

Searching for the Whole Person

【作者】 王天平

【导师】 李森;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 教学活动是最复杂的、充满人性的人类实践活动。符合人类本性的教学活动能够培养完整的人。于是,教学活动为什么要符合人类本性、什么是符合人类本性的教学活动、教学活动需要符合什么样的人类本性、现实的教学活动怎样才能符合人类本性等就成为值得深入探讨的问题。本研究以哲学人类学为指导,综合运用文献研究、元研究、比较研究和田野研究等方法,对符合人类本性的教学活动进行系统而深入的研究。全文分为七个部分:第一部分导论。在我国,教学活动受到理性和功利性的过度影响,在一定程度上被降格为一种物化的活动,侵蚀和遮蔽师生的人类本性,肢解和扭曲原本愉快的教学生活。人类学从诞生以来就一直关注教学活动,其中哲学人类学更是以追寻“完整的人”为宗旨。这与教学活动一直致力于培养“完人”、“全面发展的人”有最为深刻的契合。因此,借鉴人类学、尤其是哲学人类学的理论和方法审视教学活动,促进人的完整性生成,不仅是可能的,也是必要的。第二部分相关概念剖析。本部分剖析了教学、教学活动、人类本性和完整的人等相关概念。教学活动是教学主体在自我构建的教学时空中,采取特定的教学活动方式,以文化的传承和创生为中介,通过精神性交往促进人完整性生成的人化活动。人类本性是处于由动物性和文化性两个点所构成的连线之间某一点上的特性——以社会存在为取向的“天人合一”的本性,其发展趋势是从人类起源之处的动物性开始,逐渐迈向纯粹的文化性。完整的人是以自由性存在为条件、以创造性存在为途径、以意义性存在为动力,是自然性存在、社会性存在和文化性存在的统一体。第三部分教学活动的历史特性及其检视。基于马克思主义哲学及其人类学思想关于人的形象的历史进化观,教学活动的历史特性主要表现为:自然性、神性、理性、感性和功利性。在人的“神圣形象”时代,自然性使教学活动倾向于遵从人的自然性及模仿效法自然,虽然顺应和尊重人的自然本性,但是没有把人类从自然界真正提升出来。神性使教学活动以人格化的神为标准塑造人,将人类教学的逻辑起点由自然界转向人类自身,不过导致教学活动为了靠近完美无瑕的神而不堪重负。在人的“非神圣形象”时代,理性使教学活动摆脱了神性对人性的压抑,按照某种逻辑展开而变得非常规范、有章可循和可操作性强。但是,教学过程可能成为一种类似机器程序的科学过程,把人作为理性的、工具性的物进行操作。感性使教学活动促进学生获得鲜活的经验,将经验知识与学生的生命相联结,不过可能使学生难于建立自己的完整的知识系统,并因此可能陷入纯粹的兴趣主义。功利性使教学活动日益关注学生的生存,但当被功利主义深度捆绑之后,教学活动被扭曲为一种为私利服务的工具。不可否认,教学活动的历史特性在某种程度上不可避免地造成了人的异化。因此,在即将来临的人的“类形象”时代,教育必须扬弃以往教学活动对人的发展的异化,深刻地审视当前充满理性和功利性的教学活动,使未来的教学活动真正地基于人类本性,实现人的完整性生成,向马克思所提出的人的自由全面发展渐次迈进。第四部分教学活动发生的哲学人类学考察。第一,教学活动的起点是人类的生存。人类求得生存的需要为教学活动的发生创造基本条件:一是形成了以想象能力和抽象能力为核心的基本思维能力,并创造了反映基本思维能力的语言;二是使自然人转化为社会人成为人类存在的必要前提,也成为教学活动的特殊使命。第二,教学活动的目的是人的生成。人类的“肉体-工具”物质结构使任何具体的个人都是动物性和文化性相互统一的存在。因此,人在动物性上的未完善性规定着教学活动的可能性目的,而人的文化性规定着教学活动的必要性目的,这实现人的生成在可能性和必要性上的有机结合。第三,教学活动的首要规律是遵循人类本性。教学活动可以祛除人类的动物性,赋予人类以文化性。但是,教学活动存在一个不可调和的人性悖论。教学活动以人类的文化性为取向,致力于规范和改造人类的动物性,培养文明程度更高的人。不过,为了保证人类的文化性的发展动力,教学活动在功能上主要是反过来满足人类的动物性。这使教学活动在目的和功能上发生分离和错位,不能完全发挥自身的育人功能。第五部分教学活动的人化表征。在即将到来的类本位时代,教学活动逐渐完整而深刻地呈现人类本性。教学目的是培养符合人类本性的完整的人。教学主体是具有内在本性同一的总体类主体,也是自我建构和自我设计的个体类主体。教学内容是人类文化和人自身的内在主体自然之间的中介,辩证地将教师主体和学生主体连接起来。教学时空是在特定的自然时空中,师生以信息和情感为介质共同构建的社会时空。教学方式反映师生在教学活动中的生命存在方式,是师生基于对教学存在的观念性反映,在长期的教学实践中形成的精神性交往生活方式。第六部分教学活动人化回归的理论逻辑。教学活动的人性悖论使教学活动必须面对一个现实难题:人类完善的可能性与人类变化的困难性之间的矛盾,这直接表现为培育“完整的人”的教学理想与低效地改变人类本性的教学实践之间的矛盾。在现实中,教学活动通常以文化活动的名义直接服务于人的动物性,使自身蜕化为类似于动物的生存活动,按照物性的标准片面地生成人。于是,人化回归就成为教学活动的必然选择。对待教学活动的人性悖论的正确思路是:承认它的存在合理性,合理地运用它,将教学活动生成人的方式由物化回归人化,使现实的教学活动远离理性和功利性的过度影响,让教学活动更加符合人类本性,更为有效地实现人的完整性生成。教学活动人化回归的前提条件是:回到教学活动自身的目的使得师生有意义参与教学活动,给以自由使得师生有条件参与教学活动,高定位的自我定义使得师生有能力参与教学活动。教学活动人化回归的基本原则是:教学观念从仿生到靠生再到改生,教学目的从任务到育人,教学内容从知识点到知识结构,教的方式从技术到艺术,学的方式从模仿到创造。第七部分教学活动人化回归的现实路向。教学活动人化回归需要“以学立教”,让学生在教学活动中主动发展。教学活动人化回归的现实路向是:教学价值的本体性取向、教学目标的主体性生成、教学内容的完整性选择和结构化组织、教学方法的综合选用、教学手段的人性化选用、教学组织形式的后个别化构建、教学管理的自组织化以及教学评价促进学生和谐发展。本研究的创新表现在:一、研究视角新。首次利用哲学人类学的理论及方法对教学活动进行系统、全面而深入的研究,将对教学活动的研究提升到类存在的高度。二、研究内容新。从类存在的高度,系统地梳理教学活动的历史特性并作出合理检视,构建符合人类本性的教学理论体系,提出教学活动人化回归的理论逻辑和现实路向。三、主要观点新。教学活动是一种人化活动;教学活动可以祛除人类的动物性,赋予人类以文化性;符合人类本性的教学活动能够培养完整的人;合理运用教学活动的人性悖论能够有效地促进教学活动的人化回归。

