

Research on Legal System of Possessory Lien on Goods Carried by Sea

【作者】 孙光

【导师】 关正义;

【作者基本信息】 大连海事大学 , 国际法学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 承运人对国际海上货物运输合同项下的货物享有留置权是保护其运费等合法债权的重要法律救济途径,受到各国海商法的重视。与主要航运国家和地区相对成熟的法律理论和制度相比,我国关于海运货物留置权的法律规定是不完善的,仅有少数法律条文,又争议不断。而且,海运货物留置权与我国其他法律制度,如海事请求保全、海关处理货物权等,还存在诸多冲突。这些争议和冲突导致实体法律适用的困难。本文在查阅大量国内外文献的基础上,运用比较法、文献法等方法研究海运货物留置权这一明显不同于一般留置权的特殊海商法律制度。首先,介绍了海运货物留置权的基本概念和法律属性,并比较了我国相关法律以及大陆法系和英美法系主要航运国家和地区的立法例、国际公约和惯例,得出海运费用的物权性保护在实质上具有国际统一性的结论。其次,从一般法的理论基础入手,对占有、货物所有权、到期债权、牵连关系等与海运货物留置权成立有关的要件和限制进行了重点研究,详细分析多方争议性观点,并参考其他国家的合理法律规定,提出本文的观点。第三,全面阐述了海运货物留置权行使中应慎重考虑的留置效力、方式、期间、限度、变价、清偿、错误留置和消灭的内容,为《海商法》中海运货物留置权条款的执行提供了充分有效的参考和补充。第四,比较研究了海运货物留置权和卸货港货物仍未交付、海事请求保全程序、海关处理货物权、其他物权的联系和区别,对其冲突提出解决方案。最后,总结了论文的要点和建议。

【Abstract】 The carrier’s possessory lien on goods under an international contract of carriage of goods by sea is a significant legal remedy way for protecting carrier’s lawful claims like collecting freight, which is valued by maritime laws of most countries. Compared with the relatively mature legal theory and system of major shipping countries and regions, Chinese regulations about possessory lien on goods carried by sea are insufficient and controversial. Besides, there are some conflicts between possessory lien on goods carried by sea and other legal issues including preservation of maritime claims and Custom’s right of handling goods, etc. The difficulties in application of law are caused by those controversies and conflicts.This paper covers the possessory lien on goods carried by sea, which is a special system in maritime law obviously different from common possessory lien, by using comparative analysis and documentation research after reviewing a large number of domestic and foreign publications. Firstly, fundamental concepts and legal attributes of possessory lien on goods carried by sea are introduced in this paper. After comparing related legislations in China with legislations in other major shipping countries and regions of both Civil Law System and Common Law System, international conventions, customs and usages, the result is that protecting the freight in a property-right way is uniformed in a global extent. Secondly, starting with theory foundation of the general law, this paper states the conditions and restrictions of possessory lien on goods carried by sea, including possession on goods, title of goods, matured debts, relationship, and so on, and analysing the disputes in detail. Then the point of the paper is proposed referring to reasonable legislations of other countries. Thirdly, this paper describes the effect, exercise means, time, limits, auction, payment, wrongful lien, extermination of the possessory lien on goods carried by sea. These should be considered carefully in exercising a possession lien, which provide sufficient and effective reference and supplement for applying the provisions related to possession lien on goods under Maritime Code of PRC. Fourthly, comparatively analyzing the relationship and distinctions of possessory lien on goods carried by sea and undelivery of goods at discharging port, preservation of maritime claims, Custom’s right of handling goods, other property rights. The solutions of the conflicts are provided consequently. Finally, the main points and suggestions of the paper are concluded.

  • 【分类号】D922.294;D923;D996.19
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】801
  • 攻读期成果