

A Study on Teachers Mobility of American Research University

【作者】 杨茂庆

【导师】 陈时见;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 比较教育学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 美国研究型大学教师流动主要指美国研究型大学教师在同一国家、地区的大学间发生的岗位转移的现象,以及大学内部教师职务序列的纵向流动。按照不同的划分标准,美国研究型大学教师流动类型可以分为以下几种:按流动方向可划分为横向流动与纵向流动,按流动方式可划分为刚性流动与柔性流动,按学术与非学术标准可划分为学术型流动与非学术型流动。美国研究型大学教师流动受到诸多主客观因素的影响,影响因素主要包括经济因素,如工资与福利;文化因素,如学术组织文化、学术氛围、学术职业、学科忠诚;社会因素,如学术劳动力市场、家庭因素等。美国研究型大学重视大学教师流动工作,对大学教师流动进行严格的规范与管理,并逐渐形成了一套比较系统的规章制度。美国研究型大学实行教师聘任制,在大学教师聘任过程中坚持“远缘杂交”原则,反对“近亲繁殖”,其主要形式为教师任期制,它影响着大学教师流动的规模与速度。美国研究型大学实行教师晋升制,它强调“非升即走”原则,大学教师在任职期间如果不能按照规定期限获得晋升,必须离开所在大学,流动到其他大学。美国研究型大学实行教师兼职制,这为大学教师智力流动提供了有力支持。兼职教师是一个流动的群体,可以从一所大学流向另一所大学,促进了校际之间以及大学与社会之间的学术交流,从而最大限度实现了优秀人才资源共享。聘任制、晋升制和兼职制等三种制度表征了大学教师“近亲繁殖”与“远缘杂交”、主动流动与被动流动、职务层次与大学教师流动之间的相互关系,为美国研究型大学大学教师合理、有序流动提供了制度保障。美国研究型大学教师管理中由若干规则和环节构成的大学教师与聘任岗位、职务之间相互作用、相互联系、双向互动的模式和运作体系,是促进大学教师与聘任岗位、职务实现科学化耦合的基本原则、方法和手段、规则的整合,是美国研究型大学教师管理系统中相对于静态保证结构而言的合理配置大学教师的动态管理机制。研究型大学寻求能为大学创造更大效益的教师以及教师组合,追求更好的社会与经济效益,这是研究型大学教师流动机制运行的两个动力源。研究型大学要启动系统运行并使之保持良好的运行状态,要保障大学教师流动中教师个体和大学组织在流动决策中的主体性地位。大学教师流动涉及的两个决策主体——教师个体和大学组织必须具有相对独立的决策地位,这是大学教师合理流动的基本前提。美国研究型大学促进大学教师的双向流动,在流动过程中实现大学教师队伍正常的新陈代谢和保持一种“流动——相对稳定——再流动”动态平衡的状态。美国研究型大学教师流动机制的生成也有其客观基础,主要包括大学和大学教师的发展需要两个层面。美国研究型大学教师流动机制是市场机制(包括供求子机制、价格子机制、竞争子机制)和大学教师管理机制共同作用的结果,市场机制有效介入与大学管理机制自主调节在大学教师流动中扮演着各自不同的角色,自觉与不自觉地促进大学教师的流动。美国研究型大学一方面建立大学教师“刚性”和“柔性”引进机制,吸引和留住优秀大学教师,为建立高层次大学教师队伍提供有效保障,另一方面通过建立大学教师流出机制,淘汰不合格的大学教师,优化大学教师结构队伍,保持大学教师合理、有序的流动。美国研究型大学对大学教师流动管理研究较早,形成了一套卓有成效的大学教师流动管理经验:第一,明确的大学教师聘任与晋升规定:第二,健全的大学教师社会保障制度;第三,多层次的大学教师管理制度;第四,柔性的大学教师流动制度;第五,“远缘杂交”的大学教师聘任制度;第六,“非升即走”的大学教师晋升制度。我们应该借鉴美国研究型大学已取得的大学教师流动管理经验,合理构建适合我国国情的大学教师流动机制:第一,构建大学教师流动政策法规体系;第二,完善大学教师社会保障体系;第三,建立大学教师流动的分层次管理制度;第四,完善大学教师柔性流动制度;第五,实行“远缘杂交”的大学教师聘任制度;第六,实行“飞升即转”的大学教师职务晋升制度。

