

A Comprehensive Study of Entrepreneurship Education in American Universities

【作者】 游振声

【导师】 徐辉;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 比较教育学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 全球化与知识经济的兴起转变人们对知识的态度及社会对大学的期待,加速科学与技术的进步与融合,推动科技成果的商品化和创新技术的产业化。教育与就业之间日益严重的失衡,教育费用的增加与各国将资金用于教育的能力和愿望之间日益扩大的差距,成为社会关注的焦点。在此背景下,推动创造性就业,主张技术创新及创新技术产业化的创业教育蓬勃兴起。创业教育是培养创业精神和企业运作能力的教育。针对学生,创业教育侧重转变就业观念,培养创业意识;针对高等学校,创业教育主张产、学、研结合;针对社会,创业教育关注以创新的技术服务地方经济的发展。美国高等学校60多年的创业教育取得了举世瞩目的成就;探讨美国高等学校创业教育实施路径,总结可供操作的创业教育实践策略,对我国高等教育发展具有重要意义。本研究的核心目的在于通过探讨美国高等学校创业教育的实践路径,发现美国高等学校创业教育的促成因素及阻碍因素,揭示美国高等学校创业教育的运行特征及发展趋势,总结出可供我国高等教育发展借鉴的实施策略。为此,本文基于平衡理论和社会交换理论探讨创业教育兴起的动因,基于人力资本理论和学术资本主义探讨大学实施创业教育的必要性和可行性。通过分析美国创业教育产生的背景、历史演变、目标定位、方法途径,总结出可供我国不同类型高等学校借鉴的创业教育模式——目标指向企业创建的“商学院型”创业教育、目标指向创新技术商业化的“工程学院型”创业教育。同时,揭示创业、创业教育、企业创建、大学创业与经济发展的互生互动模式。论文以绪论开篇,主要说明研究的背景及研究的价值。在分析国内外相关文献的基础上,确立本论文的研究思路和框架。正文部分分为七章。第一章通过分析比较创业教育与其他教育思潮的关系,揭示创业教育的内涵。从社会、经济、文化的不同视角剖析美国高等学校创业教育产生的背景后,探讨创业教育的重要性与必要性。本论文认为,创业教育顺应人生价值体现、促进大学发展、回应社会经济需求,所以,创业教育对个人、对大学、对社会,都有其成长的足够理由和良好基础。美国高等学校创业教育有特定的、适宜其生长的社会、经济、文化土壤:西进运动培育了拓荒精神,进步运动使教育更贴近生活,罗斯福新政使大量企业劫后重生;敢于冒险的美国精神,注重实效的实用主义思想,主张通过奋斗实现自身价值的个人主义意识等,结合那个“发明、发现与商界大亨不断涌现的战后经济复苏与繁荣时代”,创业教育找到了它产生和发展的合理逻辑——萌芽阶段-发展阶段-完善阶段-创业型大学的兴起。第二章探析创业教育的目标和内容。本论文认为创业教育目标存在层次性:低层次的创业教育指向企业主培养,高层次的创业教育旨在创业素质的提升。围绕创业教育目标,论文分别从“意识、知识、能力、心理品质”四个维度诠释创业素质的基本内涵。论文第三章通过创业教育课程、教育计划、教育活动等探讨创业教育的实施途径;基于建构主义、实用主义、权变理论、体验学习等理论基础,评述创业教育最常采用的“基于问题、基于行动、基于权变、基于体验”的教学方法,并分析创业教育内容、策略、背景这三个基本要素之间的平衡与扩展。第四章探讨美国政府对高等学校师生创业的政策支撑。在分析创业政策的目标、策略、内容之后,提出美国政府支持高等学校师生创业的政策具有“注重实用、追求卓越、关注平等”的明显特征。同时,创业政策呈“关注创建创业生态体系、促进文化创业性转变、服务个人而非服务公司、关注高速成长的创业型公司”的发展趋势。第五章研究伊利诺斯大学的创业教育实践个案。论文主要考察伊利诺斯大学的创业教育政策保障、资金资助保障、教育质量保障等体系,评述伊利诺斯大学创业教育对地方经济发展的贡献,分析指出伊利诺斯大学创业教育呈现出“‘商学院型’创业教育、‘工程学院型’创业教育、跨学科的创业教育及学术创业主导的创业教育”相结合的特征。第六章研究创业教育对美国高等教育的影响。鉴于创业教育涉及学生、学校、社会经济三个维度,本论文从三个方面展开论述:针对学生,创业教育吸引大量资金资助、培养大批具有创业精神和创业能力的潜在创业者;针对高等学校,创业教育推动大学模式转型,推动大学-产业-政府新型三螺旋关系的形成,大学与公司之间的藩篱渐次消解;针对社会,创业教育促进创业友好社会环境的形成、推动企业创建并增加就业机会、促进经济发展,促进科技创新。第七章探讨美国高等学校创业教育对我国高等教育发展的借鉴意义。创业教育实践涉及两个侧面——学校面向学生实施的教育及学校自身体制的创业转型,因此,本论文也从两个侧面展望我国创业教育的实施及研究型大学的创业型转变。本论文认为,全球化和知识经济的时代语境及我国高等教育的大众化诉求需要我们充分认识创业教育的时代价值,建立适应我国国情的创业教育课程体系,构建创业教育的多维度保障体系,分层次推进创业教育,以技术创新为主导培养学生的创业能力。在大学创业型转变方面,指出研究型大学应以追求学术卓越为使命,以一流科学素质的教师为基础,科学研究与工程研究并重,融入市场化浪潮,以学术价值优势扩展其商业价值,作社会经济发展的强有力驱动器。结语部分以创业精神和创业文化作为全文的统领。本论文认为,创业、创业教育、创业型大学的相互依存和良性互动促进社会经济文化的发展。创业教育不同于创办企业的教育,它追求的是一种机会警觉和机会创造的创业精神;创业型大学不是唯钱是图的大学,它期待的是以卓越的学术成果商业化促进社会经济发展,培育的是创业文化。

【Abstract】 The approaching globalization and knowledge-based economy are transforming the people’s attitudes towards knowledge and expectation of the universities from the society and accelerated the progress and integration of science and technology. In addition, they are promoting the commercialization of scientific research achievements and the industrialization of technological innovations. As a result, the imbalance between enrollment and employment is aggravating, and the shrinking funds for education from the government leave a widening gap to cover the expenditures. In this case, entrepreneurship education comes to the fore, which advocates self-employment, technological innovation and the industrialization of innovated technologies. Entrepreneurship education focuses on fostering the entrepreneurial spirit and cultivating the abilities to operate businesses worldwide. For students, entrepreneurship education places emphasis on the self-employment and entrepreneurial mindsets; for universities, entrepreneurship education advocates the cooperation among industries, universities and research institutes; for the society, entrepreneurship education contributes to the regional economic development with advanced technologies. Entrepreneurship education started over six decades ago in American universities, and have witnessed great achievements ever since. For this reason, it is quite necessary for us to make