【Abstract】 Teaching activity is the most complicated human practical activity with being full of humanity. The teaching activity according with the humanity could train the whole person. Therefore, it is worthy of studying these issues such as the reasons about teaching activity according with the humanity, the essence of teaching activity according with the humanity, what kind of humanity accorded by teaching activity, in reality the way of teaching activity according with the humanity. This research which is directed by the philosophical anthropology and use synthetically data studies, meta-studies, comparative studies and investing studies has studied the teaching activity according with the humanity systematically and deeply.The whole research is divided seven parts.The fist part is the introduction. In China, the teaching activity controlled excessively by human rationality and utility is degraded down to one kind of substantial activity, which corroded and covered teachers and students’humanity, divided and twisted the joyful teaching life originally. Anthropology has been paying close attention to the teaching activity form the birth of it, especially the philosophical anthropology set the goal as searching for the whole person. It tallied deeply with the perfect person and all-round person who is the goal of teaching activity. So taking advantage of the theory and method about anthropology, especially philosophical anthropology, it is possible that we could think over teaching activity to train the whole person.The second part is about definiting some basic conception, such as teaching, teaching activity, humanity, whole person. Teaching activity in accord with humanity is that in the teaching space-time of constructing themselves by themselves, teaching subjects take special teaching approach on the medium of passing down and creating culture, to promote for human whole development by a kind of spiritual communication. Humanity is a characteristic of one point at the line formed by the animalized property and the cultural property, which developing trend is the start of the human animalized property at the original of human and is going to the human cultural property slowly. The whole person is a integration of natural existence, social existence and cultural existence with the condition of free existence, the way of cultural existence and the force of significant existence.The third part is about the historical characteristics of teaching activity and the deliberation about them. On the basis of the thoughts about historical evolution what is from Marxism and its thoughts on anthropology, the historical characteristics of teaching activity are nature, divinity, rationality, perception and utility. In the era of human holy image, nature makes teaching activity incline to imitate the nature of human and nature, which only complies with and respects the human nature, but could not promote human out form the nature genuinely. At the same era, divinity makes teaching activity train person at the standard of personal God, and transform the logic point of teaching activity from nature to human themselves, also lead teaching activity to overburden chasing for the perfect God. In the era of human unholy image, rationality makes teaching activity break away from the situation of divinity depressing humanity, and makes teaching activity spread out on the some logic and becomes ordering and operating. But probably teaching process becomes a natural scientific process as a mechanical process, operates human as a substance with rationality and implement property. Perception makes teaching activity promote students to get living experience, and connects experiencing knowledge with students’life, but probably which makes students not form their system of knowledge and sinks in the pure interest. Utility makes teaching activity pay close attention to students’existence, but bonded deeply by utility, teaching activity is distorted a tool for benefit. Surely at a sense the historical characteristics of teaching activity lead to human’s alienation inevitably. Therefore, in the coming era of human classified image, education must develop the useful and discard the useless of the alienation of human development by teaching activity, deliberate deeply the present teaching activity with being full of rationality and utility, which leads the future teaching activity on the humanity genuinely sank by human to accomplish human whole development, in order to go to all-round and free development expected by Karl Marx.The fourth part is about the inspection of teaching activity on on the Philosophical anthropology. Firstly, the start of teaching activity is the human existence. There are two basic conditions created by human existence for the emergence of teaching activity. One is that human brains could attain the intellectual level of taking part in learning and teaching, and form the basic thinking ability of the core of imaging ability and abstract ability, and create the language reflecting the basic thinking ability. The other is that the change from natural person to social person is a necessary presupposition of human existence and a special obligation of teaching activity. Secondly, the goal of teaching activity is human development. The new substantial structure of the human body and tool makes humanity has double characteristics. Anyone is a kind of existence with the integration of human animalized property and human cultural property. So the human immaturity provides the possible goal of teaching activity, and the human cultural property provides the necessary goal of teaching activity, which leads to the integration