

On Social Morality

【作者】 邵南征

【导师】 欧阳康;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 社会道德,这一特殊的社会现象,是人类社会的物质生产力、社会关系以及意识水平和能力发展到了一定程度的产物,人类社会一开始产生的道德现象就是以它的面目出现的,人类社会的道德自始至终不失其社会群体的存在形式。以社会群体为主体的社会道德,随着人类社会进入文明阶段,特别是全球进入一体化发展的阶段,人类的生存和发展面临着许许多多的发展过程中出现的问题。人类社会发展过程中的矛盾集结、科学技术进步引发人们活动的不同走向、人类道德思想的内在演化无不向我们昭示人类应该重视对社会道德的研究和把握,这是人类社会生存和发展的需要。社会道德是以一定的目的和方式有机结合的群体为了维护共同体的利益所具有的一切道德属性的总和,它是主体为非个体的社会群体所具有的道德。社会道德的主体,在共产主义社会之前是各种各样的“群体”以不同的社会人格(即社会实体或组织从事社会活动的资格)的形式活跃在人类社会舞台上的。从主观方面来讲,社会道德是群体利益的精神外化;从客观方面来看,社会道德又是社会存在的粘合剂。在社会交往中,社会道德就适应不同群体维护自身的利益需要而存在。社会道德原则规范既阻止共同体之间的碰撞所造成的外在损失,也防范共同体内部倾轧而带来的毁灭性危险,社会道德是人们维护自身利益、更为稳妥地追求利益的一种方式、手段,它的存在就是为了维护群体利益而存在的,可以说,社会道德的使命就是群体的利益,使群体利益实现最大化、具有持久性,社会道德的最终目的是全人类的幸福。人类社会是物质性的存在,社会存在的变化也就是群体利益的变化,最终也带来了人自身的改变。社会道德存在于人类社会的存在与发展之中,表现于不同群体和共同体谋求自身利益和共同利益的有序活动里。如果没有社会道德,也就没有人类社会。任何社会如果失去了社会道德,就会失去了人们之间互相依存的基础和纽带,社会将不复存在、人们也将无法生存。社会道德的基本类型,从历史发展的角度进行考察,大致可以区分为自然经济时期的社会道德、商品经济时期的社会道德和产品经济时期的社会道德,也可以区分为原始社会道德、阶级社会道德和共产主义社会道德;根据主体的范围大小和社会作用的不同,可划分为全人类道德、国家道德和集体道德等;从社会道德作用的不同领域所包含的不同内容上进行划分,社会道德分为社会公德、职业道德和家庭美德等。物质资料的生产是道德得以产生的社会基础和决定因素,它催生了社会道德的产生、推动了社会道德的发展,是社会道德形成的客观前提。一定的社会生产组织和一定的家庭组织形式构成一定社会制度的基础。人类自身的生产和再生产,同样是人类社会延续、繁衍和发展的最基本条件,并为前者所制约,也是人类社会道德形成的前提和基本内容之一。客观的物质条件存在只是作为社会道德产生和存在的基础而存在,其本身并不能说明怎么会产生社会道德以及它的发展变化,只是在这种条件下,人类的存在以及发展的愿望需要得到满足的时候,社会道德的出现才能从潜在的可能转化为现实的需要,并且也有了明确的目的与发展的方向。人类祖先的合群性本能为道德的起源提供了生理前提,而原始初民在与自然抗争过程中所产生的恐惧感,及在此基础上形成的对社会共同体的归属感和敬畏感乃是人类道德得以产生的心理动因。社会道德在演变过程中,向人们呈现出其在人类社会生活中的各种外在形式,这其中表现出社会道德的主体范畴的变化过程:氏族、部落、家庭、阶级、国家、民族、社会、人类。社会道德的发展演变经历了一个由统一到分化,再到统一的过程。在人类社会生活中,从直观的表象上看,社会道德呈现于人们面前的是一些道德现象、道德关系和道德活动,透过这些表象,我们可以看到,在每一社会道德之中,由隐到显、从里到外,都包含着相互联系、相互作用的社会道德意识、社会道德情感、社会道德规范和社会道德活动等要素,我们将这些要素称为社会道德的纵向要素。社会道德的横向要素是指社会道德所包含的具有相同地位的内容成分,它们是社会道德理想、道德榜样、道德准则、道德底线和道德维护(道德评价和道德教育)等。社会道德的评价标准只能是社会的存在和发展。凡是有利于推动社会生产力的发展和人类社会历史进步的社会道德都是进步的。社会道德具有相对稳定性与易变性的交织、整体性与层次性的统一和他律与自律的同在等特征。社会道德的功能,是指社会道德作为相对独立的系统对于社会的存在与发展所具有的功效和能力。社会道德具有利益平衡的功能,表现为要在各种利益关系网之间找到均衡点,以期各种利益关系主体能够维护和实现自身的利益需求。社会道德以“应当怎样”的道德准则来平衡人们间的利益。社会道德具有社会维系功能,它是指社会道德在共同体的政治、经济利益和正常的生活秩序等方面所具有的维护作用。社会道德还是促进人类不断由野蛮走向文明的重要精神动力,具有推进社会不断发展的功能。社会道德的作用从原始社会狭小的氏族部落范围解放出来,逐渐成为社会各个阶级群体实现自身价值、促进社会进一步完善的重要力量和手段。社会道德具有提高人类精神境界、促进人类自我完善和全面发展的作用。目前,中国正在进行中国特色社会主义事业,十几亿中国人民致力于把中国建设成为一个富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家。中国的现代化需要社会道德,社会道德建设是社会主义和谐社会建设的重要内容。社会主义和谐社会的社会道德建设必须在下几个方面加强建设:加强社会道德理论研究、提升社会道德意识水平;注重社会道德建设,实现与法制建设的联合;规范社会道德行为,各级领导干部率先垂范;培养职业道德,筑牢社会道德底线;搞好社区文明建设,高扬社会道德风尚;科学地对待传统道德和外来文化,增强社会道德发展动力。