【Abstract】 Mobility of American research university teachers mainly refers to the phenomenon of American research university teachers jobs transfer to other university in the same country or region and inter-university jobs vertical transfer. According to different criteria for the classification, American research university teachers type of mobility can be divided into the following categories:It can be divided into horizontal flow and vertical current flow according to the flowing direction; It can be divided into rigid and flexible liquidity flows according to pattern of mobility; It can be divided into academic flow and unacademic flow according to standard of mobility. American research university teacher mobility influenced by many subjective and objective factors, which include economic factors, such as wages and benefits, cultural factors, such as the culture of academic organizations, academic atmosphere, the academic profession, discipline, loyalty, social factors, such as academic labor market and family factors.American research university pays attention to the teachers mobility, manages the mobility of university teachers strictly, then gradually forms a systematic rules and regulations. American research university implement teacher appointment stick to the "hybridization" principle, opposed to "inbreeding", the main form of tenure system for teachers. Teachers mobility in university affects the scale and speed. American research university implement teacher promotion system, which emphasizes the "non-liter and go" principle that university teachers, that if you can not get promotion, you must leave the university, and flow to other universities. American research university implement part-time system, which provided strong intellectual support for mobility. Part-time university teachers are a mobile group, who flow from one university to another university, to promote the academic exchanges of the inter-school and between university and society, so as to maximize the sharing of resources to achieve the outstanding talent. Appointment, tenure system and promotion system characterizes the relationship of inbreeding and hybridization, active and passive mobility, job level and mobility direction. It is the system of protection for the mobility of research university teachers reasonably and orderly.Two-way interaction mode, which content of a number of rules and composition in American research university teacher management, is a system of university teachers matching employment status, a system of reasonable mobility for relative static state of American research university teachers. Research universities seek to create greater benefits for combination between university job status and teachers and the better social and economic benefits, which is the two sources of power for the mechanism of research university teachers mobility. Individual decision-making position of the subject for teachers in universities is the assurement of that the mechanism of research university teacher runs and keeps it in good working condition. Which individual teachers and university organizations must have a relatively independent decision-making position is the two basic premise of reasonable mobility university. American research university promotes two-way mobility of university teachers in the current process to maintain a normal metabolism and the "flow-stable-then current" state of dynamic equilibrium. American research generation of university teachers flow mechanism also has its objective basis, the needs of development of universities and teachers. Mechanism of American research university teachers mobility is result of the market mechanisms (including demand and supply sub-system, the price sub-system, competitive sub-system) effecting university teachers management system, market mechanisms and effecting management mechanisms each other. Effective involvement of market system and self-regulation in university teachers mobility play in different roles, consciously or unconsciously promote the flow of university teachers. American research universities on the one hand the establishes mechanisms of introduction "rigid" and "soft" to attract teachers and retain outstanding faculty, on the other hand, weed out unqualified university teachers, optimize the structure of university teachers team to maintain a reasonable and orderly mobility.American research universities study university teachers mobility management earlier and gain a set of effective liquidity management experiences of university teachers. First, definite rules of university teachers appointment and promotion; Second, sound social security system of university teachers; Third, hierarchical management system of university teachers mobility; Fourth, flexible system of university teachers mobility; Fifth, "hybridization" appointment system for university teachers; The sixth, "non-liter and turn" university teachers promotion system. We can learn from it to make the mechanisms of our country’s university teachers mobility management. First, to build policies and regulations of university teachers mobility; Second, to improve the social security system of university teachers; Third, to establish university teachers mobility hierarchical management system; Fourth, to improve the mobility of university teachers flexible mechanisms; Fifth, to carry on "hybridization" appointment system for university teachers; The sixth, to carry on "non-liter and turn" university teachers promotion system.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】G649.712
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1872
  • 攻读期成果