

Research on Modern Inheritance Dilemma of Chinese Martial Arts

【作者】 张国栋

【导师】 巴登尼玛;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 比较教育学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 中华武术之现代变迁,正处于由师徒式教育向学校教育过渡之时。当下的武术已蜕变为影视作品中的“功夫”,课堂和比赛场上的竞技运动,其师徒式教育尽管保持着组织形式上的“门派”,却丢失了术德并重、教学相长的精神,甚至产生“拜师不习武”现象。中华武术正在丢失“寓文化于技击”的鲜明特点。研究拟揭示中华武术现代传承的困境是什么,引起困境的原因何在,继而反思当今武术以及师徒式教育的价值,提出未来武术传承的基本思路。为此,本研究通过参与式观察和深度访谈等人类学方法,对鲁西南地区梅花拳的传承活动边行了考察,得出如下结论:武术现代传承的困境是在武术由师徒式教育向学校教育的演变中体现出来的。传承场域由乡村拳场过渡为现代学校;师生关系从“如父子”转变到现代的师生;教学内容从术德并重,嬗变为对单纯武术技术的训练;教学方法从言传身教,变化为课堂教学;诸如梅花拳的亮拳表演这样的武术活动,也由民间的自发组织,转变为市场与政府主导;至于习武目的,则从人们对仁义道德的向往退化为对财富权势的贪婪。困境呈现以下特征:行为层面,包括乡村拳场衰落、城市“拜师不习武”现象凸显,学校武术竞技化趋向三方面;价值层面,人们对真善美的追求逐渐让位于财富和权力;信仰层面,由“永远的家”转变为原子化的“当下的自我”;制度层面,门规戒律失去了原有的效用,法律关照下的规章制度取而代之。通过分析,此困境反映了一个根本性的教育问题:经济和政治日益凌驾于武术这种独特的教育形式之上,并导致武术传承中文化精神的缺失。困境形成的原因包括内外两个方面。以城市发展为中心的城乡二元结构是困境形成的外部因素。人与土地间的关系发生了前所未有的松动;家庭和村落的原子化也进一步消解了原有的武术群体,改变了人们固有的依存关系;传统信仰和价值体系逐渐解体,但新的信仰和价值观念却指向了财富和权力。从武术内部来看,师生间心灵与精神交往的阻隔、主体功能的丧失以及传承内容的纯技能化趋向,致使武术向健身表演和竞技比赛两个方向发展,正逐渐丢却文化内涵和地域特色。武术蕴含的和谐的观念,彰显的独特认识方式,以及体现的人类社会结构方式,对于解决人类的现代危机具有普世价值和意义。把习武与身心调节、完善自我相结合,强调拳与道合,必将成为重建人类信仰、关注人与自然、人与社会、人的身与心之间和谐观念的一种有效方式与实践途径。虽然以武术为代表的师徒式教育已走向式微,但它本身蕴含的民主理念、实践精神和道德品格,对于当今乃至未来的学校教育具有永恒的价值和启示意义。应然的教育在本质上应该是人类塑造自己掌握、创造和正确使用知识的能力这样一种活动,目的在于培养智慧人。它至少应当包括三个方面的内涵:关注人类文化精神的传承;促进人驾驭知识能力的增长;绝不能从属于经济和政治,更不能从属于权力。作为人类的一种独特认识方式,武术要想生存下去就必须适应时代的变迁。其出路在于:首先,有利于中国文化精神的承继,因为这是每一个中国人和整个中华民族生存发展与千秋万代的根基;其次,旨在促进个体生命的发展和完善,培养智慧人,否则它永远也不能成为人类的共享文化;最后,它必须融于个体的生活世界,在人们的日常生活中找到自己的生长点。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, martial arts are regarded as Kungfu in movies, or merely as one item of physical educational practices in schools and competitions. The master-and-apprentice relationship keeps its original cline in terms of its family, but it pays no more attention to the ideas such as arts and morality enjoying similar position, teaching and learning enhancing each other. It is even worse that some people request martial arts masters’ teaching, but they do not practice martial arts at all. In brief, Chinese martial arts are losing its striking feature of transmitting culture in practicing martial arts.The study aims to reveal the plight of modern Chinese martial arts in its transmission and the possible causes of the problem. Then it will reflect on the value of modern martial arts and the master-and-apprentice mode of teaching in order to conclude a basic thinking concerning transmitting martial arts in the future. In this study, anthropological research methods including participant observation and in-depth interviews are applied to investigate the transmission situation of Meihua Boxing in southwestern areas of Shandong province. Conclusions are summed as following.The plight of modern Chinese martial arts in its transmission results from the evolution of education modes from master-and-apprentice to formal schooling in martial arts institutions. Changes occur in the following areas. Places of teaching martial arts are no longer countryside boxing sites, but modern schools. The relationship between teacher and student is no longer as close as father-and-son, but modern relation of teacher-and-student. The teaching contents focus more on training students’martial arts than on their moral performance together with their martial arts. The teaching methods are formalized as classroom activities rather than teaching by doing. Martial arts activities such as boxing performance on the stage evolves from volunteer folk customs to something organized by and controlled by the market and government. The ultimate purpose of practicing martial