

Research into Cognitive Context in English Vocabulary Instruction

【作者】 陈荣

【导师】 靳玉乐;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 语境概念由波兰籍英国人类学家马林诺夫斯基(Malinowski, Bronislaw Kaspar)于1923年正式提出,意味着他晚年的研究从人类学领域转向语言学领域。至此,语境研究突破了语言的边界,被延展到人类社会文化领域,语言的理解逐渐复归其赖以生存的社会文化基底。语境边界的拓展为语言学研究注入了无限的生机与活力,社会文化境脉中鲜活的语言事实进入语言研究的视野,语言研究与语境研究至此获得了同等重要的地位,激发了语言学领域中语用研究的繁荣局面。每一种语言研究范式都蕴含一定的语境观念,并对外语教学产生影响,为外语词汇的理解与运用提供特定的语境阐释方式。词汇是外语教学中的一个核心知识领域,然而传统主流语言学理论的研究重心在于语言中的语法结构分析,词汇仅被看作语法结构的填充物。因此,在我国外语教学中,语法翻译法长久以来虽屡遭诟病,其生命力却依然旺盛。随着认知语言学研究的勃兴,学者们开始探索其在外语教学中运用的可能性与可行性。在此背景下,本文探讨语境与英语词汇的关联、英语词汇教学中存在的语境问题及语境认知转向对英语词汇教学的启示,旨在克服英语词汇教学中的孤立主义倾向,为英语词汇教学研究提供一个新视角。从方法论上看,本文主要从认知语言学的视野利用整体论视角分析英语词汇理解和运用的语境关联,克服词汇教学中的孤立主义倾向,认定词汇的理解和运用仅从语言内部知识系统内部或语言外部知识系统来检视都是不全面的,语言认知主体(学习者)只有将语境的三个维度内化为认知语境方能促成词汇的理解和运用,才能建立词汇的认知语境关联,在认知语境表征中理解和运用词汇,体现为词汇与图式、词汇与框架、词汇与范畴等认知域之间的关联;从认知语境维度看,词汇教学关联性体现在词汇与语言语境,词汇与情景语境,词汇与文化语境的认知关联。词汇教学过程中建立词汇的认知语境关联,体现了词汇教学的联系主义观点,消弭去语境化的词汇教学取向,有助于学习者在词汇运用中建构意义,复归英语词汇理解与运用的语言环境,丰富学习者的词汇语义网络。论文第一章在分析语境内涵基础上探讨语境与英语词汇教学的关联,然后从语境看英语词汇教学的特征,最后分析英语词汇教学中的语境问题及教学实践中存在的语境观念和行为之间的冲突。第二章探讨语言理论演进过程中语境研究视角的转变及其对英语词汇教学的启示。结构主义语言思想中的语境实际上表现为语言内部的语境,反映在词汇教学方面,导致词汇教学中的“孤立主义”倾向。功能主义语言学思想主张从社会文化视角考察语言在使用中的意义,使语境研究突破了“为语言而研究语言”的弊端,拓展了英语词汇教学研究的视野,词汇教学中表现为“联系主义”取向,但是对词汇内在语境和外在语境的相互作用依然不够重视。认知语言学范式蕴含语境的认知观,主张词汇知识与百科知识之间不存在非此即彼的界限,主张词汇意义的理解与运用就是词汇的概念化过程,词汇是语言认知主体进入百科知识领域的认知参照点。据此,指出认知语言学视野下语境表征为范畴、图式、框架、脚本等认知模式,它们为词汇的理解与运用提供了有效的认知途径,具有一定的心理现实性。在传统语境研究的基础上指出认知语境的三个维度,即认知语境是语言语境、情景语境、文化语境认知化的结果,认知语境主要由词汇知识、世界知识和逻辑知识构成,落实到词汇学习中,表现为词汇使用中的语言知识、情景知识、文化知识的建构。第三章首先探索词汇理解和运用中的认知语境表征,即范畴、图式、框架,然后以具体的词汇教学案例初步分析范畴、图式及框架在英语词汇教学中的运用。第四章探讨英语词汇教学中的认知语境表征。在传统语境的基础上,论述英语词汇理解与运用三个认知语境维度,分别论述语言认知语境、情景认知语境和文化认知语境在英语词汇教学中的运用。第五章对英语词汇教学的认知语境策略进行研究,首先指出英语词汇教学的认知语境原则,然后探讨英语词汇教学中基于认知语境的学习者的词汇学习策略,最后分析教师基于认知语境的英语词汇教学策略。

