

On the Development of Preschool Teachers’ Practical Knowledge

【作者】 李丹

【导师】 刘义兵;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 幼儿教师的实践性知识是幼儿教师在教育教学实践中生成并不断建构形成的教育经验体系与教学智慧素养。但是,在客观知识论关照下的幼儿教师被看作知识的“消费者”和“执行者”,缺乏专业自觉与自主发展范式,造成幼儿教师实践与理论之间的分离,阻碍了幼儿教师教育智慧的主动生成与专业实践能力的多元发展。本研究基于对传统知识观的批判和技术理性支配下教师研究范式的反思,突破过去关于“理论与实践”、“知识与能力”二元对立的思维方式,综合运用文献分析、叙事研究、个案研究、半结构化访谈和问卷调查等质性与量化研究方法,从多维视角探讨幼儿教师这一独特群体“日用而不知”却对幼儿教育实践产生重要影响的实践性知识及其建构发展过程。并以培养善于反思与经验智慧建构的实践者为目的,站在实践理性的立场,围绕幼儿教师实践性知识发展的内涵、特征、过程、层次、路径和促进策略等内容进行了重点剖析,不仅为幼儿教师专业的内在自主发展明确了逻辑起点和实现路径,也为促进幼儿教师教育改革提供了基本依据和实际参考。本研究的主要内容由以下七个部分构成:导论:对研究问题和内容进行解题。介绍本研究的选题缘由,归整、分析和评述国内外有关幼儿教师实践性知识的研究现状、研究不足与未来研究趋势,并基于此阐释了本研究设计的目标、意义、重难点、思路与方法。第一章:在反思已有研究成果的基础上,探讨了幼儿教师实践性知识的内涵与特征。本章通过对缄默知识、教育经验、学科教学法知识、教育智慧、个人实践理论等相关概念的区分,进一步明确幼儿教师实践性知识的内涵与外延。再从幼儿教师实践活动内容的横向任务维度(划分为关于幼儿教育活动的实践性知识、关于幼儿生活活动的实践性知识、关于幼儿教育研究活动的实践性知识、关于环境互动的实践性知识和关于自我认知的实践性知识)、实践性知识发生程序的纵向程序维度(划分为理念意象知识、情境洞察知识和行为决策知识)和意识化维度(划分为可言明实践性知识、可意会难言明实践性知识的和内隐实践性知识)搭建起幼儿教师实践性知识的结构谱系,厘清了幼儿教师实践性知识行动性、经验性、个体性、自动性和潜隐性的普遍特征以及多元性、综合性、灵活性与生活性的职业特征。第二章:尝试运用多学科视域,分析幼儿教师实践性知识发展的理论基础。从建构实践性知识理论的相关理论基础出发,系统梳理缄默知识及其获取理论、学习心理理论、实践理论、教师专业发展理论对幼儿教师实践性知识研究的启示。第三章:从幼儿教师生涯发展的动态过程出发,揭示幼儿教师实践性知识生成与发展的过程概貌与主要特征。重点讨论了幼儿教师实践性知识的生成与传递机制;幼儿教师实践性知识发展的量变与质变转换过程;幼儿教师实践性知识发展过程中经历的朦胧感知期、快速增长期、微调提高期、高原成熟期和转型升华期的发展阶段特征,从而勾勒出幼儿教师实践性知识整体生涯发展轨迹。第四章:从理论探讨和实证研究两个维度,剖析幼儿教师实践性知识的影响因素。揭示了在幼儿教师实践性知识的发展过程中,个体反思能力与习惯、个体吸纳的理论性知识、个体特征、个人生活史和个体技能等内部来源的个体因素和幼儿教育问题情境、幼儿教师文化、幼儿园研修活动和幼儿园管理理念等外部来源的环境因素对幼儿教师实践性知识发展的影响作用。同时,研究发现,当前幼儿教师实践性知识集体失语、专业自主发展意识淡漠、幼儿教师教育改革滞后、幼儿园管理制度僵化控制以及幼儿园教师文化冷漠孤立的现状在相当程度上阻碍了幼儿教师实践性知识发展的进程。第五章:依据实践性知识理论建构的思想并联系实际,探讨幼儿园推动幼儿教师实践性知识发展的策略。本章立足幼儿教师的教育实践常态,提出了促进幼儿教师实践性知识发展的内生路径,即以实践性知识的自我关注为前提、实践反思为方法、共享机制为基础、多元渠道为拓展、知识管理为补充,多位一体全面推动幼儿教师提升实践性知识,使其不断向着数量更丰富、质量更完善、结构更合理、水平更高超的方向追求,生成教育智慧。第六章:基于上述研究结论,提出幼儿教师实践性知识发展取向的幼儿教师教育改革的思路与建议。通过对当前幼儿教师教育现状的审视与反思,探寻构建“实践浸润式”职前培养与“问题诊断式”职后培训等促进幼儿教师实践性知识发展的若干对策。