arts is reduced from a yearning for improving one’s morality to a thirst for money and power.The transmission plight of Chinese martial arts in modern society has the following characteristics. The declining of countryside boxing spot, the rising of phenomenon that just entering with no practicing, and the athletic trend of school martial arts belonging to the behavioral dimension. That the pursuit of people to goodness and beauty gradually gave way to wealth and power is in value dimension. In religion dimension, the "eternal home" changed to atomized "present self". At institutional level, various disciplines are losing their effects, rules and regulations are under the control of the law.The plight indicates a problem of education-economic and political elements move ahead and above martial arts, a special education form, and they lead to the loss of spirit of culture transmission in teaching martial arts.Causes of the dilemma include inside and outside factors. The urban-rural dual structure with urban development as the center is the outside factor. Under the system, the relationship between people and land is becoming looser than ever. The atomization of family and village has weakened the links among and within martial arts groups and broken people’s inter-dependency. Traditional beliefs and values have gradually disintegrated, but the new ones directing to fortune and power. Observing from the inside of martial arts, we find that the spiritual and mental communication between teacher and student is not as smooth as before, major functions of martial arts are shrinking, and pure training of martial arts skills with no moral teaching. These changes lead martial arts develop to fitness performances and games while it is losing its cultural connotations and geographical characteristics.The concept of harmony and special cognitive style of martial arts, as well as the structural way of human society, have universal value and significance to solve the modern crisis of human beings. The combination of learning martial arts with physical and spiritual adjustment, self-perfection in morality will become an effective way to rebuild human belief and concentrate the harmony concept between human and nature, individual and society, body and mind. Although master-and-apprentice approach education has been declining, its democratic ideas, spirit of practice, and moral character have long-lasting value and meaning to current and future school education.In nature, the real education should be an activity with which human beings develop their own ability to grasp, create and use knowledge. Its aim is to cultivate wisdom. It should include at least the following three aspects:concern the transmission of human civilization, promote the growth of the ability to control knowledge, and it should not subordinate to economy and politics, especially to power.As a special cognitive mode of human beings, Chinese martial arts must adapt to the changing times to survive. Martial arts’survival lies in that firstly, it must benefit the transmission of Chinese culture and spirit; secondly, it should be able to promote the development and perfection of individual’s life, and should cultivate one’s wisdom, otherwise, it will never become a shared culture by all humans; and lastly, it must become part of the individual’s daily life and find its root in people’s life.

【关键词】 武术传承方式教育现代变迁
【Key words】 Chinese martial artstransmission modeeducationmodern changes
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期
  • 【分类号】G852
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1451