【Abstract】 The definition of context was postulated by American anthropologist Malinowski, Bronislaw Kaspar in 1923, who was born in Poland and it symbols that the context research in his later years has shifted from anthropology to linguistics. From then on, the research field of context got rid of the linguistic boundary and was extended to the living world of human being, advocating that language roots in the base of social and cultural field, language understanding and use are interactively related and connected to each other. Therefore, linguistic field was endowed with the new life and power and researchers and language teachers started to focus on the language materials in the social and cultural contexts. The fact that context and language are equally important promoted the flourishing of language use in pragmatics, as a subarea of linguistics. Each language research paradigm predicts a particular contextual idea, providing an interpreting method for the vocabulary understanding and use. Vocabulary is an important knowledge field in the foreign language teaching, however, grammatical rules are regarded as the centre of language study and learning for the long time, while vocabulary is only regarded as the filler of grammatical structures. So Grammar-Translation teaching approach is widely accepted in the foreign language teaching nowadays although it was called into question long ago. With the development of cognitive linguistics research, language is viewed as an integral part of human’s general cognitive ability, and more and more researchers and applied linguists focus their attention on exploring the possibility and feasibility of employing cognitive insights into foreign language teaching. Under this background the present thesis mainly makes an analysis of the present problems existing in the vocabulary teaching field under the guidance of traditional contextual theory and traditional foreign language teaching schools, explores the cognitive turn of contextual research based on the cognitive linguistics paradigm and further analyses the implications of cognitive contextual idea in the field of English vocabulary instruction, which gives us a new perspective for English vocabulary instruction.From the perspective of research methodology, the present thesis adopts the integral method from the cognitive linguistic ideas, viewing words as the language unit related and connected to other linguistic expressions in one way or another, internally or externally. Vocabulary understanding and use needs exploring the relationship not only between internal parts of words but also between words or between words and the outside worlds. Based on the cognitive context, vocabulary should be placed in its cognitive contexts in order to effectively understand and use vocabulary through examining the connections between words and linguistic context, between words and situational context and between words and cultural contexts in terms of cognitive contextual contents; form the angle of the cognitive representation, cognitive context is represented schemata, frame, cognitive model, script, etc., which in turn are the important categories in cognitive linguistics, so we can say that cognitive linguistics puts emphasis on the context research. According to many cognitive linguists, context consists of knowledge, such as vocabulary knowledge, encyclopedic knowledge, logical knowledge, etc. Therefore connectionism should be adopted in the field of vocabulary teaching and research, which is helpful for the learners to eradicate the decontextualization-oriented vocabulary instruction and research in the traditional linguistic study and makes learners effectively construct the encyclopedic knowledge which words provide access to and puts words into the vivid contexts from which they derive, so rich lexical networks can be extended and enriched.In the thesis, Chapter One explores the connections between English vocabulary and context on the basis of analysing the connotations of context, generalizes the features of English vocabulary from the perspective of context, and points out contextual problems existing in English vocabulary instruction based on the analytical results of questionaire. Chapter Two explores the cognitive turn of English vocabulary instruction. Firstly we discuss the cognitive shift of contextual research during the course of linguistic research development. In structuralism linguistics context is usually restricted within the linguistic structure, with a tendency of "isolationism" in the field of vocabulary instruction; Systemic-functional linguistic thought advocates that language is the social and cultural symbolic signs and meaning of words is determined by the external world, holding the view that context is correspondent with the language functions, which breakthroughs the structural contextual idea and expands the research field for vocabulary teaching and research. In the systemic-functional contextual idea, vocabulary is learned through connections to the outside world, therefore connectionism was adopted in English vocabulary teaching, however, too much attention is paid to the social and cultural world cannot solve all the problems in vocabulary instructin, so meaning of words should be explored through the interaction between the internal context and the external context depending on the subjects’cognitive ability. Cognitive linguistic research paradigm implies the cognitive research of context, advocating that vocabulary knowledge and encyclopedic knowledge are a continuum, which closely relates to each other, in other words, vocabulary understanding and interpretation is a process of conceptualizing the encyclopedic knowledge that words provide access to and words are knots through which learners (cognitive subjects) realize and understand the encyclopedic knowledge embedded in words. From the perspectives of cognitive linguistics, context is represented as category, schema, frame, script, domain, etc., which provide effective approaches for vocabulary instruction. Based on the traditional contextual ideas, cognitive context is the result of conceptualizing three dimensions, that is, linguistic context, situational context and cultural context, and cognitive context mainly consists of vocabulary knowledge, encyclopedic knowledge and logical knowledge. We tend to advocate that vocabulary learning is a process of constructing linguistic knowledge, situational knowledge and encyclopedic knowledge of vocabulary through vocabulary use. Chapter Three deals with the relationship between cognitive contextual representations and English vocabulary understanding and use, that is, vocabulary is learned and used through constructing category, schema, frame, script, domain, etc., in which vocabulary appear. Chapter Four describes three dimensions of cognitive context in which vocabulary is understood and used and the relationship between words and three dimensions of cognitive context. On the basis of former four chapters, Chapter Five explores cognitive contextual principles for the English vocabulary teaching, eximines learners’vocabulary learning strategies and analyzes teachers’cognitive contextual strategies in the course of English vocabulary teaching process based on the cognitive context, evaluates the practical values and meaning of cognitive context in vocabulary instruction through specific vocabulary teaching samples, which is possiblely be helpful and efficient for the English teachers and learners in the process of English teaching and learning.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】5827