

A Philosophical Research on the Logic of Knowing Self and Other Minds

【作者】 唐玉斌

【导师】 何向东;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 逻辑学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 心灵问题无疑是现代哲学界存在巨大争议的问题,随着心灵哲学和认知科学的产生、发展和壮大,关于自我和他人心灵的认识问题也就引起人们越来越大的兴趣。毫无疑问,心灵哲学和知识论、认识论、语言哲学都有着极其密切的联系。如果说20世纪语言哲学是哲学关注的焦点,那么21世纪心灵哲学将成为哲学舞台的主角。而心灵哲学一个永恒,也是最重要的问题之一,就是我们怎样理解自己和他人。实际上,对心灵、语言和意义的分析并不是泾渭分明,截然可分的,而是紧密联系的,所以对心灵的理解也无法离开对语言的理解,反过来也是一样的。本文将从内在主义和外在主义的视角对自我和他人心灵的探究进行一个梳理,对现代心灵哲学关于他心知问题的解决范式进行逻辑分析,特别是对现代影响较大的功能主义和模拟论进行了论述。论文的主要内容大致这样安排,第一章是关于心灵问题和他心问题的总论,主要介绍心灵问题的哲学溯源、发展。然后展示当前西方哲学对心灵和他心问题的研究和一些争论热点,并对当前心灵哲学,特别是与本论文关于自我和他人心灵研究的情况进行粗略的介绍,就论文所要进行研究的问题进行梳理。第二章是关于自我和他人心灵的研究视角探源,主要对心灵和语言哲学中关于第一人称和第三人称的视角讨论,第一人称的视角是以笛卡尔为首的对心灵进行内省思考的理想主义传统,认为“我”对于心灵内容具有优先的通道,讨论了戴维森与第一人称权威相关的观点。心灵的第三人称视角则把心灵现象的理解转化成对物理过程的理解,从而可以通过经验命题进行判断,否则都可以拒斥或者取消,主要介绍逻辑经验主义的一些代表的立场。第三章和第四章主要分析当前心灵哲学和语言哲学中关于心灵内容来源的几种主张。内在主义者认为决定人类的心灵是我们的身体或者大脑的内在属性或者过程,与外在的环境无关。与内在主义相对立的一种心灵内容来源思想就是外在主义。外在主义者认为我们的心灵不仅仅是我们大脑的属性或过程所决定的,我们的意向、情感等心灵内容部分是由外在的物理环境和社会环境决定的,主要介绍了普特南、戴维森、伯奇等几位哲学家的外在主义观点,并进行了简要对比。在这一问题上的立场直接影响到自我和他人心灵探求的视角。第五章对心灵、语言和世界的意义进行了对比讨论,语言和心灵是当前西方哲学,特别是分析哲学领域争论最多,学术成果最丰硕的两个领域。许多有影响的哲学家,像塞尔、戴维森、伯奇、乔姆斯基等都在这些方面取得了令人瞩目的成就。而且,随着认知科学的兴盛发展,学科之间的研究已经不再是过分分化和条块分割,而是越来越讲究学科间的交叉和结盟。出现语言、心灵和认知的研究成果互享的良好契机,尤其是神经科学和人工智能科学的发展,为进一步化解我们对人类心灵宇宙的巨大迷惑创造了条件。第六章对中国古代和西方哲学就他人心灵探索的一些成就和主要的方法范式进行介绍和分析。这部分先介绍了我国古代文献对他心问题的自发探索,然后介绍现代西方对他心问题的一些怀疑论主张及其受到的批判,接下来重点介绍当代西方对他人心灵问题的探究范式。对他心知问题的研究范式争议较大,观点各异。本文结合心灵哲学对身心问题的看法,将一般认为的三种范式扩充为五种范式,即类比推理法、行为主义方法、物理主义方法、功能主义方法和模拟论。重点对当前最有影响力的心灵模拟说进行论述,笔者认为,这种范式也是当前最有说服力的范式之一。最后,笔者就对心灵问题与可能世界语义学的思想的研究产生些初步想法,认为可能世界语义学在处理心灵问题方面具有极大优势,虽然现在比较粗浅,但是这一认识具有进一步深入研究的价值。第七章是结论和反思。主要对论文的内容进行归纳总结,并对当前研究的不足以及可以继续深入的地方进行介绍。虽然此次心灵探究没有提出一个确定的,毫无争议的结论,但是,不要因此而认为研究心灵哲学是在虚掷光阴,恰好相反,它可以使我们聪明起来!