a comprehensive study of the entrepreneurial practice in the United States, and the results from the study will surely serve our aims significantly in the development of China’s higher education.The central purpose of this dissertation is to explore the approaches of entrepreneurship education in American universities, to unfold both the positively enabling factors and the negatively hindering barriers, to reveal the features current in practice and the tendency possible in future, to sum up and present a line of strategies to shed light on the development of our higher education in China. With such mission dominating the way, this dissertation resorts to various theories like Balance Theory, Social Exchange Theory, Human Capital Theory, Academic Capitalism and so forth, and examines the entrepreneurship education in American universities in terms of its background, growth, development, missions, approaches and impacts. More importantly, this dissertation generalizes and categories the practice of entrepreneurship education in American universities into two basic models for the China’s counterparts to pursue selectively:Engineering College Model Entrepreneurship Education and Business College Model Entrepreneurship Education, with the former focusing on the commercialization of technological innovations and the latter on the creation of firms. Finally, an interdependent and interactive model is constructed to reveal the relationship between entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, firm creation, university entrepreneurship and economic development.The first part is the introduction. This part introduces the background of the study as well as the values of the work. After a comprehensive analysis of the literatures concerning the theme, the research clues and frames are presented.The body of this dissertation consists of seven chapters. The first chapter studies the connotations of entrepreneurship education through the comparison of some widespread educational trends. Reviewing the entrepreneurship education from the perspectives of American society, economy and culture, the dissertation claims that entrepreneurship education helps to create wealth, promote the development of the universities, and respond to the changing demands from the society. Therefore, entrepreneurship education has every reason to be highly evaluated for the benefits of the individuals, universities and the society. For the flourishing of entrepreneurship education in American universities, the author argues that the United States boasted the most favorable fertile land both socially, economically and culturally, such as the American Westward Movement, the Progressive Movement, The Roosevelt’s New Deal, Americanism, pragmatism and individualism, just to name a few. As a consequence, entrepreneurship education in the United States started, developed, matured and led to the entrepreneurial transformation of some research universities.The second chapter studies the objectives and contents of entrepreneurship education. The author holds that the objectives of entrepreneurship education fall into two levels:the lower level oriented to training entrepreneurs while the upper level focusing on cultivating the entrepreneurial qualities, like entrepreneurial awareness, knowledge, ability and psychological traits.The third chapter studies the approaches of entrepreneurship education in terms of courses, programs and extracurricular activities. On the basis of the theories of Constructivism, Pragmatism, Contingency, Experiential Learning, the dissertation elaborates the four popular teaching models in entrepreneurship education which are Problem-based, Action-based, Contingency-based and Experience-based. At the end of this chapter, brief analysis is made about the balance and expansion between the three factors regarding entrepreneurship