

Study on the Rural Minimum Living Security System in the Ethic View of

【作者】 方菲

【导师】 李京文; 李华燊;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会保障, 2011, 博士


【摘要】 20世纪90年代,农村最低生活保障制度开始在一些地方试点,2007年在全国范围内普遍建立,制度的制定和实施为农村贫困人口的基本生活和农村社会的发展起到了十分重要的积极的作用,取得了很大的成效,但是,制度在制定与实施的过程中也存在许多值得反思和完善的现实问题。目前学术界对农村最低生活保障制度进行了大量有益的探讨,他们大多从经济、政治、社会角度对此项制度进行了分析研究,为制度的建构和完善提供了重要的依据。但是,农村最低生活保障制度不能单纯地从经济、政治、社会层面来看,还应从伦理的角度来看,它是一项区别于其他制度的具有浓厚伦理道德色彩的社会制度,有着自身的伦理规范:人道主义、社会公正、公民权利、社会融合,上述伦理规范赋予了此项制度强烈的伦理性,不仅为制度的合理性、合法性提供充分的理据,而且为人们对制度的认同、接受提供基本前提。通过湖北实地调查发现,农村最低生活保障制度作为国家的一项政策已经下沉到农村场域,制度的基本框架已经形成,取得了较好的成效:制度覆盖面扩大,保障待遇提高;农村居民对制度评价较高,社会效果良好;以低保为轴心的关联的综合性的农村救助体系的建立。制度实施的过程实际上就是制度伦理得以实现的过程。但是,农村最低生活保障制度在实践运行中,制度的伦理规范即其价值理性并不是完全得以遵守和实现,这不可避免地给此项制度带来价值上的失范,即伦理失范,主要表现为农村最低生活保障制度中的福利污名化、社会建构化、关系运作化、程序虚置化、生活世界殖民化、隔离排斥化。这些表现在农村最低生活保障制度作为国家政策下沉并嵌入农村日常生活世界的过程中普遍存在,它们均偏离甚至背离了此项制度的伦理规范,不符合农村最低生活保障制度本身的意义世界。通过农村最低生活保障制度应然层面的伦理规范与实然层面的伦理失范的分析的基础上,对农村最低生活保障制度进行反思发现:制度文本与制度实践之间既有契合也有裂隙;制度工具理性与价值理性之间既有互嵌也有对立。农村最低生活保障制度在运行过程中出现的伦理失范不可完全消除,但是可以进行一定程度的控制,矫治农村最低生活保障制度中伦理失范有助于制度的良性运行。矫治伦理失范的路径有:进行伦理价值定位,建构共享价值体系;型塑乡村社会信任,建构利益沟通协调体系;完善系列制度安排,建构有效规范体系。基于上述分析,本文得出如下研究结论:农村最低生活保障制度的首要属性是伦理价值性,但在制度实践运行中显现式微;农村最低生活保障制度须植根于农民的日常生活世界,实现理性建构与感性选择的统一;农村最低生活保障制度须嵌入农村社会空间场域,实现国家性与地方性融合.

【Abstract】 In 1990s, the rural minimum living security system was launched in some places, and it was expanded national wide in 2007. The formulation and implementation of the system plays an important role in ensuring the basic living for poor people and social development in rural area. However, there are still many problems in the process of implementation which require reflection and perfection. At present, the academic circles has carried on beneficial discussion on the Subsistence Security System, most of them analysis the system from a political, economical and social perspective which provides an important basis during the construction and perfection of the system.Nonetheless, we cannot simply view the rural minimum living security system from political, economical or social perspective; we also should view it from ethical perspective. It is a social system with strong ethical meaning that differs from other systems, it has its own ethic demands:humanitarian, social justice, civil rights and social integration, the ethics gives the system strong ethical meaning, not only provides the system with adequate rationality, legitimacy, but also provides basic premise for people to accept the system.Through field investigation in rural Hubei, the rural minimum living security system as the state’s a policy has been sinking to rural area; the basic framework system has been formed, and achieved good results:the coverage of the system has been extended, the treatment standard has been improved and the rural residents give a high evaluation of the system. The system, as the axis of associative and comprehensive rural assistance system has been established. Actually, the process of system implementation is the realization of the institutional ethics process.But, in the operation of the rural minimum living security system, its ethical value rationality is not entirely being obeyed; this inevitably brings the anomie of value on this system, which is ethical anomie such as:the stigmatization of the welfare, the social construction, the operation of relationship, the black case work, the colonization of life-world and the exclusionary isolation. All these are widely exist in the process of policy sinking and the normal rural life. And they all deviate from the ethics of the system, do not accord with the meaning world of the rural minimum living security systemBased on the analysis of the ethics of the rural minimum living security system that ought-to-be, and the ethics anomie that actually happens in practice, this study gives a reflection of the system, and found:between system text and system practice, there are both conjunction point and fissure; between system tool rationality and value rationality, there are both mutual embedded and opposition.The ethical anomie of the rural minimum living security system appeared in the process of operation cannot be fully eliminated, but can be controlled to a certain extent. It is helpful to remedy the ethical anomie of the system. The paths should be:to identify the ethical orientation, to build up sharing value system; to reshape rural social trust, to construct interest coordination mechanism and to perfect institutional arrangements, construct series effective practice system.Based on the above analysis, this paper reaches the conclusion:The primary attribute of the rural minimum living security system is ethical value, but it fades away during the practice operation of the system the rural minimum living security system must be rooted in the daily life of the farmers, and realize the unification of the rational construction and the perceptual choice; the system must be embedded in rural social space field, fuse the nationality with the locality.
