

Biomechanic Research for Four Kinds of Tennis Serve in Our High Level Tennis Players

【作者】 邹廷铸

【导师】 王安利;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 运动人体科学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 研究目的:我们尝试运用VICON运动捕捉系统,对网球运动员四种发球动作的运动学和动力学特征进行分析,并辅以身体主要肌肉的肌电特征分析,可以研究不同发球动作与肩部负荷之间的关系,这对运动员伤病预防和康复具有较大的现实和理论意义。研究方法:本论文选取北京体育大学网球队十名运动员作为研究对象,通过VICON运动捕捉系统和肌电测试设备,测试运动员一发并腿、二发并腿、一发分腿和二发分腿四种动作,应用VICON IQ分析软件和MAGAWIN肌电分析软件得出运动学、动力学和肌电参数。研究结果:从运动学数据来看,一发(FS)和二发(SS)对比,一发的肩髋垂直夹角(LFA)、肩部旋转角(SAR)大于二发,一发的左、右膝屈伸角(KJFE)、肩部侧倾角(SALFA)小于二发。分腿(FB)和并腿(FU)对比,分腿的肩髋垂直夹角(LFA)大于并腿,分腿的左、右膝屈伸角(KJFE)、肩部侧倾角(SALFA)、肩部旋转角(SAR)均小于并腿。从肩部受力数据来看,一发最大肩部负荷(SL)大于二发。对于一发来说,并腿时最大肩部负荷(SL)要小于分腿。从肩部力矩(ST)数据来看一发的最大肩部力矩要大于二发,分腿的最大肩部力矩要大于并腿的力矩。上肢肌肉中,并腿一发和分腿二发的三角肌积分肌电值(iEMG)最大,而分腿一发和并腿二发是胸大肌积分肌电值最大,其他次序基本都一致。下肢肌肉的积分肌电值基本一致。研究结论:1、一发与二发相比,具有较大的肩髋垂直角、肩部旋转角,而双膝屈曲角及肩部前倾角和侧倾角则明显减小,它会产生更大的负荷和压力;二发时的最大肩关节力矩较一发时大,其中,分腿二发时,关节负荷最小,且关节力矩最大,因此可认为是一种较为经济的发球方式。2.两种站位方式的最大肩髋垂直夹角出现的时刻有所不同,并腿的肩部前倾角和侧倾角都大,同时有较大的双膝屈曲角;分腿发球站位方式较并腿发球站位方式有较大的肩关节力矩。3.上肢肌肉中,并腿一发和分腿二发的三角肌积分肌电值最大,而分腿一发和并腿二发是胸大肌积分肌电值最大,其他次序基本都一致;下肢肌肉的积分肌电值基本一致。4.在四种不同的网球发球方式中,肩部肌肉的激活顺序是相同的:三角肌→肱二头肌→斜方肌→肱桡肌→腹外斜肌→胸大肌→腹直肌→背阔肌。

【Abstract】 Purpose:We use VICON motion capture system to know the relation between different serve type through analyzing the kinematic and kinetic data of different serve together with EMG information, it will contribute to the theory and reality for the injury prevention and rehabilitation.Method:We choose ten tennis professional players from Beijing Sports University to test first serve with FB, second serve with FB, first serve with FU and second serve with FU using VICON motion capture system and EMG device, in order to calculate the kinematic, kinetic data and EMG information.Result:From the kinematic data, we can see that the lateral flexion separation angle (LFA), lateral alignment rotation (LAR) of first serve is higher than that of second serve, however left and right knee joint flexion-extension (KJFE) and shoulder alignment lateral flexion angle (SALFA) is lower than that of second serve, Separation angle (SA) is not different.Compared with FB and FU, lateral flexion separation angle of FB is higher than that of FU, left and right knee joint flexion-extension, lateral alignment rotation and shoulder alignment lateral flexion angle is lower than that of FU. From the kinetic data, we find that maximum shoulder torque(ST) of first serve is higher than that of second serve, maximum shoulder torque of FB is higher than that of FU no matter if first or second serve. Regarding the EMG information, the EMG volume of deltoid about first serve with FU and second serve with FB is highest.But the EMG Volume of pectoralis about the first serve with FB and second serve with FU is highest. Their order is same. The EMG volume of low limb is same too.Conclusion:1. we can see that the lateral flexion separation angle, lateral alignment rotation of first serve is higher than that of second serve, however left and right knee joint flexion-extension and shoulder alignment lateral flexion angle is lower than that of second serve, we think that first serve can produce more loading, maximum shoulder torque of second serve is higher that of first serve, second serve with FU is considered as a economic serve type because its joint loading is most lower and its torque is highest.2. Maximum lateral flexion separation angle of FB and FU is different with their occurrence time. Compared with FB and FU, left and right knee joint flexion-extension, lateral alignment rotation and shoulder alignment lateral flexion angle of FB is higher than that of FU. The shoulder torque of FU is higher than that of FB.3. Regarding EMG information, EMG volume of deltoid about first serve with FU and second serve with FB is highest. But EMG volume of pectoralis about first serve with FB and second serve with FU is highest, their order is same. EMG volume of low limb is same too.4. The activation time of shoulder muscle in four types of serve is same as:deltoid, brachilis, trapizius, brachioradialis, obliquus externus abdominis, ectopectoralis, rectus abdominis, latissimus dorsi.
