

【作者】 鲁杰

【导师】 张其成;

【作者基本信息】 北京中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 中医意象思维在古代得到特别的发展而早熟,意象思维作为中国传统思维方式的重要内容之一,与西方人重抽象思维方式差异显著,而意象思维的主要思维方式取象比类方式也与西方的实证研究方法形成反差。意象思维的含义在于:一方面它通过形象性的概念与符号去理解对象世界的抽象意义,另一方面它又通过带有直观性的类比推理形式去把握和认识对象世界的联系。中医学的意象思维主要体现在取象比类的思维方法之中,运用取象比类,分析人的生理病理功能结构,建立“藏象”学说;对疾病的认识上,将各种病症表现归结为“证象”,建立“辨证论治”理论体系。所谓“藏象”、“脉象”、“证象”等,其本质就是“意象”。所谓取象比类,就是指运用带有感性、形象、直观的概念、符号表达对象世界的抽象意义,通过类比、象征方式把握对象世界联系的思维方法,又称为“意象”思维方法。本文采用文献学与比较研究的方法,从哲学层面、心理学层面阐明中医意象思维及相关重要范畴的文化来源、特征、学术内涵及实践方法,致力于理清中医意象思维与心理学的体用关系,辨明中医意象思维与西方心理学思维方式的异同,总结出中医意象思维的心理学实质。具体内容为:第一部分考察了与中医意象思维相关的重要范畴:意、象及意象并考察了每个范畴的文化起源,发现各范畴在传统文化影响下都具有多义性并不断演化,如“意”包涵志向、情绪情感、动机与志向的激发、需求等非智力因素,又包括记忆、注意、思维推理等智力因素,同时更有超心理学概念的含意如本源,“意”;象是一个人类心理认知的思维系统,概括起来后,它为我们呈现的基于是天人合一整体观下的一种立体的思维系统;“象”的含义由最初最直接视觉而触及的大象,逐渐演变、迁衍至知觉层面的形象、卦象、动词的象征与效法,再经过中国古代人类的思维与认知,虚拟与想象的心理加工,深入到超越个人心理层面,以宇宙心灵的视角来看待“象”,以致天人合一,这不仅是认识主体对客体认识的无限宽广,而是人类对自身认知能力的扩张,其“意象”的含义变得更富含深邃智慧的意义;在《周易》中,“卦象”处于核心地位,“取象”则是获得卦象的思维方法,“物象”则是“卦象”所借用要象征的对象。王弼将“卦意、卦象、卦辞”进一步抽象化,提升至一般意义上的认识论层面。孔子通过《易传》对“象”的表达功能进一步做了阐发,使意象成为人类认知与探索规律以及表达认知成果的思维方式,从而使意象做为表达“道”的重要思维方式。金岳霖在“现象”的定义基础上对“意象”的含义进行了精细的剖解与分析。第二部分考察了中医意象思维的哲学渊源并详述了中医意象思维的内涵与方法。中国传统思维方式注重认知对象的整体观,并运用直觉功能来把握认知对象,强调从现象世界的动态变化过程来提示认知对象的特性与规律,在中国传统思维方式整体思维、直觉思维与变易思维的深刻影响下,中医在长期实践过程中,与中国传统思维方式一脉相承,形成了既秉承传统思维方式又对生命具有独特意义的中医意象思维方式,而整体思维、直觉思维和变易思维的思维方式又成为中医意象思维方式形成的基础与精髓,同时,成为中医意象思维方式三个最为突出的特点。中医意象思维正是“象”为中介参照,以“意”为思虑揣测推理的认知活动,最后达到把握人体的生理功能和病理变化的规律。意象思维往往倾向于对人体之“象”做整体性的思考,具有整体性、功能性、直觉性、动态性、经验性和非逻辑性等重要特征。第三部分介绍了西方心理学与意象思维相关的概念与理论,如表象、意象、原型意象、思维、机能主义、现象学等,为中西方思维比较提供较为详尽的概念与理论。第四部分讨论了中医现代化的悖论,及传统哲学中的意象思维与西方思维的差异比较,以及探讨了中医意象思维的认知心理学路径及心理学实质。在中医现代化的进程中,十分有必要采取各种科学手段与路径去诠释中医传统的思维方式,而中医意象思维是中医最具独特特征的思维方式之一,认知心理学恰恰研究人类高级心理认知过程,尤其重视对思维策略等人类复杂认知活动的研究。借助现代认知心理学的范畴,如知觉、意象等概念,去理解中医意象思维这种独特的认知方式,能促进中医意象思维的现代化与科学化。中医意象思维是最具特色与优势的中医原创思维,深入挖掘“意象”的心理实质有助于促进中医现代化的进程。作为中医原创思维,“意象”以“天人合一”的整体观为基础,以宇宙大生命观为认知主体,既是一个重要的哲学范畴,更是一种独特而深奥的思维策略。结合中国传统哲学以心理学方法论去阐发“意象”,结果表明,“意象”是一种大人格为主体的内源性的、主体心性价值的、客观主观化的思维路径,是一种人文取向的认知心理方式。

【Abstract】 TCM image thinking get special development and early maturity in ancient times, image thinking as Chinese traditional thinking way is different from western abstract thinking. This thesis clarifies academic origin, characteristics, cultural connotation and practice method of TCM image thinking and related d the important category from the philosophical level and psychology level.The main content of this thesis is in the following:In the first part the thesis investigates some of the important category:Yi, Xiang and Imagery and examines the cultural origins of each category.In the second part the thesis examines the philosophical origin of TCM image thinking and narrates the connotation of TCM image thinking and it’s method.In the third part the author introduces some related psychology concept and research methods, such as appearance, imagery, prototype image, thinking, empirical research method, phenomenology.The fourth part the authour discusses the paradox of the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional philosophy,and the difference of the image thinking and western thinking, and discusses the differences between traditional Chinese medicine image thinking and cognitive psychology path and expounds the psychological essence of TCM image thinking.Chinese image thinking is so distinctive for traditional of Chinese medicine that to study its origin is the urgent needs of Chinese medicine modernization. The traditional Chinese thinking attaches great importance to understanding the overall object and use an intuitive perception function to grasp object and to learn the object’s characteristics and laws from the dynamic process of the world; traditional Chinese thinking, such as overall thinking, intuitive thinking and dynamic thinking, is the most prominent characteristic of the Chinese Medical image thinking. This research tries to analyze the characteristics of the traditional Chinese thinking to confine preliminarily the basic nature and its developing history about the Chinese medical image thinking.During the process of Chinese medical modernization, it is necessary to adopt various scientific means and path to expound Chinese medical traditional thinking. Chinese medical image thinking is one of the most unique thinking of Chinese medical thinking. Exactly, cognitive psychology focus on studying human senior psychology cognitive process, especially complex thought strategy. By the concept of cognitive psychology, such as unconscious and imagery, etc, to understand the unique cognitive way of the Chinese medical image thinking can promote its modernization and scientific process. The Chinese medical image thinking is one of the Chinese original thoughts which have most outstanding feature and advantage. To explore deeply the "image" mental substance can help to promote Chinese modernization process. As a Chinese traditional medical original thought, based on the overall concept of "Holism of human being and universe" and cognition main body of universe life sight, "image" is a unique and profound thought. Through psychology methodology to elucidate "image", the results indicate that "image" is one kind of thinking path of the inside source and objective subjectiveness and humanism directed cognition psychology.
