

To Establish and Test the Theoretical Framework for the Evaluation of Exercise Capacity for Urban Adults

【作者】 李文慧

【导师】 张一民;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 运动人体科学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 国民的健康素质是社会发展的原动力。21世纪以来,采用科学有效的体育锻炼方法,实现增强体质,促进健康的目标是当前群体科研工作的关键。因此,本文在充分梳理体质、健康评价理念与体系的基础上,从理论与实践层面提出了构建体育锻炼能力评价体系的科学性与可行性。具体结论包括:(1)构建体育锻炼能力评价的理论前提主要体现在:①当今涉及运动功能状态评价体系的建立都源自对健康的关注。②现行的体质等运动功能状态评价体系中,存在“两极化”现象:一是追求运动能力的最大化;二是过于强调身体活动或体育锻炼的基本健康作用。③我国现行的体质评价体系中,部分评价内容与指标自身存在明显的效度与信度不足的问题,且无法实现全面、动态的机体运动功能状态的整体评价。(2)体育锻炼能力(exercise capacity, EC)是指人体在运动过程中,机体内各器官系统对运动负荷产生综合“应答反应”水平的上限。(3)本文通过理论总结与归纳,构建了体育锻炼能力评价理论框架“三元模型”,即肌肉素质(肌肉力量/耐力)、协调能力与有氧能力。(4)结合国内国民体质监测的实际需求,将“体育锻炼能力指数”(exercise capacity index, ECI)作为个体体育锻炼能力水平的评价指标。即ECI是指人体在最大负荷强度条件下,机体各功能系统综合应答反应所表现出来的能量消耗水平。(5)采用具有动态性、通用性特征的走-跑相结合的递增负荷运动方式,以改良的1OSWT作为评价方法,通过总能量消耗水平来作为体育锻炼能力的评价指标。(6)通过与跑台测试结果的对比分析,采用多元逐步回归建立了评价20~29岁成年男、女性体育锻炼能力的推测方法,即ECI的推测公式,①男性:ECImax (kcal/min)=0.530*体重(kg)+0.488*METs(ml/kg/min)+0.243*年龄(y)②女性:ECImax (kcal/min)=0.277*折返耗时(s)+0.404*体重(kg)+0.321*V02max(ml/kg/min)(7)对体育锻炼能力评价模型与方法检验结果提示:①作为评价方法,改良的10SWT具有的简便,安全、可操作性强的特点为今后推广应用提供了方法学依据。②采用ECI推测公式获得的总能量消耗水平能够反映个体承受最大负荷强度能力,有较好的推测效度与信度。

【Abstract】 Since the 21st century, the use of scientific and effective methods of physical exercise has become the key research for groups. Therefore, this paper made a system of scientific and feasibility for the assessment of exercise capacity. Specific conclusions include:(1) The theoretical premises for building the exercise capacity evaluation:①the establishment of evaluation system for physical fitness and motor capacity are derived from health.②The evaluation systems of motor function state exist "polarization" phenomenon:First, the pursuit of maximum motor capacity; second emphasis on the basic health effect by physical activity or exercise.③The parts of content and indexes of the existing evaluation system for physical fitness exist obviously lack of validity and reliability problems, and can not achieve a comprehensive, dynamic and overall evaluation for the body’s motor function.(2)Exercise capacity (EC) is inherent in the human body, and is the comprehensive "responses" level cap produced exercise load during the motion.(3)This paper builds a "Three Models" theoretical framework for the exercise capacity assessment, which is muscle quality (muscle strength /endurance), coordination and aerobic capacity.(4)Exercise capacity index (ECI) is the level of integrated energy consumption shown the function of the system responses during the conditions in the maximum load intensity. (5)The improved 10WST, which the incremental exercise load approach mixed the walk-run, is as the evaluation method, and the total energy consumption level is as the index of the exercise capacity evaluation.(6)ECI speculation formula established for 20 to 29-year-old adult male and female using multiple regression, that is①Male:ECImax (kcal/min)=0.530*weight (kg)+0.488*METs (ml/kg/min) +0.243*age (y)②Female:ECImax (kcal/min)=0.277*time (s)+0.404*weight (kg)+0.321* V02max (ml/kg/min)(7)The test results on the model and method of the evaluation for exercise capacity tips:①The improved 10SWT is a simple, safe, operational characteristics, and provides a methodological basis for its application in future.②The total energy consumption by ECI speculated can reflect the individual capacity to withstand the maximum load, and so the ECI has a good validity and reliability of speculation.