of possibility and necessity on human development. Thirdly, the fisrt of teaching laws is following humanity. Teaching activity could get rid of the human animalized property, and give human the cultural property. But, teaching activity has one implacable antinomy. Teaching activity makes the human cultural property as its orientation, also orders, reforms and dispels the human animalized property to cultivate more civilized person. In order to ensure the developing force of the human cultural property, at the function teaching activity meets mainly the human animalized property. It makes teaching activity take place the separation and transposition between the goal and the function of it, which leads teaching activity not to bring its training full play.The fifth part is about the human traits of teaching activity. In the coming era of human classified existence, teaching activity is showing humanity wholly and deeply. Teaching goal is an ideal of cultivating the whole person according with humanity. Teaching subject is a general classified subject with the same of internal nature, and at the same time a individual classified subject who can construct and design himself by himself. Teaching content is a medium between culture and human inherent nature, and dialectically connect teacher and student. In the special natural space-time, teaching space-time is that teacher and student together construct social space-time on the medium formed by message and emotion. Teaching approach reflects the way of teachers and students’life existence, is a kind of ideal reflection of teaching being, and is a active model of teaching life after long teaching practice, also is a kind of spiritual communicating living approach.The sixth part is about the thoeritcal logic of the human regression of teaching activity. The antinomy of teaching activity makes teaching activity face up one difficulty in fact, which is a contradiction between the possible of making human perfect and the difficult of human change, and shows it as a contradiction between the teaching ideal of cultivating the whole person and the teaching practice of changing humanity very slowly. In reality, usually teaching activity is in the service of the human animalized property on the name of cultural activity, which makes teaching activity as not a kind of human special living activity but a kind of animal’s existing activity, to develop person on the standard of substance unilaterally. So the human regression has become a necessity choice of teaching activity in reality. The correct way of dealing with the antinomy of teaching activity is that we think it as grant, and use it reasonably, and transform from the substantial to the human on the way of teaching activity developing person, which makes teaching activity is far from the excessive impact of rationality and utility, in order that teaching activity accord with humanity slowly and more effectively develop the whole person. There are three conditions of teaching activity realizing human regression. The first is that regressing the inherent teaching goal lets teachers and students feel more significance in participating in teaching activity. The second is that giving free lets teachers and students feel more possible in participating in teaching activity. The third is that defining themselves at the high level lets teacher and student have the abilities in participating in teaching activity. The ways of teaching activity realizing human regression are that teaching idea is from imitating life to respecting lift to changing life, teaching goal is from finishing tasks to cultivating person, teaching content is from knowledge points to knowledge structure, teaching approach is from on technology to in art and learning approach is from imitation to creation.The seventh part is about the way of the human regression of teaching activity in reality. The way of leading teaching activity to regress humanity needs the transformation of letting learning decide teaching, which makes students develop themselves by themselves. In details, the ways of making teaching activity be full of humanity are the subjective orientation about teaching value, the subjective generation about teaching goal, the whole selection and composting generation about teaching content, the comprehensive using about teaching method, the human selection and using about educational technology, the post individual construction about teaching organization, making the self-organization about teaching management and students developing themselves in harmony by using teaching evaluation.The innovation of this study is as follow. Firstly, the scope is new. It is the first time that taking advantage of the philosophical anthrolopolgy, it is a study sysmetically, wholly and deeply, in order to improve the teaching research to the standard of classified existence. Secondly, the content is new. At the standard of classified existence, it puts forward the historical characterstics of techeaing activity and thinks them over reasonably, constructs the teaching theoritcal system according with humanity, advances the theoritcal logic and real orientation of the teaching human regression. Thirdly, the main points are new. Teaching activity is a kind of human cativity. Teaching activity could get rid of the animalized property and give human the cultural property. Teaching activity in accord with humanity could develop the whole person. Using the antinomy of teaching activity reasonably could promote the teaching human regression effectively.

【关键词】 教学活动人类本性完整的人
【Key words】 teaching activityhumanitywhole person
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期