

The Research of the Vibration Training Influenced Upon Tennis Players’ Exercise Capacity of Upper Limbs

【作者】 周桂琴

【导师】 袁作生;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 振动训练是指人体或人体的某一部分,在负重或不负重情况下,借助振动仪器引起机体的神经肌肉张力性振动反射,从而引起机体机能的改变的训练方法。从医生们使用机械振动治疗神经疼、肌萎缩等疾病,到振动训练帮助宇航员克服失重条件下的身体力量损失和骨密度丢失等身体不良反应,再到现阶段利用振动训练作用于力量、柔韧、爆发力、骨密度、循环功能和机体恢复等方面,人们对振动训练的认识是不断深入和不断发展的历程,可以说振动训练仍然是一项新兴的技术,还有许多未知的领域等待我们去研究。振动训练作为一种新兴的力量训练方法,因为能够用较小的负荷有效地提高肌肉的最大力量及爆发力而受到越来越多国内外专家的关注,目前振动训练已在国外高水平运动员力量训练和大众康复健身训练中得到较好应用。因此,跟踪国际最新力量训练理论和技术,掌握振动训练原理与方法,这对更新训练方法和革新传统的以杠铃为主体的力量训练模式将产生深远影响。作者在认识振动仪器的特性,振动对神经、肌肉和内分泌的生理影响,振动对人体的副作用,振动训练效果的决定因素以及振动训练注意事项等的基础上制定网球上肢振动训练方案。通过对网球运动员有关运动能力的测试,本文得出以下主要结论:结论一:振动训练能有效提高网球运动员肩关节节水平屈伸、肩关节屈伸、肘关节屈伸和腕关节屈伸的峰值力矩、总功和峰值功率。结论二:振动训练能有效提高网球运动员上手发球、正手击球和双手反手击球角速度和功率。结论三:振动训练有利于肩袖稳定性和核心稳定性的发展。结论四:振动训练能有效提高网球运动员上手发球、正手和反手击球准确性。结论五:振动训练在一定程度上能提高网球运动员上肢运动能力,并且在一定程度上优化了传统力量训练,是对传统力量训练的补充。需要指出的是,要充分发挥振动训练的综合效益。例如,对于规范的网球上肢力量训练计划不仪应该包括上肢上的力量训练,还应包括放松和拉伸等训练内容等。

【Abstract】 Vibration training is a training method whose aim is to change the organic function of the body or its certain parts, either bearing weight or not, by using the tensile vibration reflex caused by vibrating equipment. It embodies the gradual development of knowledge about vibration training that at first vibration training was used by doctors to treat diseases like neuralgia and amyotrophia, then it was employed by astronauts to overcome the adverse reaction of body(e. g. declining physical strength and bone-density loss), in weightlessness/simulated weightlessness condition, and now it plays a role in training physical strength, flexibility, explosive force and improving bone mineral density, circulatory function and recovery of the body. Vibration training is still an emerging science and there are many unknown areas waiting for us to study. As a now method of strength training, vibration training can effectively increase the muscles’maximum force and explosive power at the price of light load, so more and more experts home and abroad begin paying attention to it. It is now well applied both in the overseas athletes’high-level strength training and in the mass rehabilitation training. It will have a profound impact to track the latest international strength training theory and technology as well as master the principles and methods of vibration training in the light of updating training methods and reforming the traditional barbell-dominated strength training pattern.Base on the cognition about the characteristics of vibrating equipment, the physiological impact vibration has on nerve, muscle and endocrine, the side effect vibration carries, the elements which determine vibration training effect, and matters needing attention in the vibration training, the author works out an upper limb training program of tennis. By testing the tennis players’concerned motor ability, this thesis reaches some conclusions as above:(1)The vibration training could effectively improve ratios of peak torque, total work and peak power of shoulder level flexion and extension and shoulder, elbow, wrist flexion and extension. (2) The vibration training could effectively improve velocity and power of getting started serve, forehand stroke and both hands backhand stroke of tennis players.(3)The vibration training is conductive to the development of the stability of the rotator cuff and core stability.(4) The vibration training could effectively improve the accuracy of getting started serve, forehand stroke and both hands backhand stroke of tennis players.(5) In some extent the vibration training can increase the motor ability of upper limbs of tennis players and optimize the traditional strength training. It is the complement to the traditional strength training.It should be noted that the overall efficiency of vibration training ought to be given full play. For example, the standard tennis strength training program should include not only the strength training of upper limb, but also the relaxing and stretching parts.
