

【作者】 梁栋

【导师】 李安增; 郑曙村;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 马克思主义中国化研究, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 “执行力是政府工作的生命力”。加强政府执行力建设是当前我国各个层级的政府面临的一个紧迫而重要的课题。近年来,我国在政府执行力建设上取得了较大的进展,但执行不力、效率不高的问题依然比较突出,这说明政府执行力建设问题任重道远。执行力建设的成效之所以还不能十分令人满意,原因是多方面的,但最重要的一条是,我们没有认清或者忽视了影响执行力建设的关键的因素,因而不能有的放矢进行政府执行力建设,并收到一针见血之效。因此,找出影响政府执行力的关键的因素,以此为着力点进行政府执行力建设,使之取得更大突破,这是当前和今后政府执行力建设的重要方向。笔者认为责任因素影响政府执行力高低的关键因素,本文试图以此为切入点对政府执行力建设做一探讨。文章分为三部分:上篇是基本理论篇,共两章。第一章的内容是:政府执行力、责任的概念及有关理论分析。先是对政府执行力概念的分析和运行机理,以及与相关概念的比较。然后对责任、责任行政概念的梳理和分析。最后提出了从责任视角审视政府执行力的必然性和必要性。第二章的内容是:责任对政府执行的影响。前半部分讲的是责任在影响政府执行力因素中地位,后半部分讲的是责任因素对政府执行力的影响分析。中篇是现实篇,共两章。第三章的内容是:当前我国政府执行力建设的现实状况。从分析加强政府执行力建设课题提出的过程入手,在肯定加强政府执行力建设的努力与成就的同时,提出我国当前政府执行中存在的问题。第四章的内容是:当前我国政府执行问题责任原因分析。提出了影响政府执行力提高的六个与责任相关的因素。即政府职责配置的体制不科学、执行责任评估机制缺乏、责任实现的激励机制不科学、执行监督不完善、问责制不完善和责任执行文化缺失。下篇是路径篇,共六章。第五章的内容是:确权明责,优化政府职责体制配置。讲的是从优化配置政府的职责体系角度来提升政府执行力的治理路径。第六章的内容是:建立完善的绩效责任考核制度。讲的是从绩效责任考核的角度来提升政府执行力的治理路径。第七章的内容是:完善执行责任监督机制。讲的是从责任监督角度来提升政府执行力的治理路径。第八章的内容是:强化执行责任实现激励措施。讲的是从责任激励角度提升政府执行力的治理途径。第九章的内容是:健全政府问责制。讲的是从问责制的角度来提升政府执行力的治理途径。第十章的内容是:建设责任文化。讲的是从构建责任文化角度来提升政府执行力的治理途径。

【Abstract】 Executive ability is the key judgment criterion of a government’s performance. How to enhance executive ability of government has become an important and urgent issue confronted with by the governments at all levels. In recent years, great progress has been made on the construction of executive ability of our governments, but the effectiveness of construction of executive ability of government is still not satisfactory because of poor implementation and low efficiency, there is still a long way to go on the road of enhancing executive ability of government. There are many reasons that result in the poor effectiveness, but the most important reason is that we fail to recognize and discern the key element affecting the construction of executive ability of government. Therefore, trying to make break through by recognizing the key element that influences the executive ability of government shall be the direction of enhancing executive ability of government in the future. In this thesis, responsibility is considered as the key element that influences the executive ability of government, and on this basis, the construction of executive ability of government is further explored.This thesis is composed of 3 parts.Part 1 is the basic theories. In this part, two chapters are included.Chapter one introduces the concepts of executive ability of government and responsibility, together with the relevant theoretical analysis. In this chapter, the analysis of concept and operating mechanism of executive ability and comparison among some relevant concepts is made, and concepts of responsibility and responsible administration are defined and analyzed. On this basis, the inevitability and necessity of studying executive ability of government from the perspective of responsibility is analyzed.Chapter two analyzes the influence of responsibility on executive ability. In this chapter, the importance of responsibility element in elements that influence executive ability of governments is analyzed firstly, and then the concrete analysis of responsibility element in influencing executive ability of government is further conducted.Part 2 is the empirical analysis. In this part, two chapters are included.Chapter three analyzes the realistic situation of current construction of governments’ executive ability. In this chapter, the way to enhance executive ability is chosen as the standing point. On this basis, the author confirms the achievement of executive ability in recent years, and further indicates the problems in performing executive ability of government.Chapter four is the responsible cause analysis of problems in executive ability of government. In this chapter, six elements related to responsibility that influence executive ability is put forward.Part 3 involves the concrete measures. In this part, six chapters are included.Chapter five interprets the measures to have well defined power and responsibility and optimum allocation of government responsibility, i.e. to promote executive ability from the perspective of optimizing the allocation of government responsibility.Chapter six concerns the measure to establish advanced evaluation system of performance responsibility, i.e. to promote executive ability of government from the perspective of evaluation of performance responsibility.Chapter seven argues the measure to perfect supervisory mechanism of responsibility, i.e. to promote executive ability of government from the perspective of responsibility supervision.Chapter eight discusses the ways to intensify the incentive measures for fulfilling responsibility, i.e. to promote executive ability of government from the perspective of responsibility incentives.Chapter nine focuses on the measures to intensify government accountability, i.e. to promote executive ability of government from the perspective of accountability mechanism.Chapter ten concerns the measures to construct a kind of responsible culture, i.e. to promote executive ability of government from the perspective of constructing a culture of responsibility.
