese nation and embarked on the rocky journey to the "modernization". In the historical mission of "national salvation", the westernization group, modernization group and the bourgeois revolutionaries all played their important roles, introducing the western sports as a tool to improve Chinese people’s physiques, cultivate the national spirit and shape the national image of China. After the founding of New China, the historic mission of "national renaissance" fell on the shoulders of the national builders. Therefore, in order to achieve the national rejuvenation, the physical culture workers of new China held the torch of national renaissance and devoted to the career of sports development with Chinese characteristics. This study has made an in-depth research on the historical motivations of China’s modern sports development under the background of China’s social development from "national salvation" to "national renaissance". The conclusions of the study are as follows:First, the introduction of modern sports to China stemmed from the "national salvation", which showed that it was the historical mission of "national salvation" that called for the pioneers of modern China to choose modern sports. In this sense, "national salvation" is one of the motivations for the introduction of modern sports to China.Second, the development path of China’s sports was taken at the life-and-death moment of national salvation, thus the motivation behind the various development paths was consistent, that was, to achieve "national salvation." It reflected the main driving force of China’s modern sports development came from the "national salvation. "Third, the new China began to seek the road to "national renaissance" in the hard environment at home and abroad:the tough international situation and the perplexing domestic reality determined that the sports of China had to start at a low point and was driven by the historical mission of "national renaissance" to take the development path with distinct Chinese characteristics. Fourth, it was driven by the ideology of China’s modern society developing from national revival to national salvation that we launched the study and promotion of Western sports culture, which was in line with China’s actual reality of sports development path as well.Fifth, modern sports came from the west and have become an important component of China’s modern sports, which has been the reflection of constant progress made by China.Moreover, the rise and development of modern sports in China has been regarded as the symbol of Chinese revival. The development of modern Chinese society provided opportunities for the development of modern sports which, meanwhile, contributed a lot to the social progress of China. Consequently, we could say the prosperous nation can promote the sports development and the thriving sport is also a key reflection of the prosperity of the nation.