【Abstract】 Social morality, this particular social phenomenon, the material productive forces of human society, social relations and level of awareness and capacity development to a certain extent a product of the beginning of human society is to produce a moral phenomenon which emerged in human society Throughout lose its moral existence of forms of social groups. As the main social groups in social ethics, with the human society entered the stage of civilization, especially the stage of integration into the world, human survival and development is faced with many problems in the development process. Development of human society, the contradictions in the gathering of scientific and technological progress to cause people of different activities, the internal evolution of human moral thought all clear to us should pay attention to the social ethics of human research and to grasp, which is human survival and development needs.The purpose of morality is based on a certain combination of groups and ways to safeguard the interests of the community have all the moral attributes of the sum, which is the main non-individuals have a moral social groups. Moral subject, before the communist society is in the various "groups" in different social personality (that is, social entities or organizations engaged in social activities, qualifications) in the form of active in the arena of human society. From the subjective side, the social morality is outside the spirit of group interests; from an objective point of view, social morality is the glue of social existence. In social interaction, social ethics to meet the interests of different groups need to maintain their own existence. Both social norms and moral principles of the Community to prevent the collision between the external damage caused, but also within the community to prevent the devastating strife and danger, social morality is that people protect their own interests to pursue the interests of a more secure way, means, its existence is to safeguard the interests of existing groups can be said that the mission is social and moral interests of groups that maximize group interests, is persistent, the ultimate goal of social and moral well-being of all mankind.Human society is the existence of material and social changes there is change in interest groups, who eventually brought its own changes. Social morality exists in the existence and development of human society among expressed in different groups and communities to pursue their own interests and activities of common interest in the orderly. If there is no morality, there is no human society. Any society that lost its moral, it will lose the basis of interdependence between people and link the community will cease to exist, people will not survive.Basic types of social morality, from the perspective of historical development, investigation, can be roughly divided into the period of natural economy of social morality, the commodity economy during the period of social morality and the product economy of social ethics, but also can be divided into the original social ethics, social ethics class and communist morality; according to the size and scope of the subject of different social roles, all of humanity can be divided into moral, national morality and collective morality; from the role of social morality contained in the different areas are divided on the different aspects of social and moral points the social morality, professional ethics and family virtues and so on.The production of material to produce a moral foundation and social determinants, which gave birth to the emergence of social morality, and promote social and moral development is the objective of social and moral formation of the premise. A certain social organization of production and certain forms of family organization constitute the basis of a certain social system. Production and reproduction of human beings is also a continuation of human society, reproduction and development of the basic conditions and the constraints of the former, but also the formation of human and social morality and the basic element of the premise.Objective material conditions exist only as a moral basis for the emergence and existence exists, does not in itself shows how well it would have social and moral development and change, but in such conditions, the existence and development of human needs are met the aspirations of time, the emergence of social morality can be transformed from potential to real needs, and also with a clear purpose and direction of development. The gregarious instinct of human ancestors as the origin of ethics provides a physical premise, but the original primitive struggle with the natural process of fear generated, and on this basis, the formation of the social community sense of belonging and a sense of awe but human morality to the psychological motivation.In the evolution of social morality, to the people showing their human social life in various external forms, which show the main areas of social and moral change process: clan, tribe, family, class, national, ethnic, society, mankind. The evolution of social morality have gone from a unified to differentiation, to the reunification process.In human social life, from the visual appearance of point of view, morality is presented in front of the people some of the phenomenon of moral, ethical and moral relations activities, through these representations, we can see that in every moral being, by the the shadows here, from the inside out, all contain interrelated and interacting social and moral awareness, moral emotion, social ethics and moral activities, and social elements, these elements will be referred to as the vertical elements of social morality. The horizontal elements of social ethics are the moral status contains the contents of the same ingredients, they are social and moral ideals, moral example, moral norms, moral and ethical bottom line maintenance (moral evaluation and moral education). Evaluation standards of social morality can only exist and develop social. Any help promote the development of social productive forces and the historical progress of human society is the social and moral progress.Relatively stable social morality intertwined with the volatility, integrity and level of unity and discipline and self-discipline with the other features. Function of social morality, is relatively independent of social morality as a system of social existence and development with the efficiency and capacity. Has a balance of interests of social and moral function, manifested as a variety of interests to find a balance between network points to the main body of the various interests to the interests of safeguarding and realizing their own needs. Social and moral order "should do" to balance the moral norms of interests among the people. Maintain the function of social morality, it refers to social morality in the community’s political and economic interests and the normal order of life with regard to the maintenance of such role. Social morality, or continued to promote human civilization from barbarism to an important spiritual power, has the function of promoting the continuous development of society. The role of social ethics from the original tribal narrow range of social liberation, has become all social classes to realize their own value groups, and promote the importance of further improvement of social forces and means. Social and moral realm of the human spirit has to improve, and promote self-improvement and overall development of the human role.At present, the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics under way, more than one billion Chinese people are committed to building China into a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern socialist country. China’s modernization needs moral, social and moral construction of a socialist harmonious society important content. Harmonious socialist society of social and moral development must strengthen the construction of the next several aspects:strengthening of social and moral theory, enhance the level of social and moral awareness; focus on social and moral construction, combined with the legal system; norms of social and moral behavior, leading cadres at all levels of the first offer as an example; develop professional ethics, and build a strong moral base line; improve community civilization, hold high social morality; scientific treatment of traditional morality and foreign culture, and enhance the development of social and moral power.
