

The Study on the Reports about Peasant Workers of People’s Daily

【作者】 徐艳

【导师】 申凡;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 新闻学, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪80年代以来中国农民的大规模跨区流动成为令人瞩目的社会现象。农民工在为经济建设和社会发展做出重要贡献而逐渐被城市所接纳的同时,也受到了城市社会的种种歧视和排斥,享受不到与当地居民同等的教育、就业以及社会保障等待遇,这不仅有违社会公正的原则,严重地影响了农民工群体的生存与发展,而且影响到我国经济和社会的协调发展。由此,农民工问题成为关乎我国国计民生、实现社会公平正义的重大问题。本文以《人民日报》19802010年的农民工报道作为研究对象,以社会公正理论和传播理论相结合的理论视角来考察媒介作为,全面分析媒介30年来农民工报道的传播模式及传播体系的变化。首先,结合国家对农民工重要政策出台时间以及媒体农民工报道实践,将农民工报道分为三个时期,即1980年——1994年的初始期、19942001年的发展期以及2002年——2010年的成熟期;然后,以“信息的传播流向”为标准来归纳总结不同时期媒介对农民工报道情况,由此构建出媒介的三种传播模式:单向线性模式、双向并行模式以及中心互动模式。最后以三种传播模式为核心,分别从媒介议程设置、媒介传播内容、媒介话语、媒介社会效果四个纬度来对各个时期的媒介传播体系进行综合考察。研究发现,在对农民工的报道过程中,媒介职能经历了从宣传工具到信息传播工具再到“社会公器”的转变。在此转变过程中,媒介体现了以下变化趋势:媒介传播模式从单向线性——双向并行型——中心互动型发展;媒介对农民工的认识从“他者”到“我们”的变化;媒介地位从完全附属到独立性逐渐增强;媒介话语从一元主导到多元并存。随着这一趋势的继续发展,媒介将在农民工报道中发挥更加独立和重要的作用,从而有效地报道农民工群体,为实现农民工的公正的对待发挥媒介应有的作用。在研究方法上,本文主要采用量化分析法,选取《人民日报》30年的农民工报道作为研究样本,对其进行了深入的内容分析,同时关注其他媒介的农民工报道情况,力求研究的视角更为全面、科学。此外,本文还选择了个案研究法、深度访谈法以及文献研究法等质化研究方法来确保结论更为准确。

【Abstract】 Peasant workers have made great contributions to our economic construction and social development and are gradually accepted by the city. However, compared with their contributions to our society, they are still discriminated against by the city and have not received the equal treatment such as education, employment and social security, which is not only against the principle of social justice, seriously influenced the peasant-workers’survival and development, but also affect Chinese economic and social harmonious development. So, the problem of peasant workers has become a major issues about our people’s livelihood, realizing the social fairness and justice.Based on the People’s Daily report on peasant workers from 1980 to 2010,the dissertation analyzed the change of communication model and communication system with the theoretical perspective of the combination of social justice theory and communication theory. Firstly, combined with the important policies for migrant workers and media reports, The history of report on peasant workers is divided into three periods:the preliminary period(1980-1994), the mature period(1994-2002),the peak period. Secondly, according to the dissemination of information flow, the dissertation constructs three modes:the one-way linear model, the two-way parallel model and the center interaction model. Finally, the dissertation take a comprehensive investigation of agenda-setting, communication contents, discourse and social effect of each period.The study found the functions of media have experienced the transformation from the propaganda tool to the public instrument. In the process of transformation, media show the following trends:media communication model from one-way linear model-two-way parallel model—center interaction mode; Media knowledge for migrant workers from "otherness" to "we";media status from completely affiliated to gradually independent; media discourse from unary leading to multivariate coexist. With the continued development of this trend, the media will play a more independent and important role on report about peasant workers, which can effectively achieve the fair treatment of migrant workers.This study uses the research technique mainly is the quantitative analysis method. Selecting the People’s Daily reports of migrant workers in 30 years as research samples, the study analyses the contents in depth. To ensure the conclusion more accurate, the study choose the case study, the depth interviews and literature research at the same time.
