

【作者】 纳顺达来

【导师】 巴吉格木德;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 民族医学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 《辨病诊脉》是由巴·吉格木德教授新近发现的一部古印度阿育吠陀医学著作。该医经千百年来一直尘封于浩瀚的《丹珠尔经》中,未引起蒙藏医学界广泛关注。书中所载脉诊法奇异,关乎蒙医脉诊学历史渊源、发展演变等重大理论问题,是一部极其珍贵的古籍文献。本研究对《辨病诊脉》的作者、著成年代、版本、内容特点及对蒙医脉诊学的影响等进行了全面系列的文献学考证。并在此基础上,将其与中医脉诊学、蒙藏医脉诊学进行了比较研究,得出如下结论:一、考证出《辨病诊脉》是一部成书于公元前3世纪的古印度阿育吠陀医学脉诊学专著,并认为该著作是迄今所存文献中最早记述古印度脉诊学内容的医籍。二、《辨病诊脉》的著成标志着古印度阿育吠陀医学独具特色的诊脉体系的形成。据此,应改变长期以来存在于蒙医学界的有关古印度阿育吠陀医学中尚无脉诊法的偏颇之见。三、首次提出蒙医脉诊渊于古印度医脉诊法之观点,并据此认为蒙医脉诊学的滥觞可追溯至2300年之久。这将使蒙医脉诊学历史提前1000余年,革新已往基于《四部医典》的1200余年的传统蒙医脉诊史认识。四、提出蒙医学中三根理论与脉诊法的有机结合,并非在《四部医典》中完成,而是在古印度阿育吠陀医学中进行了首次融合的新观点。五、蒙医脉诊学体系引入了中医五行学说,却无五元学说的融合应用,这使得以五元学说为主导的蒙医基础理论对脉诊法的指导显现出一定局限性。《辨病诊脉》将五元学说有机融合于诊脉法中,并与三根理论进行了有机结合。吸收和借鉴《辨病诊脉》这些理论成果,对补充和丰富蒙医脉诊学理论内涵,建立既含有五行学说、又有五元学说的蒙医综合诊脉理论体系具有深远意义。六、总结提出蒙医脉诊学的历史发展过程中,曾出现过三种不同特点的脉诊学术流派。首先是以《辨病诊脉》为标志的古印度阿育吠陀诊脉体系,这成为蒙医脉诊学之起源;其二是以《月王药诊》为代表的脉诊学流派,这形成了蒙藏医早期脉诊法;其三是以《四部医典》为标志的脉诊学流派,这奠定了蒙藏医脉诊法体系。蒙医脉诊学经过上述三个阶段的发展和演变,并经历代蒙医学家的补充、丰富和发展,逐渐形成独具特色的蒙医脉诊学体系。

【Abstract】 Differentiation of Disease by Pulse Diagnosis is an ancient Indian Ayurvedic medical book recently discovered by professor Bar·Jigmud. The medical classic has been laid idle in vast Tanjur for thousands of years, and not attracted extensive attention of Mongolian and Tibetan medical community. The pulse diagnosis methods recorded in the book are wonderful, involving historical origin, development, evolution and other major theoretical issues of pulse diagnosis science of Mongolian medicine, so it is an extremely precious ancient literature.This paper conducts complete and systematic textual research on the writer, completion time, edition, and characteristics of the content of Differentiation of Disease by Pulse Diagnosis, and its influence on pulse diagnosis science of Mongolian medicine. On this basis, this paper carries out comparative research on Differentiation of Disease by Pulse Diagnosis, pulse diagnosis science of traditional Chinese medicine, and pulse diagnosis science of Mongolian and Tibetan medicine, the following conclusions are reached:I. Differentiation of Disease by Pulse Diagnosis is proved to be a pulse diagnosis science monograph of ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine written in the 3rd century BC, and thought to be the earliest medical book giving an account of the content of ancient Indian pulse diagnosis science among the available literature.Ⅱ. The completion of Differentiation of Disease by Pulse Diagnosis marks the formation of unique pulse diagnosis system of ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine. Therefore, the biased opinion that there is no pulse diagnosis methods in ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine existed in Mongolian medical community for a long time should be changed.Ⅲ. This paper develops the idea that pulse diagnosis of Mongolian medicine originates from pulse diagnosis methods of ancient Indian medicine for the first time, and accordingly thinks the origin of pulse diagnosis science of Mongolian medicine may date back to 2,300 years ago. This will make the pulse diagnosis science history of Mongolian medicine move up more than 1,000 years, and reform past understanding to pulse diagnosis history of traditional Mongolian medicine of over 1,200 years based on Four-Part Medicine Classics.Ⅳ. This paper puts forward the new idea that the organic combination of three-element theory and pulse diagnosis methods in Mongolian medicine is not finished in Four-Part Medicine Classics, but in ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine for the first integration.Ⅴ. The pulse diagnosis science system of Mongolian medicine introduces five-element theory of traditional Chinese medicine, and application of five-essence theory, which makes the guidance of basic theory of Mongolian medicine dominated by five-essence theory to pulse diagnosis methods have certain limitation. Differentiation of Disease by Pulse Diagnosis integrates five-essence theory into pulse diagnosis methods, and combines it with three-element theory organically. Absorbing and drawing upon these theoretical fruits of Differentiation of Disease by Pulse Diagnosis are of profound significance to supplement and enrich theoretical connotation of pulse diagnosis science of Mongolian medicine and establish integrated theoretical system of pulse diagnosis including both five-element theory and five-essence theory. VI. This paper summarizes and advances three schools of thought of pulse diagnosis with different features emerged during historical development of pulse diagnosis science of Mongolian medicine. First, ancient Indian Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis system marked by Differentiation of Disease of Mongolian medicine. First, ancient Indian Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis system marked by Differentiation of Disease by Pulse Diagnosis, which became the origin of pulse diagnosis science of Mongolian medicine; second, the school of pulse diagnosis science represented by Somaratsa, which formed early pulse diagnosis methods of Mongolian and Tibetan medicine; third, the school of pulse diagnosis science marked by Four-Part Medicine Classics, which laid the foundation for pulse diagnosis method system of Mongolian and Tibetan medicine. Through the development and evolution of above three stages, and experiencing supplement, enrichment and development of Mongolian medical scientists of past ages, unique pulse diagnosis science system of Mongolian medicine is gradually formed.

  • 【分类号】R2-52
  • 【下载频次】259