【Abstract】 The issues of mind are no doubt the great controversy themes in the philosophy field. With the birth, development and growth of philosophy of mind and cognition science, the mind recognition problems about oneself and others arouse people’s growing interests. There is no doubt that the theory of mind has close relationship with cognitivism, epistemology and language philosophy. If the language philosophy is the focus of the 20th century, then the philosophy of mind will be the leading role on the philosophy stage of the 21st century. A perennial problem in philosophy of mind is how we understand self and others. In fact, mind, language and meaning are not quite distinct, but closely connected. Therefore the analysis and understanding of mind could not do without the analysis of language, and vice verse. In this thesis, the research of mind and other mind matters is further analyzed from the perspective of internalism and externalism; the solving models of other mind cognition matters in modern mind philosophy are comparatively analyzed, particularly functionism and simulation theory are discussed.The chapters are arranged as following:Chapter 1 is the introduction of mind and other minds matters. It mainly introduces the philosophical origin and development of mind matters, and then demonstrates some research and controversies of mind and other mind matters in current western philosophy. Moreover, it generally introduces the current mind philosophy, especially about the research of mind and other mind in this thesis, the problems of which have been analyzed.Chapter 2 is the perspective exploration on the research of mind and other minds mainly through perspective discussion of the first person and the third person. The first person perspective is an ideal traditional introspective way of thinking of mind led by Descartes, which holds that "I" have a priority in knowing the content while discussing the viewpoint of Davidson. The third person perspective relates to some viewpoints of logical empiricism that mind phenomena can be better understood in a new way of physical processes. They can be judged by empirical propositions, otherwise they can be rejected or removed.Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 are mainly the analysis of the source of psychological phenomena in terms of some prominent viewpoints of mind content in the current language and mind philosophy. Internalists believe that it is the inherent nature or process of our brain and body that determines mind, rather than the external environment. Opposed to internalism is externalism. Externalists believe that mind is not only determined by the inherent nature or process of our brains and bodies, but intentions and affections included in mind content are determined by the external physical environment and social environment. The two chapters mainly introduce and briefly compare the different viewpoints of externalism in mind and language proposed by some philosophers, like H.Putnam, D.Davidson, and T.Burge. Different standpoints have obvious and direct effects on the exploring models in mind and other mind.Chapter 5 is the contrast discussion of mind, language and the meaning of world. Language and mind are the two most controversial and academically achievable fields in current western philosophy, especially in analytical philosophy. Many influential philosophers, like Searle, Davidson, Burge, Chomsky have made remarkable achievements in these aspects. And with the flourishing development of cognition science, interdisciplinary research pays closer attention to mutual penetration instead of disintegration. This is a good opportunity of providing tools one another for language, mind and cognitive study. Making full use of modern technology, especially the development of neuroscience and artificial intelligence science closely related with these studies, further dissolve our great confusion of human mind universe.Chapter 6 reflects the achievements ancient Chinese and western philosophies have made on the study of other minds, and the major method paradigms. It first introduces the spontaneous exploration of other minds by ancient Chinese, followed by some modern western skepticism opinions on the issue of other minds and its criticism, and then it focuses on the method paradigms the modern western philosophy has used on the study of other minds. And there are various opinions on the method paradigms. Using the outcome the philosophy of mind has made on the study of physical and mental problems for reference, the dissertation has developed five method paradigms from the previous three method paradigms, namely analogy method, behaviorism method, phisicalism method, functionism method and simulation theory. And it will emphasize the discussion of the current most influential mind simulation theory which we think is currently one of the most persuasive paradigms. Finally we explore resorting to possible worlds to explicate the study of mind will produce on the world semantics, thinking that the world semantics has great advantage in dealing with the issue of mind. Although our exploration may be premature now, it has the value of further study.Chapter 7 is the conclusion and reflection. The content of this thesis is mainly summarized and the deficiency in current research and what can be further studied are introduced in this chapter. There remains a notable lack of anything resembling a definitive, uncontested view of the mind. Do not conclude from this that it would be a waste of time for you to delve into the philosophy of mind. On the contrary, we enjoy the advantage of hindsight.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期