education, namely the contents, implementation strategies and the settings.The fourth chapter studies the policies underlying the entrepreneurial practices of the teachers and students in American universities. In this part, the authors analyzes the objectives, strategies and contents of entrepreneurship policies of the federal government, state government, and the local government, then features of the policies are dwelt on. Finally, the possible trend of the policies is discussed.With the University of Illinois (UI) as a case, the fifth chapter explores the policies and finances backing up the entrepreneurship education, and the measures to guarantee the excellence. In addition, this part comments on the impacts of the entrepreneurship education in UI on the regional economy, and points out that the entrepreneurship in UI is characterized by the wise integration of business-oriented entrepreneurship education, technological innovation-based entrepreneurship education, trans-disciplinary entrepreneurship education and academic research-led entrepreneurship education.The sixth chapter unfolds itself from three perspectives to explore the impacts of entrepreneurship education in the United States—the students, the universities and the society. For the students, entrepreneurship education draws over abundant fund to finance their education and fosters a lot of potential entrepreneurs. For universities, entrepreneurship education motivates the entrepreneurial transformation of the universities, promotes the new Triple Helix between university, industry and government. For the society, entrepreneurship education spurs the creation of new firms, increases employment, promotes economic development and technological innovation, and helps to build up an entrepreneurship-friendly environment.The seventh chapter expounds the inspirations and suggestions for both the implementation of entrepreneurship education and the entrepreneurial transformation of China’s universities and colleges. The author holds that we should firstly be fully aware of the importance of entrepreneurship in time of globalization and knowledge-based economy. What is more, we should establish China-specific curriculum to promote entrepreneurship education and multi-faceted enhancing systems, and the greatest efforts are supposed to be devoted to cultivating the students’ entrepreneurial abilities with technological innovation leading the way. With regards to entrepreneurial transformation, the author argues that research university in China should pursue academic excellence to brace up entrepreneurship and enhance its competitiveness, establish a growing body of top-grade scientists and technicians, lay equal stress on applied research and basic research, integrate itself into the overwhelmingly inevitable tide of marketization, procure financial gains on the basis of academic excellence and serve the society as the most efficient engine propelling the development of economy.The conclusion employs entrepreneurial spirit and entrepreneurial culture as the dominating soul and theme of this dissertation. The author reemphasizes the necessity, interdependence and interaction of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial universities in the development of society, economy and culture. Entrepreneurship education is not simply for starting firms, but for cultivating entrepreneurial alertness and entrepreneurial spirit. Similarly, entrepreneurial university never seeks financial profit as its primary focus. Instead, entrepreneurial university aspires after greatness by fostering entrepreneurship-friendly settings and promoting the development of the world through commercializing the scientific gains or technological innovations from academic excellence.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】G647.38
  • 【被引频次】40
  • 【下载频次】6491