【Abstract】 Preschool teachers’ practical knowledge (PK) is a kind of experience system and teaching wisdom generated and constructed through practice. However, preschool teachers were seen as knowledge "consumers" and "enforcers" from the perspective of objective theory of knowledge, lacking professional self-awareness and self-development paradigm, which not only resulted in separation between practice and theory, but also hindered the generation of their wisdom and the holistic development of their professional capacity. Based on the critique of traditional theory of knowledge and the reflection on teacher research paradigm under the control of technical rationale, breaking through the previously dichotomous understanding of "theory and practice", "knowledge and ability", this study examines PK and its construction process with important effect on early childhood education from multiple perspectives, which is daily used but ignored at the mean time by preschool teachers. Aiming at cultivating reflective and intelligent practitioners and in the light of practical rationale, it focuses on its connotations, features, development processes, layers, approaches and strategies by synthesizing qualitative and quantitative methodology, such as literature review, narrative study, case study, semi-structural interview and questionnaire survey, which on the one hand elaborate the logic origin and implementation approach for the internal autonomous development of preschool teachers, and provide some fundamental accordance and concrete reference for promoting preschool teachers’education reform on the other hand.Introduction describes the research question and content. It explains why choosing the topic, and by summing up, analyzing and making a comment on the research status quo, weaknesses and future research directions about preschool teachers’PK at home and abroad, it also introduces the objectives, significance, key points, difficulties, ideas, methodology and so on.Chapter one delineates the definition and characteristics of preschool teachers’PK with a reflection on the current research result. By making a distinction between tacit knowledge, educational experience, pedagogical content knowledge, educational wisdom, and personal practice, the definitions and external denotations of preschool teachers’PK are clarified further. Besides, the structural pedigree of preschool teachers’PK is built up from the horizontal dimensions of preschool teachers’reified activities (PK about early childhood education, living activities, educational research activities, environmental interaction and self-recognition), the longitudinal dimensions of the production procedure of PK (knowledge about intention, contextual insight and decision-making), and the conceptualized dimensions (knowledge that can be accounted, knowledge that can make sense but can hardly be accounted, and implicit knowledge). It clarifies some general characteristics of preschool teachers’ PK resembling mobility, empiricality, individuality, automaticity and potentiality, as well as occupational traits of diversity, comprehension, flexibility and life-oriented.Chapter two deals with the theoretical grounds of preschool teachers’PK. Tracing from some related theory of building PK theory, it systematically expounds references to the research of preschool teachers’ PK development in view of tacit knowledge, learning psychology theory, practice theory, theory of professional development of teachers.Chapter three reveals the basic processes and primary characteristics of the generation and development of preschool teachers’ PK from the dynamics of preschool teachers’career development. It emphasizes on the creation and delivery mechanisms, the quantitative and qualitative transfer processes of their PK, the features concerning with development stages of dim perception, rapid growth, fine-tuning improvement, the plateau of maturity and sublimation transition. The whole development trajectory of preschool teachers’PK is thereby sketched.Chapter four probes the factors influencing preschool teachers’ PK from theoretical discussion and empirical research. The intrinsic factors including individual reflection ability and habit, personal theoretical knowledge absorbed, personal life history and individual skills, etc. will have a great impact on the development of preschool teachers’PK. So do some other external elements involving in the context of early childhood education, the culture of preschool teachers, the training exercises of the kindergarten, and the ideas of kindergarten management. Meanwhile, the study finds that the development process of preschool teachers’PK has encountered impediment because of the current collective absence of PK, the indifferent sense of professional self-development, the lagging reform of preschool teacher education, the rigid control of the kindergarten management system, and the distant cultural atmosphere of kindergarten teachers.Chapter five provides some strategies about how to facilitate the development of preschool teachers’PK underpinned by the ideal of its theoretical construction and with relation to the reality. On the basis of the conventional practice of preschool teachers, the strategies encompassing self-concern as a prerequisite, reflective practice as a method, sharing mechanism as a foundation, multiple channels as an expanse, and knowledge management as a supplementary are put forward to upgrade the development of preschool teachers’ PK. It will boost preschool teachers’PK to continuously pursue larger quantities, better qualities, more reasonable structures and higher standards, which will definitely contribute a lot to the educational phronesis.Chapter six presents some requirements and recommendations for preschool teachers’ education reform with PK development approach in conformity to the above conclusion. Two suggestions are then proposed after canvassing the actual conditions of preschool teacher education: constructing a pre-service training mode of "immersion practice" and an in-service training mode of "problem diagnosis".

【关键词】 幼儿教师实践性知识发展
【Key words】 preschool teacherspractical knowledgedevelopment
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】G615
  • 【被引频次】37
  • 【下载频次】3609